Why Liberals have failed and Cons haven't...

That's a small part of what I'm saying, think broader. Quit trying to one up me and think.

I'm not trying to one up you. I'm pointing out the fact that you're about as big of a hypocrite as anyone else on this website. You claim to not be affiliated with any Party, yet consistently rip on Dems while ignoring anything the GOP does wrong.

You're like a moderately intelligent version of OiT. Claim to be one thing, but when push comes to shove, shill for the GOP.

The idea that dems have been "in control" for the last 6 years is just beyond silly.
It does work that way. Obama willingly signed off on the Freedom Act, extended the Patriot act multiple times, added indefinite detention into the NDAA, TPP, etc.

Tell me why Congress is solely at fault here.

never said they were. i just pointed out that you we wrong in saying that lib/dem are now in control.
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-Wars still going and no end is in sight
-a slow but steady expansion of military involvement in the Middle East
-Climate Change, still changing
-Healthcare not available or cheap for all
-Rich still getting richer
-Liberties and privacy no longer being fought for by them
-Racial issues at its worst levels in years
-multiple muslim/terrorist attacks the past few years
-Fed unable to raise rates for fear of causing panic on in the stock market
-Feminism goes from being seen as a positive change for women, to being now seen as an annoying and overeaching movement, even by other women
-loss of support from the black communities

These are all facts, and the Liberals are now in charge. If I'm wrong, point me to why that is. Thank you.

Cons, you're on the hook next.

Interesting post.

I'm not trying to one up you. I'm pointing out the fact that you're about as big of a hypocrite as anyone else on this website. You claim to not be affiliated with any Party, yet consistently rip on Dems while ignoring anything the GOP does wrong.

You're like a moderately intelligent version of OiT. Claim to be one thing, but when push comes to shove, shill for the GOP.

The idea that dems have been "in control" for the last 6 years is just beyond silly.
I don't ignore at all what the GOP has done, and I have been even more harsh against them when going after them. Their sins are much more obvious though, and I constantly see the Bless-ed and innocent Dems making their points, whilst ignoring what they have done.

The narrative is full of lies, misconceptions and bad interpretations. Barack Obama has brought fourth what I spoke of above, either on his own, or with help. The fact is that the Dems have failed on their policies. Or at least the policies they claim to support.

The fact that you honestly think I'm a shill for the GOP, shows exactly what is wrong with the common american politico. You just can't get your head wrapped around the fact that there are people truly outside the circles.

Yet you claim to lean Libertarian. Why can someone like Nat or Strumm understand what I'm saying, but you cannot?
Of course Democratic politicians aren't all that liberal. We've been trying to point that out for years. It's conservatives who keep trying to paint the Democratic party as "extreme liberals."
Very well, so you know this and that is good. Why then do you support them?
I don't ignore at all what the GOP has done, and I have been even more harsh against them when going after them. Their sins are much more obvious though, and I constantly see the Bless-ed and innocent Dems making their points, whilst ignoring what they have done.

The narrative is full of lies, misconceptions and bad interpretations. Barack Obama has brought fourth what I spoke of above, either on his own, or with help. The fact is that the Dems have failed on their policies. Or at least the policies they claim to support.

The fact that you honestly think I'm a shill for the GOP, shows exactly what is wrong with the common american politico. You just can't get your head wrapped around the fact that there are people truly outside the circles.

Yet you claim to lean Libertarian. Why can someone like Nat or Strumm understand what I'm saying, but you cannot?

Because they're willing to ignore the obvious.

I am not saying you don't proclaim to be outside the Parties, or that you don't claim to be libertarian (although I think you disavowed that idea in a thread last night, right?).

I'm saying that what you claim and how you post do not align. Hence why I compared you to OiT. He's been on here for years espousing his crazy shit, but when all the cards are on the table, he's a stock GOPer, which is exactly how I see you.

Prove me wrong. Rail on the GOP. Start threads for days on end about the nonsense they pull. Otherwise, I'll just keep checking in on the board every few days to see the 8-12 threads you have created with some sort of message about how the liberals are bad, and will continue to see you exactly as I do now.
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Because they're willing to ignore the obvious.

I am not saying you don't proclaim to be outside the Parties, or that you don't claim to be libertarian (although I think you disavowed that idea in a thread last night, right?).

I'm saying that what you claim and how you post do not align. Hence why I compared you to OiT. He's been on here for years espousing his crazy shit, but when all the cards are on the table, he's a stock GOPer, which is exactly how I see you.

Prove me wrong. Rail on the GOP. Start threads for days on end about the nonsense they pull. Otherwise, I'll just keep checking in on the board every few days to see the 8-12 threads you have created with some sort of message about how the liberals are bad, and will continue to see you exactly as I do now.
You fail to see that this thread is a bash of the GOP. I really didn't want to have to say this, as I was hoping you would see that. I've even said it, come to think of it ,but youre stuck on your idea of me being a closet GOP, that you have missed what's been going on here.

Underneath my criticism of the DNC, there is the exposing of the NeoCons intentions. As a libertarian you should know that I am not aligned with those intentions.
Oh lord how many times have people answered this? I believe the answer is too complex for you to grasp.
No, it's that your own answers undermine your own intentions.

Your answer is "we just can't find anything better", so you deal with the lesser of two evils.

What would Jesus say about that?
The narrative is full of lies, misconceptions and bad interpretations. Barack Obama has brought fourth what I spoke of above, either on his own, or with help. The fact is that the Dems have failed on their policies. Or at least the policies they claim to support.

So cutting taxes without cutting spending is a GOP goal? Creating ever larger deficits? How about ending abortion? How about whatever their stance is on immigration? Taking us to endless wars? Where are the GOP "wins"?
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