Who would you rather be on the democrat presidential ticket?

Who would you rather be on the democrat presidential ticket?

  • Joe Biden / Kamala Harris

  • Kamala Harris / Gavin Newsome

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matthew broderick professor falken GIF
You might be right, but this may be the choice dem leaders are facing.
Yeah, I know… just hoping against all hope that we could get both Biden AND Harris off the ticket. This idea that she even needs to be on the ticket (let alone head it up) is ludicrous to me. I don’t mind her that much but it has to be obvious to just about everyone that she will be a tremendous drag on the Dem’s chances in November.
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Those are terrible options. I'd still take Joe over Kamala. Honestly though I think a vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala at some level, because I don't think he'll finish his 2nd term.
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I don't think these are viable candidates. How would it look to bypass a black woman for white people? Dei has been the foundation of the biden campaign.
Internal polling conducted by the Dems has been leaked and confirmed by Bloomberg. Both Pete and Gretchen beat Trump right now.
Internal polling conducted by the Dems has been leaked and confirmed by Bloomberg. Both Pete and Gretchen beat Trump right now.
I'll take your word for it, too bad biden picked kamala for identity politics. Dems would be complete hypocrites it they don't give her a chance.

We need merit based hiring in this country, not dei.
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If a change is made, in my mind Whitmer would dunk on Trump, over and over again. She would do a great job IMO and frankly this country could flourish with a woman in the WH. Will it happen? Doubtful.

I’m not a Newsome fan at all. I don’t know why he has any buzz in this race.
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Pete/Whitmer. Both best Trump. Both would be great choices.

Technically, if the Dems went with this combination (or any other that didn’t have Harris on the ticket) they would lose all that campaign money that Biden has raised as my understanding is that it’s non transferable. Basically they would be starting from scratch and asking people to donate all over again.
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If a change is made, in my mind Whitmer would dunk on Trump, over and over again. She would do a great job IMO and frankly this country could flourish with a woman in the WH. Will it happen? Doubtful.

I’m not a Newsome fan at all. I don’t know why he has any buzz in this race.
I really agree with this. I think he would be a terrible choice and would lose to trump. There's a whole lot of visually/optically off-putting stuff that's happened in CA that trump and his supporters can/will point to with a "see - do you want this to happen to the rest of America?!" that will turn off voters. Regardless of how limited/manufactured it might be, it looks really bad, and that's all that would matter.

For example, this photo has been widely circulated recently. The sign wasn't put up by the city, and has been taken down, but the underlying problem of retail theft is a very real problem. It makes for a really effective FB/Twitter post and it doesn't matter who put the sign up.


Or CA's problem with homeless and drug addicts, which is easy to highlight as a huge uncontrolled failure. It doesn't matter if it's a problem limited to small pockets that doesn't impact most people, it looks really bad.