Why are democrats..........


HR All-American
Aug 6, 2018
so much better criminals than republicans??
the reason I ask is according to Oit Obama wasn't born in america and faked the killing of OBL yet was able to serve out his term and was never deported. and also, According to Oit, the Clinton's have left enough dead bodies in their wake to fill Arlington national cemetary and yet they haven't even sniffed prison. But on the other hand we have the pure as the driven snow republicans that are victims of a witch hunt that has resulted in 30 plus indictments, 5 guilty pleas and at least 3 going to prison.
Are Democrats just that much smarter than Republican?? Or is it that even though they(GOP) hold the levers of power the Democrats really hold the power behind the scenes?? Enquiring minds wanna know???
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so much better criminals than republicans??
the reason I ask is according to Oit Obama wasn't born in america and faked the killing of OBL yet was able to serve out his term and was never deported. and also, According to Oit, the Clinton's have left enough dead bodies in their wake to fill Arlington national cemetary and yet they haven't even sniffed prison. But on the other hand we have the pure as the driven snow republicans that are victims of a witch hunt that has resulted in 30 plus indictments, 5 guilty pleas and at least 3 going to prison.
Are Democrats just that much smarter than Republican?? Or is it that even though they(GOP) hold the levers of power the Democrats really hold the power behind the scenes?? Enquiring minds wanna now???
Idk. But you're talking about the same people who think Donald Trump makes sense and that Steve King isn't racist.

Hopefully they all rot in hell someday. They're not only a disgrace to our great nation they're a disgrace to humanity. It's time to step up the fight against them. F***k them all.

Make America Sane Again.
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