Who would you like to stop posting on HR?


HB Heisman
Sep 19, 2009
I'm sure I'm one of the most ignored Hawkeye fans on this board, but who would you like to stop posting on this board? I know we want to keep numbers up, just curious.
I posted on the wrong board. Nm.
This board is too large, has too many casual delusionals and isn't intense enough for this to work. It was meant for the wrestling board.
There is a nifty little ignore function for problems like this. Exiling people because you don't share their opinions is just silly.

Only people who need to be banned are spammers, serial and not funny troll artists, internet bullies who threaten others and people who erased all of the top score Frogger rankings at the local pizza joint. YOU MUST PAY!
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I’m addicted to HR & I just can’t quit. This addition is killing me. I need counseling. :confused:
I think everyone should be able to post here, if I find someone irritating, I just set them on ignore.