Will any Lefties supporting Sanders not vote for Rodham?


Nov 17, 2015
Most of them will probably vote for Monica Lewinsky's boyfriends wife.

But, what if she is indicted by the FBI? They'll still vote for her.

What if she's roasted by the Benghazi parents, proving what an idiot she was, lying to
Americans? Yeah, they still vote for her, but what if she only can get Al Sharpton, Anthony Weiner, or
Charlie Manson to be her running mate?

She might lose a couple, at that point.
What choices are you giving us?
The Three <Muskateers running on the GOP side of things......they pale as compared to Hillary. That's a fact. Between Trump, Rubio and Cruz, "none of the above" is the proper response.
I'd love to feel the Bern come November, but it ain't gonna happen. I think I could live with Kasitch but that ain't happening either.
I think you will see a lot of the millennials stay home and the black vote will be down as well from 08/12. She just isn't a candidate that inspires anyone to get up and take action (unless you are an angry old white woman).
I think you will see a lot of the millennials stay home and the black vote will be down as well from 08/12. She just isn't a candidate that inspires anyone to get up and take action (unless you are an angry old white woman).
However, the Trump/Cruz/Rubio triage will inspire many Latinos and blacks to vote....for Hillary. ASs Linsday Graham said the other day, "My Party is batshit crazy," Of course Lindsay is a liberal, right?
However, the Trump/Cruz/Rubio triage will inspire many Latinos and blacks to vote....for Hillary. ASs Linsday Graham said the other day, "My Party is batshit crazy," Of course Lindsay is a liberal, right?

I've already taken that into account in my analysis. Also, Trump will be bringing in the Walmart Americans and hill people that typically don't vote.

Not sure the Ds or Rs could pick two candidates that are as unlikeable as these two.
However, the Trump/Cruz/Rubio triage will inspire many Latinos and blacks to vote....for Hillary. ASs Linsday Graham said the other day, "My Party is batshit crazy," Of course Lindsay is a liberal, right?

So, black people are going to vote for the person that called them "super predators" and said, "they need to be brought under our thumb?"

Of course, the person who signed into law the legislation that has completely crushed the AA community was Hillary's husband, which probably doesn't help her out much.
Hillary is Hillary. I'm not a fan, but I'm certainly more comfortable having her as president than Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. I think most decent human beings should agree, especially when it comes to Trump and Cruz. At least Rubio isn't as personally detestable as those two.

All that said, I'll vote third party or write in Bernie if Hillary is the nominee. Washington will be blue no matter what, and I hope Bernie supporters vote third party in large numbers in non-swing states to send the party a message. Part of me thinks it would almost be better for the progressive movement if Hillary lost the general and Warren was the candidate in 2020, but I love my country too much to think that possibility is worth the damage that a Trump, Cruz, or Rubio presidency would do. Elections aren't games. We're talking about people's lives here.
Its run by the University of Iowa. No candidate bankrolls it. Its been around for years. Its been more accurate than polls. Sheesh.
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Anyone who voted for Hillary is a damn fool. Period.
And the Democrats are not winning the White House this time around. I'm not a fan, but Trump has people responding and they will rally to him throughout this process. I don't see anyone, HRC included, that can stop him. Besides, she belongs in f'ing jail. She belongs there Notre for her total dereliction and mismanagement of Benghazai that cost American lives than the email stuff, but she CLEARLY broke the law again and again and again with her email nonsense and belongs in jail.
As far as Trump, he's a total wildcard and no one, including the blind sheep that follow him, have any clue what he will do or be as President. I think he's by far the best candidate to handle the economy, get things kickstarted, bring not only American companies and with it jobs and money back home, but I think he can bring foreign companies as well by finally fixing our completely messed up corporate tax codes, really all tax codes but particularly the corporate tax codes, and I think he's capable of actually finally pulling us out of this recession and getting our economy growing. And I think he actually has some viable plans for entitlements and the national debt and finally finding some semblance of a balanced budget.
But his foreign policy especially with Israel, scares the hell out of me. His healthcare plan I think is gonna look an awful lot like Obamacare which scares me. And I have no idea what his actual temperament and demeanor will be if he's elected. He can't treat the world like a reality tv show.
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Most of them will probably vote for Monica Lewinsky's boyfriends wife.

But, what if she is indicted by the FBI? They'll still vote for her.

What if she's roasted by the Benghazi parents, proving what an idiot she was, lying to
Americans? Yeah, they still vote for her, but what if she only can get Al Sharpton, Anthony Weiner, or
Charlie Manson to be her running mate?

She might lose a couple, at that point.

My son, and all of his friends are pro Bernie and cannot stand Hillary. He has said if/when Hillary gets the nod, he will not vote. I can't say I blame him.
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Most of them will probably vote for Monica Lewinsky's boyfriends wife.

But, what if she is indicted by the FBI? They'll still vote for her.

What if she's roasted by the Benghazi parents, proving what an idiot she was, lying to
Americans? Yeah, they still vote for her, but what if she only can get Al Sharpton, Anthony Weiner, or
Charlie Manson to be her running mate?

She might lose a couple, at that point.

I'll vote third party. I can't get my mind around where the GOP has strayed and Hilldawg is the worst.
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the only vote that matters is at the Bilderberg meeting in may, but that being said, the dems know how to sit back and take it when they are screwed, they did it in 2008: they wanted hills and got screwed over with barry. they sat back and said nothing, because they still got a leftist commie, he was just not the one they wanted. same thing here, they "settle" for leftism every time. why settle for hills? communism!! commie action, it's what they crave.
Most of them will probably vote for Monica Lewinsky's boyfriends wife.

But, what if she is indicted by the FBI? They'll still vote for her.

What if she's roasted by the Benghazi parents, proving what an idiot she was, lying to
Americans? Yeah, they still vote for her, but what if she only can get Al Sharpton, Anthony Weiner, or
Charlie Manson to be her running mate?

She might lose a couple, at that point.
Obviously if she is charged with a Federal crime, she is toast. But still on the Benghazi? How many times does the GOP need to get owned on this?
Anyone who voted for Hillary is a damn fool. Period.
And the Democrats are not winning the White House this time around. I'm not a fan, but Trump has people responding and they will rally to him throughout this process. I don't see anyone, HRC included, that can stop him. Besides, she belongs in f'ing jail. She belongs there Notre for her total dereliction and mismanagement of Benghazai that cost American lives than the email stuff, but she CLEARLY broke the law again and again and again with her email nonsense and belongs in jail.
As far as Trump, he's a total wildcard and no one, including the blind sheep that follow him, have any clue what he will do or be as President. I think he's by far the best candidate to handle the economy, get things kickstarted, bring not only American companies and with it jobs and money back home, but I think he can bring foreign companies as well by finally fixing our completely messed up corporate tax codes, really all tax codes but particularly the corporate tax codes, and I think he's capable of actually finally pulling us out of this recession and getting our economy growing. And I think he actually has some viable plans for entitlements and the national debt and finally finding some semblance of a balanced budget.
But his foreign policy especially with Israel, scares the hell out of me. His healthcare plan I think is gonna look an awful lot like Obamacare which scares me. And I have no idea what his actual temperament and demeanor will be if he's elected. He can't treat the world like a reality tv show.
Republicans won't win this year. In fact, losing this election is the least of their worries. GOP is in civil war. They're on the verge of losing their entire party.

A steady widening since the start of 2015. I will be interested to see it after the Super Tuesday results tonight. Its about 65-35 right now in the winner take all (WTA) market
I saw what devotion to a third party candidate did in 2000. I refuse to go that path even though I am much more in line with Stein than Clinton. People voting their conscience gave us bush and the Iraq war. Anyone saying they would have voted for Gore had Nader not been running is nearly as responsible for Iraq as the bush admin. A vote for Nader over Gore was a de facto vote for bush, period.

If the GOP can find a path to give us a Kasich candidacy it might sway my vote but if the choice is between Trump and Clinton, that's not even a hard decision.

A steady widening since the start of 2015. I will be interested to see it after the Super Tuesday results tonight. Its about 65-35 right now in the winner take all (WTA) market
All of the predictions markets have the Dems up. Way up. Plus the other day, I read Nate Silver saying that Trump would either lose in a landslide or just narrowly win. Add on the splintering of the party, and the GOP is in trouble. Not very many scenarios that could lead to them surviving this.
I saw what devotion to a third party candidate did in 2000. I refuse to go that path even though I am much more in line with Stein than Clinton. People voting their conscience gave us bush and the Iraq war. Anyone saying they would have voted for Gore had Nader not been running is nearly as responsible for Iraq as the bush admin. A vote for Nader over Gore was a de facto vote for bush, period.

If the GOP can find a path to give us a Kasich candidacy it might sway my vote but if the choice is between Trump and Clinton, that's not even a hard decision.
I made this mistake in 2000. Never again. Just a few percentage points can get the wrong person in. And it's interesting you brought up Kasich. He's the only GOPer I might vote for over Hillary, too.
To me there is a difference between now and 2000. Hillary is actually more war like than some of the Republicans and the money she takes from the big banks are the two deal breakers for me. Is she really better than Rubio or Kasich? No.
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Anyone interested in a third party revolution is starting bass-ackwards if they focus on the presidency. These folks claiming they will vote for this person or that person as a "protest" are simply full of shyte if they aren't organizing for that third party at the grassroots level. Take local elections. Take state elections. Elect like-minded people to Congress. Voting for some Libertarian or Green Party candidate every four years and then puffing your chest out like you made some kind of "statement" is BS.
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To me there is a difference between now and 2000. Hillary is actually more war like than some of the Republicans and the money she takes from the big banks are the two deal breakers for me. Is she really better than Rubio or Kasich? No.
Rubio cracks under pressure, which you absolutely cannot have in a President. But Kasich might be better. Either way, neither will be an option come November.

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