Will these still be popular in congress

They will probably still be big 2A supporters and probably lean into it with even though there was an assassination attempt on Trump we still stand fully by the right to bear arms.

Book it.
I spent part of the weekend with four older family members who are all trump voters. They had no idea it was the most popular gun in America and kept asking why people could buy one. Uh....because of who you vote for....
Guns don't usually shoot at someone on their own. That's always going to be something most of the anti-gun people here won't comprehend.

So if the problem is the people and not the guns, then wouldn't it make sense to let the gun companies make as many guns as they want, but just keep the people away from the guns. Maybe the guns could be taken to a farm somewhere so they can live out the rest of their lives alone and away from the bad people.
Guns don't usually shoot at someone on their own. That's always going to be something most of the anti-gun people here won't comprehend.
I comprehend that just fine. Why we can't put some basic regulations around gun ownership like we do with driving/owning a car is something most of the pro-gun people here won't comprehend.
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That damn Ronald Reagan, amirite Mr Johnson?
Ronald Reagan was a proponent of certain gun control measures during his political career. Here are some key points highlighting his stance on gun control:

Governor of California

  • Mulford Act (1967): As Governor of California, Reagan signed the Mulford Act into law. This legislation was a response to the Black Panther Party's armed patrols and banned the open carry of loaded firearms in public. Reagan supported this measure, stating that there was “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons” .

Post-Presidency Advocacy

  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993): After his presidency, Reagan expressed support for the Brady Bill, which mandated federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the United States and imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases. Reagan wrote an op-ed in support of the Brady Bill in 1991, urging Congress to pass the legislation .

Public Statements

  • Background Checks: Reagan publicly endorsed background checks, believing they were a reasonable measure to prevent criminals and mentally unstable individuals from acquiring firearms.
Ronald Reagan was a proponent of certain gun control measures during his political career. Here are some key points highlighting his stance on gun control:

Governor of California

  • Mulford Act (1967): As Governor of California, Reagan signed the Mulford Act into law. This legislation was a response to the Black Panther Party's armed patrols and banned the open carry of loaded firearms in public. Reagan supported this measure, stating that there was “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons” .

Post-Presidency Advocacy

  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993): After his presidency, Reagan expressed support for the Brady Bill, which mandated federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the United States and imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases. Reagan wrote an op-ed in support of the Brady Bill in 1991, urging Congress to pass the legislation .

Public Statements

  • Background Checks: Reagan publicly endorsed background checks, believing they were a reasonable measure to prevent criminals and mentally unstable individuals from acquiring firearms.
Google Brandon Johnson blames Ronald Reagan and let me know how serious dems are about gun control.
I comprehend that just fine. Why we can't put some basic regulations around gun ownership like we do with driving/owning a car is something most of the pro-gun people here won't comprehend.
The people described the shots as a "pop" and there is a report the firearms was a "12,000" dollar gun. If this is true, that firearm was suppressed. Anyone who has ever been down range of an AR knows it's a hell of a lot louder than a "pop". There are a shit ton of regs on a suppressor, somebody knows more about that firearm than we are being told.


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They will probably still be big 2A supporters and probably lean into it with even though there was an assassination attempt on Trump we still stand fully by the right to bear arms.

Book it.
Congress will push through open carry legislation for the President and when Trump takes the oath in January, he'll be wearing holsters like Clint Eastwood.
Guns don't usually shoot at someone on their own. That's always going to be something most of the anti-gun people here won't comprehend.

The gun helps and it is easier and more versatile to kill someone with a gun than it is with any commonly available weapon or object.