Who is awake and what are you drinking?


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Started with 2 white russians (not pRon stars, unfortunately) at a Ghey bar at about 4pm. The reason I specified Ghey bar is because, if you've not been and don't know how strong the pours (not poors) are, they were in tall glasses and the vodka and Khalua were poured to about 1 finger from the top. Then, a couple vodka and sugar free red bulls, then a couple vodka sodas... In case you couldn't tell from my replies to a couple other threads, I was over served. Thank God for Uber.
Sugar free Red Bulls and you should be up all night.

I'm drinking water and about to pee and pass out. NIght.
Just had a sip of Diet Dew and water. Melted ice from about 4 hours ago. Now one more cigarette in a short sleeved shirt on my deck in -18 degree weather. Life is good. :rolleyes:
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I talked to a friend this week who said about 20 years ago, he put out a half-smoked cigarette, tossed it in the trash and said, "I'll never smoke another cigarette again". And, he didn't... I imagine it is tough, but be strong.

I'm having surgery in January so I have to quit.
Thanks my friend. I'm quitting this week
Drown your cravings with water.I quit in 1991 after a 15 year 2 packs a day habit cold turkey. All I did was keep a glass of cold water where my smokes would be, when I felt like a smoke I'd suck down the water instead. Good luck!

As for what I'm drinking tonight, just water to wash down the norco and ibuprofen with. Got a new knee put in 10 days ago, I'm sleeping a lot which is normal because your body puts in so much energy into healing, unfortunately just not right at this moment.
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Coffee right now, prolly switch to beer shortly. Got a bottle of Tito's for a Christmas gift so may have to have some vodka later.
Hit the gym. Stopped at Hy-Vee on the way home. Shoveled snow. Now sipping a Diet Dew watching the Bears. I'll sip a few beers later.
Overnight pharmacist.
You poor bastard. I know people who have done that job. Are you fresh out of pharmacy school? They got a decent pay differential. One gal I know got some extra pay for working in Chicago. Not the burbs. Chicago. She had big loans.
Nothing but weirdos. The few times I've been in a pharmacy really late at night it's been a rich cross section of humanity waiting in line.
Ha, I've avoided her since she got passive aggressive about me turning down her holiday party. On to the next one already.
Office holiday party, WTF? How much time did you actually spend together? That is one step below taking someone to a wedding.
Ah... mine are still good but the few people I've known to have knee replacement have said they wish they didn't wait so long. Make sure you are the star pupil on rehab... that will make all the difference.

And @Herkmeister, go into the surgery in as good shape as possible (tough with bad knees, but do what you can). Specifically, look online for knee/leg exercises and do them best you can. It will make things so much easier for you right out of surgery.
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