Will the January 6 Commission Be Any More Successful than the Mueller Investigation?

Nov 28, 2010
Correct me if I'm wrong but the Mueller Report was basically a nothing burger. No meaningful legislative action. Only a few evil-doers brought to justice, and some of those pardoned or just slapped on the wrist. No impeachment. Trump unscathed.

Sure, the Rs and right wing media spent the whole time before the release of the Report spreading lies and attacking the investigators, and - with the notable help of Barr - misrepresented and downplayed the findings. All the while the investigators were largely silent. So the public had largely made up its mind or had gotten bored by the time the Report came out.

Will the January 6 investigation be any different? If you think so, why?
Yes…for the purpose of exposing Trumps mindset that day. When the texts show that he was supportive of the damage being done he will be hurt politically.

Zero chance he will be put in jail but he will be politically damaged. I hope he is.

Ron DeSantis 2024
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Depends on what your expectations are. If success will be defined by the number of jail sentences, then yeah, expect to be disappointed. If you are looking at this as a fact-finding mission to find out as much as possible about what happened, then I think it will be very successful based on what we’ve seen so far.

The Mueller report was actually quite informative about a lot of suspect things Trump and co were up to, but because Mueller refused to specify potential crimes because he saw it as pointless due to existing DoJ guidelines that POTUS can’t be charged with a crime and because Barr put his own, highly misleading spin on it before anyone else saw it; the report was robbed of much of the impact it could have had. Trumps refusal to cooperate in good faith also hurt.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the Mueller Report was basically a nothing burger. No meaningful legislative action. Only a few evil-doers brought to justice, and some of those pardoned or just slapped on the wrist. No impeachment. Trump unscathed.

Sure, the Rs and right wing media spent the whole time before the release of the Report spreading lies and attacking the investigators, and - with the notable help of Barr - misrepresented and downplayed the findings. All the while the investigators were largely silent. So the public had largely made up its mind or had gotten bored by the time the Report came out.

Will the January 6 investigation be any different? If you think so, why?
Considering the "commission" cannot charge or prosecute, the obvious answer is no. The DOJ would already be pursuing something if there was anything to pursue (which I believe they said so 10 months ago), and if the commission recommends anything, the DOJ still has to try and investigate. So no.
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My take on the Mueller Report was that Mueller knew all along what the report was going to say. He seemed to be losing his grip cognitively, and this represented a last chance to pad his estate ... so he took the assignment. He blew it up about as much as he could by introducing ambiguity where facts were available, and then went home to retire for a final time. Having it drag out for as long as possible was all the Democrats ever hoped for and the same can be said for the January 6 Commission.
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My take on the Mueller Report was that Mueller knew all along what the report was going to say. He seemed to be losing his grip cognitively, and this represented a last chance to pad his estate ... so he took the assignment. He blew it up about as much as he could by introducing ambiguity where facts were available, and then went home to retire for a final time. Having it drag out for as long as possible was all the Democrats ever hoped for and the same can be said for the January 6 Commission.
Counterpoint: democrats, and not a few Republicans want full discovery around 1/6, when the sitting president sought to overturn the results of an election.
Bill Barr is no longer the attorney general, so the January 6th committee has that going for them. The Mueller report put it out there for people to see. Bob Mueller never finished the job by not coming out the same day Bill Barr went out there and lied to the American people about the report, and called him out on it.
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Counterpoint: democrats, and not a few Republicans want full discovery around 1/6, when the sitting president sought to overturn the results of an election.
What the hell do you think the Mueller investigation was about. They were supposedly collecting information and compiling a report designed to fuel an Impeachment ... AND in turn,

... Overturn the results of an election. (This is what impeachment is designed for.)

In addition, they spent an entire four years running obfuscation programs designed to bog down the Trump Administration and in the end emasculate the President of the United States. Not quite as bad as overturning an election but 80-90% of the same result. They arguably at least, partially neutered his administration.

And what was that second impeachment all about? You impeach him and then you drag it out in the media and then you ... just kind of drop it? WTF? I do not think Speaker Pelosi has even yet, delivered the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

AND ... they are still doing this stuff. The Democrats are defending the current president by running PR offensives against the last president. They are attacking President Trump with more energy than they are defending President Biden.


I have been hearing for 25-30 years that Donald Trump was a germaphobe. Everyone knew that he hated even shaking hands with people. He did not even like drinking from wine glasses in bars or other public places. For this reason alone, it was obvious that he was not a guy who was into girls (even pretty ones) standing above him naked and relaxing their urinary tract muscles.

When I first heard of the Steele Dossier, I knew instantly that it was a fraud ... and yet, the Left still ran with the story, and kept running with the story. Peter Stzrok and his team would have discovered this detail about fifteen minutes into their investigation, and yet they never pivoted to an investigation of the lies in the dossier.

That entire effort was criminal beyond belief and yet, here they are again repeating their efforts to convince the country that he is an oaf. Maybe the third time will indeed be a charm
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Yes, it should be more successful. The Select Committee will be able to back up most of their findings with actual White House documentation obtained from the National Archives. The committee's legal staff is putting together a comprehensive summary of Trump and his allies' plans (schemes) to hijack the election (phony slates of electors, seizure of voting machines, pressure on Pence, etc.) prior to January 6th as well as a minute-by-minute timeline of what Trump was doing on January 6th while his thugs were storming the Capitol. Bottom line, it will be very factual backed up by reams of documentation and data. MAGA world of course won't believe it (irrefutable facts don't mean squat to them) but the majority of Americans will.
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What the hell do you think the Mueller investigation was about. They were supposedly collecting information and compiling a report designed to fuel an Impeachment ... AND

... Overturn the results of an election.

In addition, they spent an entire four years running obfuscation programs designed to bog down the Trump Administration and in the end emasculate the President of the United States. Not quite as bad as overturning an election but 80-90% of the same result. They certainly partially neutered his administration.

And what was that second impeachment all about? You impeach him and then you drag it out in the media and thee you ... just kind of drop it? WTF?
What the hell do you think the Mueller investigation was about. They were supposedly collecting information and compiling a report designed to fuel an Impeachment ... AND

... Overturn the results of an election.

In addition, they spent an entire four years running obfuscation programs designed to bog down the Trump Administration and in the end emasculate the President of the United States. Not quite as bad as overturning an election but 80-90% of the same result. They certainly partially neutered his administration.

And what was that second impeachment all about? You impeach him and then you drag it out in the media and thee you ... just kind of drop it? WTF?

Exactly how was the Mueller Report supposed to overturn the results of an election?

And there were MANY republicans who spoke favorably about Mueller when he was appointed…by the Trump DOJ. It was commissioned to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, possible communications between the Trump campaign and Russian officials and possible obstruction of justice, such as when Trump fired Comey.

As opposed to 1/6, which was the culmination of months of litigation, rallying and false claims about the election being stolen from Trump (mysteriously, all other elections were totally legit), which resulted in a rally on the day of, following which a mob of thousands stormed the Capitol, 750+ of whom have been charged to this point, intent on preventing Congress from certifying the election.
Bill Barr is no longer the attorney general, so the January 5th committee has that going for them. The Mueller report put it out there for people to see. Bob Mueller never finished the job by not coming out the same day Bill Barr went out there and lied to the American people about the report, and called him out on it.
Mueller did not rely on Barr, his investigation/prosecution was extraneous to the DOJ
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Bill Barr is no longer the attorney general, so the January 5th committee has that going for them. The Mueller report put it out there for people to see. Bob Mueller never finished the job by not coming out the same day Bill Barr went out there and lied to the American people about the report, and called him out on it.

What happened on January 5th? ;)
Just a reminder, again, that the GOP turned down a fully bipartisan commission, agreed on by the congressmen McCarthy assigned to the negotiations.
OPs question was iis the Jan 6th investigation gonna be more fruitful than Mueller's? I asked who is leading the Jan 6th? Like who specifically? I appreciate where you went, but that's not really what I'm asking.
OPs question was iis the Jan 6th investigation gonna be more fruitful than Mueller's? I asked who is leading the Jan 6th? Like who specifically? I appreciate where you went, but that's not really what I'm asking.

I responded how I did because 1) you know and I know that it’s a combo of several democrats plus a couple republicans on the committee and 2) I have no patience with complaints about this being a partisan witch hunt led by democrats because as I pointed out, GOPers had their shot to participate in a fully bipartisan commission, but decided to play games instead.

While I don’t know whether there will be any charges or not resulting from their final report - they’re playing their cards close to their chest thus far, I do expect it to at the least give a very black eye to Republicans who have tried to dismiss the committee and question its legitimacy.

Judging by how DC Republicans have largely toned down their attacks, I think at least some of them realize they’re losing that PR battle, and is one reason Mitch and a few others have forcefully pushed back on the RNC censure of Cheney and Kinzinger as well as dismissing 1/6 as “legitimate political discourse”.
I responded how I did because 1) you know and I know that it’s a combo of several democrats plus a couple republicans on the committee and 2) I have no patience with complaints about this being a partisan witch hunt led by democrats because as I pointed out, GOPers had their shot to participate in a fully bipartisan commission, but decided to play games instead.

While I don’t know whether there will be any charges or not resulting from their final report - they’re playing their cards close to their chest thus far, I do expect it to at the least give a very black eye to Republicans who have tried to dismiss the committee and question its legitimacy.

Judging by how DC Republicans have largely toned down their attacks, I think at least some of them realize they’re losing that PR battle, and is one reason Mitch and a few others have forcefully pushed back on the RNC censure of Cheney and Kinzinger as well as dismissing 1/6 as “legitimate political discourse”.
I'm not complaining it's a bipartisan witch hunt. Frankly I don't really care. I think one of 2 things will happen. A very low level guy or 2 will be the scape goat and go to prison for a really long time. The Ds will claim victory and use this for a very, very long time as political capital. Or...follow me here...if it's House Ds that are doing the investigation I think it really matters who is doing it. We all know it's going to be a politcal schiff show. If it's Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler the chances of anything happening are slim to none. The first impeachment was an absolute disaster and those 2 looked like complete idiots. If the Ds want to make hay they better choose somebody other than those 2 to lead the investigation. My question is who is going to lead the investigation for the Ds? I really believe this will be pivotal in how fruitful this investigation pans out. Now you're probably right from being weary of my curiosity but I assure you it is only that. I believe these are fascinating times in which we are living.
I responded how I did because 1) you know and I know that it’s a combo of several democrats plus a couple republicans on the committee and 2) I have no patience with complaints about this being a partisan witch hunt led by democrats because as I pointed out, GOPers had their shot to participate in a fully bipartisan commission, but decided to play games instead.

While I don’t know whether there will be any charges or not resulting from their final report - they’re playing their cards close to their chest thus far, I do expect it to at the least give a very black eye to Republicans who have tried to dismiss the committee and question its legitimacy.

Judging by how DC Republicans have largely toned down their attacks, I think at least some of them realize they’re losing that PR battle, and is one reason Mitch and a few others have forcefully pushed back on the RNC censure of Cheney and Kinzinger as well as dismissing 1/6 as “legitimate political discourse”.

I agree with most everything you said, but the Dems got to pick their committee reps, and dictated who the GOP could not select.

That said, McCarthy could have been an adult and select plenty of other republicans. Instead, he played the child and here we are.
I agree with most everything you said, but the Dems got to pick their committee reps, and dictated who the GOP could not select.

That said, McCarthy could have been an adult and select plenty of other republicans. Instead, he played the child and here we are.

Absolutely. I think McCarthy goofed up big time too. He thought he’d be clever and make Pelosi look bad by selecting guys he knew she’d reject, so he could cry foul. But now he has no friendly ears in the room and there haven’t been many leaks thus far.

If nothing else, it’s all but impossible to prep a rebuttal to the report until it’s already out. Unlike the Mueller Report, where Barr was able to shape the initial reactions to it and softened the blow to it.

I'm not complaining it's a bipartisan witch hunt. Frankly I don't really care. I think one of 2 things will happen. A very low level guy or 2 will be the scape goat and go to prison for a really long time. The Ds will claim victory and use this for a very, very long time as political capital. Or...follow me here...if it's House Ds that are doing the investigation I think it really matters who is doing it. We all know it's going to be a politcal schiff show. If it's Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler the chances of anything happening are slim to none. The first impeachment was an absolute disaster and those 2 looked like complete idiots. If the Ds want to make hay they better choose somebody other than those 2 to lead the investigation. My question is who is going to lead the investigation for the Ds? I really believe this will be pivotal in how fruitful this investigation pans out. Now you're probably right from being weary of my curiosity but I assure you it is only that. I believe these are fascinating times in which we are living.

I forget who the chair is here, but Liz Cheney is the vice chair I believe. Political differences aside, she doesn’t strike me as someone who would go along with what you’re suggesting.
I agree with most everything you said, but the Dems got to pick their committee reps, and dictated who the GOP could not select.

That said, McCarthy could have been an adult and select plenty of other republicans. Instead, he played the child and here we are.
Jim Jordan on the committee. How would that even work? Considering his actions and communications have come under scope of the investigation.
Adam Shiff should be in jail for his various crimes to include Obstruction of Justice and so on.

Matt Gaetz should be in jail for being stupid, but mostly he should be working at a car dealership somewhere. He would always win Salesman of the Month, but the Sales Manager would be constantly cleaning up his deals when people brought their cars back. Everyone else would hate working with him.
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