Why are Americans pretending to care



About Pope? Jesus, the news coverage is non stop and brain washed little children are filling the streets. I mean I get the dude is a historical figure, finally not a d1ck like the other ones, but come on. He isn't Jesus. We all know most Americans are awful Catholics.
About Pope? Jesus, the news coverage is non stop and brain washed little children are filling the streets. I mean I get the dude is a historical figure, finally not a d1ck like the other ones, but come on. He isn't Jesus. We all know most Americans are awful Catholics.
JP Deuce wasn't a dick, not by a long, long shot.
He's on a Christianity membership drive.

Even the atheists are cheering. More power to him.
Cause he's a religious icon that makes a trip to country, at best, once a decade.
So if the top Islam dude (not sure of title) shows will be be welcomed like this? Republicans would run crazy. Isn't Islam the most practiced religion in the world? I really don't know, excuse me niaveness on the subject.
So if the top Islam dude (not sure of title) shows will be be welcomed like this? Republicans would run crazy. Isn't Islam the most practiced religion in the world? I really don't know, excuse me niaveness on the subject.

What % of our country is comprised of muslims compared to Christians?
So that people like you will have something else to bitch about.

He is far more than just a "historical figure" to the American Catholic community. With around 20% of the population of the United States being Catholic it makes it a pretty big event.
Don't get me wrong, for someone who isn't atheist but not religious, this pope is awesome. But the infatuation just is intriguing.
So if the top Islam dude (not sure of title) shows will be be welcomed like this? Republicans would run crazy. Isn't Islam the most practiced religion in the world? I really don't know, excuse me niaveness on the subject.
I think you may have answered your own question. Who is the top Islam dude?

Even the most uninformed person knows the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church.
So if the top Islam dude (not sure of title) shows will be be welcomed like this? Republicans would run crazy. Isn't Islam the most practiced religion in the world? I really don't know, excuse me niaveness on the subject.

What % of our country is comprised of muslims compared to Christians?
I thought dude was Catholic

Catholism is a pillar religion of Christianity.
And Catholics are 22% of Americans, the single largest of all them Christianities (when the others aren't combined into larger ones).

Plus he is the head of a nation, an icon, and a social-commenter of the highest variety.
So if the top Islam dude (not sure of title) shows will be be welcomed like this? Republicans would run crazy. Isn't Islam the most practiced religion in the world? I really don't know, excuse me niaveness on the subject.

People in the country are around 70& Christian and under 1% Muslim. So probably no. How do you think the Pope would be received in a predominantly Muslim country?
People in the country are around 70& Christian and under 1% Muslim. So probably no. How do you think the Pope would be received in a predominantly Muslim country?
ISIL would love to get their hands on the Pope and separate his head from the rest of his body.

Because of this, you will not see the Pope visiting Syria, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan or any other predominantly Muslim nation.
So are Mormons not a Catholic sect? Obviously Scientology isn't lol.
Although Mormons are Christians, in that they follow Christ and his teachings...just that he showed up in a different place at a different time, America!
I was wondering about the OPs question as well.
The current pope is the first non-European in 500 yrs and the first 'American' ever. I have wondered too why the world wide church of Catholicism is so comfortable with such little diversity in the papal seat. There has never been a pope from the US.
I read that the US Cardinals that might be even slightly considered, would never get picked as they are way too progressive. The old guard still wants an old school conservative Popey
About Pope? Jesus, the news coverage is non stop and brain washed little children are filling the streets. I mean I get the dude is a historical figure, finally not a d1ck like the other ones, but come on. He isn't Jesus. We all know most Americans are awful Catholics.

#1 America loves us some celebrities and the Pope is a rock star/ Princess Diana level celebrity.

#2 Pope is talking a lot about climate change and "sharing your wealth" so the liberal world including the media is saying "even the Pope agrees with us!" They probably won't share his views on abortion, and will dismiss him as a God freak when that topic comes up.
He may not approve abortions, but at least he is better than the last one who condemned condoms going to AIDS-riddled Africa.
Most Christians only go to Church a handful of times a year. Popes only visit the United Stated every few decades. So even less of a commitment.
So if the top Islam dude (not sure of title) shows will be be welcomed like this? Republicans would run crazy. Isn't Islam the most practiced religion in the world? I really don't know, excuse me niaveness on the subject.
I have very little knowledge of Islam, so here I go. The closest title to what you're looking for is probably "caliph" and we're trying to kill the only guy in the world who claims to be one.
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I was wondering about the OPs question as well.
The current pope is the first non-European in 500 yrs and the first 'American' ever. I have wondered too why the world wide church of Catholicism is so comfortable with such little diversity in the papal seat. There has never been a pope from the US.
I read that the US Cardinals that might be even slightly considered, would never get picked as they are way too progressive. The old guard still wants an old school conservative Popey

Really? It took our country 300 years to elect a non-white male president, yet somehow you are surprised that it took the papacy years to elect a non-european?
Although Mormons are Christians, in that they follow Christ and his teachings...just that he showed up in a different place at a different time, America!
no, they think an alien came down in egg pod. in upstate ny in the woods. Myself and the Mormons might agree on this.
None of them where really dicks. Benedict wasn't . . . he just wasn't a guy with a ton of Charisma. Kind of an introvert, seems to prefer spending his day playing piano or reading to going out and greeting the masses.

Maybe that's not the guy suited for the modern papacy, but that doesn't make him a dick.
Because of this, you will not see the Pope visiting Syria, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan or any other predominantly Muslim nation.

Um, take that out of the list. There are actually still Christians (welcome) in Turkey. I don't know for sure that the Pope visits Turkey, but it is certainly not worthy of being in a list with the others.
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Um, take that out of the list. There are actually still Christians (welcome) in Turkey. I don't know for sure that the Pope visits Turkey, but it is certainly not worthy of being in a list with the others.
Pope Francis has already visited Turkey, Sarajevo and Bosnia. His reception in Turkey was well received by Muslims and not just Christians. He also visited several African nations where there is civil war largely along religious lines.

Pope Benedict also visited Turkey.
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Pope Francis has already visited Turkey, Sarajevo and Bosnia. His reception in Turkey was well received by Muslims and just Christians. He also visited several African nations where there is civil war largely along religious lines.

Pope Benedict also visited Turkey.

Yes, I remember Benedict meeting with the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch to encourage greater unity between the Eastern and Western Churches, and Francis is continuing the reconciliation process:

Christianity is a religion frayed over the centuries into many denominations. On Sunday, Pope Francis and the head of a major one vowed to heal one of the church's oldest splits.

The Great Schism of 1054 separated the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Both profess similar doctrine and worship in similar ways, but a millennium ago, Eastern Orthodoxy rejected the ultimate authority of the Pope.

Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew I -- the spiritual leader of some 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide -- signed a declaration on Sunday committing to unity between the two churches.

Together, they celebrated a divine liturgy at the Patriarchal Church of St. George in Istanbul on Francis' last day in the predominantly Muslim nation -- his first trip there.

Somber intonations and hymns reverberated through the church as the two spiritual leaders prayed and offered reflections and Francis tried to allay worries.

Unity, not submission

Neither church will submit to nor assimilate the other, the Pope said in his homily, but they will work "towards the restoration of full Communion."

"I want to assure each one of you here that, to reach the desired goal of full unity, the Catholic Church does not intend to impose any conditions except that of the shared profession of faith," Francis said.

He was at St. George's at the Patriarch's invitation, which he extended shortly after Francis' inauguration.

Sunday's celebrations marked the feast of St. Andrew, the founder of the Eastern Church. He was also the older brother of St. Peter, the founding father of the Catholic Church .

'Blood of martyrdom'

In his part of the call for unity, the Orthodox leader alluded to attacks by radical Islamists on Christians.

"We no longer have the luxury of isolated action," Bartholomew said. "The modern persecutors of Christians do not ask which church their victims belong to. The unity that concerns us is regrettably already occurring in certain regions of the world through the blood of martyrdom."

Over the past decade, first al Qaeda and then ISIS have forced Christians to flee Iraq and Syria.

Far fewer Christians remain in areas under ISIS control. Some rely on their faith in God; others pay terrorists a protection tax. Growing numbers, especially from Syria, have ended up in Turkey.The nation is reeling from the influx of around 1.5 million Syrian refugees, the vast majority Muslim.

Religion is also splitting Turkey. Opponents fear its conservative government will weaken the secular identity of the post-Ottoman Empire.

Instability rages at its border, with ISIS and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, announcing their intention to take over large swaths of territory for their self-proclaimed Islamic State.

Fourth pope in Turkey

Francis is the fourth pope to travel to Turkey, following in the footsteps of Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

The Pope was also expected to meet with young people from the Salesian community from Turkey, the Middle East and Africa before heading to the airport later Sunday. Salesians, the second largest Catholic order, help orphans and at-risk children, according to their website.

On Friday, the first day of his visit, Francis called for religious tolerance and dialogue to counter extremism in the Middle East, as he met with Turkey's leaders.

"Fanaticism and fundamentalism, as well as irrational fears, which foster misunderstanding and discrimination, need to be countered by the solidarity of all believers," he said.

The world is morally obligated to help Turkey care for the great number of refugees it has taken in, Francis said.
And Catholics are 22% of Americans, the single largest of all them Christianities (when the others aren't combined into larger ones).

Plus he is the head of a nation, an icon, and a social-commenter of the highest variety.
He's a lie, and only meaningful because people are sheep.

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