All the social programs that this county uses are wasteful. it gives money to people who have shown that they are unable to manage money well for free. It tells people that if you fail at making a living and taking care of yourself and your family that it does not matter because the government will take care of you.
The free market system is based on incentive, and in this case incentive to make money and live is removed. The wish to work hard and make the world a better place is nullified to those who are offered free money. it is incredibly easy to get into the welfare system but not many get out. It is a trap that halts progress.
I'm not saying that there should be programs that help people in times of emergency but the government should help people get out of poverty and not keep them there and the present system does just that. The best way is to lower taxes for those that make less. not raise taxes on the rich to give to the poor who will remain poor. Then that money that would of been used badly can be used to expand the economy and create more jobs and pay better wages allowing people to get out of poverty.
Helping in poverty is not helping people out of poverty. if someone falls into deep pit is the best solution to keep throwing water and food down there until the person dies of old age or is the most efficient solution to throw down a rope and let 'em get out. The obvious answer is to throw down a rope. Today's present day social programs help people in poverty like keeping the person on the bottom of the well getting out never was easy,
this requires work done on the side of the victim who needs to climb up and out.
It is easier living at the bottom of the pit. food and water come easy without much effort. but when you leave you will need to get a job and work and live and it may be hard.
All the social programs that this county uses are wasteful. it gives money to people who have shown that they are unable to manage money well for free. It tells people that if you fail at making a living and taking care of yourself and your family that it does not matter because the government will take care of you.
The free market system is based on incentive, and in this case incentive to make money and live is removed. The wish to work hard and make the world a better place is nullified to those who are offered free money. it is incredibly easy to get into the welfare system but not many get out. It is a trap that halts progress.
I'm not saying that there should be programs that help people in times of emergency but the government should help people get out of poverty and not keep them there and the present system does just that. The best way is to lower taxes for those that make less. not raise taxes on the rich to give to the poor who will remain poor. Then that money that would of been used badly can be used to expand the economy and create more jobs and pay better wages allowing people to get out of poverty.
Helping in poverty is not helping people out of poverty. if someone falls into deep pit is the best solution to keep throwing water and food down there until the person dies of old age or is the most efficient solution to throw down a rope and let 'em get out. The obvious answer is to throw down a rope. Today's present day social programs help people in poverty like keeping the person on the bottom of the well getting out never was easy,
this requires work done on the side of the victim who needs to climb up and out.
It is easier living at the bottom of the pit. food and water come easy without much effort. but when you leave you will need to get a job and work and live and it may be hard.