Most people, of all religions, want a standard of morality that everyone can abide by, like not killing each other. They want something to believe in that can address their fears, like heaven after death or the ability to cure your child's cancer through prayer. They want community built around shared principles, like going to an entirely unfamiliar city yet still being able to attend a familiar church.
The vast majority want this, and I think it is exemplified in America where we largely neuter religions so that we all get along.
Islam is scary because the followers seem so much more devout than us, willing to do things we no longer believe we would. The "radicals" of any religion scare us, we usually just hope they don't grow large enough, or strong enough that we can no longer ridicule or just ignore them.
We are fine ridiculing the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mormons while outside of Utah, the Westboro Baprists, etc. because we "know" they aren't going to attack us. Subsets of Islam have shown what they are capable of, and it frightens us, frightens us on to condemning all of them.
But it ignores the 4 Million (?) in the US who have not acted, who aren't going to. I think this is largely because we "see" them, and due to their devout beliefs (praying, hijab, etc.) we believe they all are potential radicals ... Even though we don't think the same about other religions, because we don't "see" them, they are just regular folks.
One doesn't need to "support" Islam in order to realize that it isn't the threat our rhetoric claims it to be, in order to believe that within our beloved nation we need to protect all religions ... while still hoping their, and everyone else's, devout beliefs are neutered in hopes of us all getting alone.
Hell, every poster on here (except maybe 3) would hate, be frightened of a world where devout "Christians" from 150 years ago ran this country.
I don't support Islam any more than I support most other religions, I support their ability to practice it without our interference. Would I prefer they were American Christians who commit nearly every one of the deadly sins, ignore their own biblical teachings, mostly in the name of laziness? Sure, we'd all get along a lot better.