Why are there so many PSU fans posting negatively on this forum?



Lately there seems to be a very high number of PSU fans (definitely more than any other college wrestling program) who are posting on this board, and not in a sportsmanship way.

There are a few PSU fans who I'm happy to have around to discuss the sport of wrestling (the user PennState1985 or something like that?)

It never made any sense to me to sh*t talk on any opposing team's message board.

I would say the exact same thing for any Iowa fan who goes over to the PSU forum, and trash talks. It's unnecessary, especially in the sport of wrestling...

This isn't the NFL with massive fanbases, and professional players making millions of dollars. This is college wrestling. It's quite frankly f*cking weird for adult men to be bickering back and forth on a forum discussing petty shit about each other's fan base, or creating "drama". I don't read the PSU forum, so I hope that Hawkeye fans do not do that shit, although I imagine there are several who do.

If you're going to post on an opposing teams board, at least be respectful. I think friendly trash talk is a good thing, but we're approaching a state where it's unhealthy and a negative environment for both fanbases. I'm sure it plays an effect for recruiting as well. (I'm not referencing Teasdale, just speaking in general).

For PSU fans who post here - you just won nationals with 5 individual champs. You are currently experiencing a dynasty. Why focus so much energy and attention on belittling another team? Enjoy what you guys have going.

For Hawkeye fans - don't go to the PSU boards and shit talk or bad mouth their wrestlers or coaches or fanbase. If you are going to complain about PSU, at least do it on your own board.

I know message boards and the internet in general often bring out the worst in people due to anonymity and the remote disconnection between people in the conversation. Let's just try to keep the quality of wrestling forums and wrestling discussion a little bit higher than the rest of the internet. Just a friendly reminder to be respectful and don't feed the trolls. =)
Because there's a section of their fanbase that likes to rub it in our faces, but also pretend to be above that kind of thing. Some of them seem like good guys overall, though.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for Iowa wrestling and its tradition.
I have also seen the other Penn State fans posting on here saying the same thing.

These are exciting times for us. For Iowa to be talking about our wresting team, we think it is cool to be honest.
i find them entertaining.they have been eating it for so long it makes them feel good to bash big brother.
The poor bastards from PSU are bummed out because they bought up all the competition and now they have no one to play against.
I don't post here often, but I keep it positive when I do. I would not troll your board, as I am a guest here and have the utmost respect for the Hawkeye program. I was pleased to see Clark finally get his title. He earned it. I think the Brands brothers are good for the sport as well. They're always entertaining, that's for sure.

I'm excited that PSU won, but I also realize that nobody stays on top forever. For now, I shall enjoy their success with the full understanding that it can disappear quickly.

Also, I'm sure we can all agree that Ohio State sucks.
For PSU fans who post here - you just won nationals with 5 individual champs. You are currently experiencing a dynasty. Why focus so much energy and attention on belittling another team? Enjoy what you guys have going.
If I had a dollar for every time I have thought of that exact thing over the last few days, I'd be rich. The boasting was done on the mat. No need to remind anyone of what just happened. It really is shocking to me that grown men feel the need of validation of their personal lives through the actions of college kids. NEWSFLASH: THE TWO AREN'T RELATED.
I enjoyed last weekend as much as any other PSU fan, but that celebration should stay on the PSU boards. To a few of my fellow Penn Staters, I would say that having five of our guys win titles doesn't validate your life. It doesn't make you a better fan. It doesn't make you a better father or son. It doesn't make you superior to fans of another school. It simply means the team you root for won a title. No more, no less.

I'm not just talking about PSU fans. Every fan base has guys that believes they themselves just won a title and want everyone to know about it. It's okay to have fun when your team wins, but my goodness, check yourselves a little or stay away.
As a PSU fan, I also hate to see so called fans on here shooting off their mouths and being idiots, It makes us all look bad. I also wish some of the IA fans would not classify/judge all PSU fans based on the few classless morons.

I have nothing but respect for the tradition that is IA wrestling and cheered as hard as anyone for Clark to win that championship.

I look forward to future battles between the two schools with anticipation and excitement.
If I had a dollar for every time I have thought of that exact thing over the last few days, I'd be rich. The boasting was done on the mat. No need to remind anyone of what just happened. It really is shocking to me that grown men feel the need of validation of their personal lives through the actions of college kids. NEWSFLASH: THE TWO AREN'T RELATED.
I enjoyed last weekend as much as any other PSU fan, but that celebration should stay on the PSU boards. To a few of my fellow Penn Staters, I would say that having five of our guys win titles doesn't validate your life. It doesn't make you a better fan. It doesn't make you a better father or son. It doesn't make you superior to fans of another school. It simply means the team you root for won a title. No more, no less.

I'm not just talking about PSU fans. Every fan base has guys that believes they themselves just won a title and want everyone to know about it. It's okay to have fun when your team wins, but my goodness, check yourselves a little or stay away.

You said grown men. The real problem is guys that do that from any fan base are only grown men by age. They are still adolescence when it comes to their actual maturity and from my business experience, those guys are usually angry under-achievers that try and bash others to make themselves feel good. I've had a few team members over the years that were this type. I showed them the door pretty quickly and back to mom's basement they went (probably to post angrily on message boards and rant after news articles). All I think when I see them is they must be one sad human being.
I'm a Penn State fan and alum and I try to be respectful in these situations.
Pennsylvania is a hot bed of wrestling and imo until Sanderson arrived they under performed in recruiting and performance .
Now with PSU doing so well it's easy to keep local recruits and and draw in others . And as a Pa. resident and an alum I'd love if my kid was a good wrestler and had a chance to wrestle at PSU.
I'd be more than happy to pay part of his schooling and I'd be thrilled that I could see him wrestle so close to home .
I read BWI almost every day to get their take on things and rarely, if ever do I see any Iowa fans over there doing anything but participating in a classy and respectful fashion. While there are some PSU fans that come over and return that same respect, there are more and more that come on here to slam Iowa and berate our fans. It's funny, because a few of them are the same ones that talk about how bad Gilman disrespects our sport and how Carl and Co would never allow such actions, and how proud they are that PSU is so far above that sort of thing.

I would also like to point out that about 30% of the threads on BWI are about Iowa and about half of them get around to talking about Iowa. They are obsessed with us for some odd reason, which I would not expect from the guys out leading the pack. They refer to HR as a dumpster fire on a regular basis, but over the past 4 years, the quality of the posting over there and the knowledge fans vs. the knuckleheads has swung way out of whack. If there is a dumpster fire out there somewhere, it happening on BWI. Some people just can't handle success.
Unfortunately Neo you are correct in that some posters don’t appreciate the irony of espousing the way PSU wrestlers conduct themselves while at the same time acting the opposite.

I find the Iowa board deep in wrestling knowledge in addition to be entertaining. The offending stuff I leave alone and ignore , don’t see any benefit in getting into a pissing match on an opposing board. Seems like an unwinnable situation

I grew up wrestling in the late 70’s and 80’s and did idolize Gable which also is probably why I always followed Iowa though a big PSU fan. I remember our days when we had Jimmy Martin , Kerry McCoy , Abe, and John Hughes back then we were happy with AA and individual champions and I myself never envisioning this type of success. I also follow Iowa much more now since more PA kids are starting to wrestle and I will root for them except when wrestling PSU.

That being said I do think there are a fair amount of PSU posters that (cali , Dice, PSUranger among others) that contribute and unfortunately overshadowed by ones that fill the need to be a bit obnoxious by the current success we are having.
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Lately there seems to be a very high number of PSU fans (definitely more than any other college wrestling program) who are posting on this board, and not in a sportsmanship way.

There are a few PSU fans who I'm happy to have around to discuss the sport of wrestling (the user PennState1985 or something like that?)

It never made any sense to me to sh*t talk on any opposing team's message board.

I would say the exact same thing for any Iowa fan who goes over to the PSU forum, and trash talks. It's unnecessary, especially in the sport of wrestling...

This isn't the NFL with massive fanbases, and professional players making millions of dollars. This is college wrestling. It's quite frankly f*cking weird for adult men to be bickering back and forth on a forum discussing petty shit about each other's fan base, or creating "drama". I don't read the PSU forum, so I hope that Hawkeye fans do not do that shit, although I imagine there are several who do.

If you're going to post on an opposing teams board, at least be respectful. I think friendly trash talk is a good thing, but we're approaching a state where it's unhealthy and a negative environment for both fanbases. I'm sure it plays an effect for recruiting as well. (I'm not referencing Teasdale, just speaking in general).

For PSU fans who post here - you just won nationals with 5 individual champs. You are currently experiencing a dynasty. Why focus so much energy and attention on belittling another team? Enjoy what you guys have going.

For Hawkeye fans - don't go to the PSU boards and shit talk or bad mouth their wrestlers or coaches or fanbase. If you are going to complain about PSU, at least do it on your own board.

I know message boards and the internet in general often bring out the worst in people due to anonymity and the remote disconnection between people in the conversation. Let's just try to keep the quality of wrestling forums and wrestling discussion a little bit higher than the rest of the internet. Just a friendly reminder to be respectful and don't feed the trolls. =)

If Iowa posters don't repeatedly call Sanderson a "scumbag" and worse, and accuse PSU of cheating over and over, my guess is the Penn State presence drops by 90%.
If Iowa posters don't repeatedly call Sanderson a "scumbag" and worse, and accuse PSU of cheating over and over, my guess is the Penn State presence drops by 90%.
It's our board, and while I don't agree with anyone saying these things and have not actually read anyone saying these things, it's an Iowa board so get over it. Someone on BWI just referred to Terry as midget, is that appropriate? Should our fans flock over there and admonish them? It's their board, if they want to bash small wrestlers, they do so at their own peril. How many wrestlers does PSU need that weight 149 or less? Stupid comment by stupid posters, kind of like your post 2nd post over here, which is exactly the point of this thread.
I read BWI almost every day to get their take on things and rarely, if ever do I see any Iowa fans over there doing anything but participating in a classy and respectful fashion. While there are some PSU fans that come over and return that same respect, there are more and more that come on here to slam Iowa and berate our fans. It's funny, because a few of them are the same ones that talk about how bad Gilman disrespects our sport and how Carl and Co would never allow such actions, and how proud they are that PSU is so far above that sort of thing.

I would also like to point out that about 30% of the threads on BWI are about Iowa and about half of them get around to talking about Iowa. They are obsessed with us for some odd reason, which I would not expect from the guys out leading the pack. They refer to HR as a dumpster fire on a regular basis, but over the past 4 years, the quality of the posting over there and the knowledge fans vs. the knuckleheads has swung way out of whack. If there is a dumpster fire out there somewhere, it happening on BWI. Some people just can't handle success.
Yet you continue to go there?
I believe its a recipe of years of jealousy watching Iowa dominate combined with the Sandusky scandal that rallied that fan base into a thin-skinned everyone is against us mentality that forces them to lash out regardless of how awesome their all star lineup of wrestlers, its still not enough.

IMO they want redemption and validation for more than just the wrestling program even though they may not even understand they do. Which also speak to many new PSU fans turned now wrestling fans. But I do get it, regardless of your take on it, its gotta be impossible to fathom growing up with Joepa next to jesus and have all that happen. I don't think our fan base would have been immune to it either regardless what we tell ourselves.

Basically guys like Amalone, Spyker are just crying out for attention and a hug.
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Can someone remind me who the good Penn State posters are? After all of the garbage that's been posted I've forgotten and I've lumped them all together as awful. I know PennState1985 is one of them and I see a few others above but could use some help on others that come over here regularly. I don't want to judge all of them based on the other riffraff.
Lately there seems to be a very high number of PSU fans (definitely more than any other college wrestling program) who are posting on this board, and not in a sportsmanship way.

There are a few PSU fans who I'm happy to have around to discuss the sport of wrestling (the user PennState1985 or something like that?)

It never made any sense to me to sh*t talk on any opposing team's message board.

I would say the exact same thing for any Iowa fan who goes over to the PSU forum, and trash talks. It's unnecessary, especially in the sport of wrestling...

This isn't the NFL with massive fanbases, and professional players making millions of dollars. This is college wrestling. It's quite frankly f*cking weird for adult men to be bickering back and forth on a forum discussing petty shit about each other's fan base, or creating "drama". I don't read the PSU forum, so I hope that Hawkeye fans do not do that shit, although I imagine there are several who do.

If you're going to post on an opposing teams board, at least be respectful. I think friendly trash talk is a good thing, but we're approaching a state where it's unhealthy and a negative environment for both fanbases. I'm sure it plays an effect for recruiting as well. (I'm not referencing Teasdale, just speaking in general).

For PSU fans who post here - you just won nationals with 5 individual champs. You are currently experiencing a dynasty. Why focus so much energy and attention on belittling another team? Enjoy what you guys have going.

For Hawkeye fans - don't go to the PSU boards and shit talk or bad mouth their wrestlers or coaches or fanbase. If you are going to complain about PSU, at least do it on your own board.

I know message boards and the internet in general often bring out the worst in people due to anonymity and the remote disconnection between people in the conversation. Let's just try to keep the quality of wrestling forums and wrestling discussion a little bit higher than the rest of the internet. Just a friendly reminder to be respectful and don't feed the trolls. =)
I've always admired Iowa wrestling, going back to the Dan Gable days. I think true Penn State fans look at Iowa as the historical yardstick by which to measure success. Good luck going forward Hawkeye fans. :)
Yet you continue to go there?
I go any where I can to get information and insight in to college wrestling from different perspectives. There are still some good posters over there, but it's going down hill quickly. There may be a time in the near future where I will have to stop going there, like I did with the guillotine, but I hope not. A lot of knowledge over there about PA HS wrestling, thoughts about different results and different rules, just gotta pick and choose what you read, but I did decide to stop posting because there a just too many clowns.

Not that many years ago there was almost zero information about wrestling out there, often times as a kid I had to wait until the next day to get results from a dual meet in the news paper, unless I knew someone that went, then I could call them. Today is the golden age of wrestling information, I don't rule out any source unless it becomes pure trash, which is a level BWI has not quite reached yet. Yet.
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Because some of them are assholes. Check the douche that was rampaging around here when Lee lost.
Well, that's absolutely true. But be happy you only get to 'enjoy' those rantings a few times in a few threads.
I'm not asking for pity but image having that guy, x 10, blowing up in every thread you read on your home Boards.
I can't apologize for him but I'm not like him and most of us aren't.
If Iowa posters don't repeatedly call Sanderson a "scumbag" and worse, and accuse PSU of cheating over and over, my guess is the Penn State presence drops by 90%.
Right -- never mind that this almost never happens on this board. But it suits your agenda, so feel free to keep on justifying obnoxious behavior on this board by PSU fans.
Can someone remind me who the good Penn State posters are? After all of the garbage that's been posted I've forgotten and I've lumped them all together as awful. I know PennState1985 is one of them and I see a few others above but could use some help on others that come over here regularly. I don't want to judge all of them based on the other riffraff.
Like you I cant keep track of all the nit/lion/psu names and I myself have lumped some of them together so I can only say PennState1985, Goldbanger, and Chickenman seem to be good posters. I am sure there are others but like I said earlier, hard to separate through all the sh!t.

Of course we have our own board members who stir sh!t as well so the Iowa fan base is not exactly perfect either. I read their boards and some of it is very interesting, hell I have even posted over there before but not much and even when I did I did not gloat or show Iowa bias and put them down. Its the Spyker, Amalones, Lemon Pies and a few others over there that make it hard to even read a post with all the garbage they spew. Ignore them and you might be all right, hell even some of their own put them on ignore.
Lately there seems to be a very high number of PSU fans (definitely more than any other college wrestling program) who are posting on this board, and not in a sportsmanship way.
. =)

It is not like PSU fans are starting the threads. They are replying to threads Iowa fans started on PSU.

It is probably not very professional but if gloating is the worst thing a fan does AFTER a championship I an not going to lose much sleep over it.

You are really out of touch if you think PSU fans are the worst. Try dealing with Ohio state fans. OSU fans will pound their chests and then tell you that you SUCK! Pitt, Rutgers and Maryland might be even worse. THey will suck and then tell you you suck even after you beat them.
They seem to be almost every thread. A couple honest guys. But so many mean spirited souls.

I am sure there is a technical name for people who get pleasure from others misfortune, but I can't put my finger on it right now. My therapist stopped taking my phone calls long time ago so I have no one to ask. :confused:

It really is a sad situation.
It is not like PSU fans are starting the threads. They are replying to threads Iowa fans started on PSU.

It is probably not very professional but if gloating is the worst thing a fan does AFTER a championship I an not going to lose much sleep over it.

You are really out of touch if you think PSU fans are the worst. Try dealing with Ohio state fans. OSU fans will pound their chests and then tell you that you SUCK! Pitt, Rutgers and Maryland might be even worse. THey will suck and then tell you you suck even after you beat them.

Probably a good way to put it. I have interest in wrestling and I'll admit it has increased with penn state's success.
I'll also say I've always loved Dan Gable
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It's our board, and while I don't agree with anyone saying these things and have not actually read anyone saying these things

You haven't seen this? Do you read the board?

Are you all surprised? I've been saying Bael is a scumbag. Just look at his track record.

I'm not surprised. He's always been a scumbag

Keep up. We're not saying he's a scumbag because of this. He has that rep because of many other actions.

I've never once come here to gloat or rub in any success that Penn State has had, but this kind of stuff is ridiculous and it is going to get called out when it gets continually repeated, so maybe you should get over it.

I don't think that kind of stuff is ok on any forum. You don't have to like Penn State or Cael Sanderson. But calling someone a scumbag because he coaches another team and they happen to be winning right now or they just got a recruit is way over the line. I feel the same way about what people have said about Thomas Gilman this season: you don't have to like him or his antics, but to call him a punk or degrade him as a person based on that stuff is not acceptable.

These are all just human beings. I want to come here to read and discuss because Iowa wrestling has a bunch of fans that know their shit. I don't want to pick fights or rub stuff in, but I think attacks on the personal character of coaches and wrestlers is something worth pushing back against.
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I read BWI almost every day to get their take on things and rarely, if ever do I see any Iowa fans over there doing anything but participating in a classy and respectful fashion. While there are some PSU fans that come over and return that same respect, there are more and more that come on here to slam Iowa and berate our fans. It's funny, because a few of them are the same ones that talk about how bad Gilman disrespects our sport and how Carl and Co would never allow such actions, and how proud they are that PSU is so far above that sort of thing.

I would also like to point out that about 30% of the threads on BWI are about Iowa and about half of them get around to talking about Iowa. They are obsessed with us for some odd reason, which I would not expect from the guys out leading the pack. They refer to HR as a dumpster fire on a regular basis, but over the past 4 years, the quality of the posting over there and the knowledge fans vs. the knuckleheads has swung way out of whack. If there is a dumpster fire out there somewhere, it happening on BWI. Some people just can't handle success.
This post deserves about a million likes
I don't think that kind of stuff is ok on any forum. You don't have to like Penn State or Cael Sanderson. But calling someone a scumbag because he coaches another team and they happen to be winning right now or they just got a recruit is way over the line.

Boy, the only reason anyone could dislike Bael is because he's won some national championships! I can't think of any other possible reasons! (Penn State Fan)
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