Who else is taking Oral Robert +11.5?

Fran knows he has a lot of bad publicity floating around the program right now, look for him to run up the score. I would take Iowa and give the points on this one.
I'll take the Hawks -11.5, no problem. But I'm sure I don't know as much as Bruno Mars does at this point, well not until 4:20 anyway
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I have no idea how good of a team Iowa is or isn’t. Won’t be betting on or against them for awhile

Edit: if I were to bet, the public is heavily on Iowa, so I’d consider taking Oral Roberts @ +12.5, which is what I’m getting on my book
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I have no idea how good of a team Iowa is or isn’t. Won’t be betting on or against them for awhile

Edit: if I were to bet, the public is heavily on Iowa, so I’d consider taking Oral Roberts @ +12.5, which is what I’m getting on my book
Would’ve been a tough scene for me had I bet
Meh I only was betting $20. I am glad Iowa won and I thought they would but I didn’t think they would beat them by that much. Glad they proved me wrong!
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Meh I only was betting $20. I am glad Iowa won and I thought they would but I didn’t think they would beat them by that much. Glad they proved me wrong!

I am up $433 so far

In my many years on this planet, I’ve talked to very few gamblers who were not up or at the very least even “so far” or “at this point.”


It’s amazing that any books can stay in business with everyone up or even, but somehow they do. Somehow they muddle through. Thank god for the vig or the shareholders of these casinos would all be in soup lines.
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In my many years on this planet, I’ve talked to very few gamblers who were not up or at the very least even “so far” or “at this point.”


It’s amazing that any books can stay in business with everyone up or even, but somehow they do. Somehow they muddle through. Thank god for the vig.

I was up $1009 a month ago because I went on a nice heater but since then.....