Trump telegraphs plans to neuter Congress, this time by seizing spending

How so? Facts are facts.

Or are facts “stupid” in Huey world? Probably just when they’re inconvenient.
Because you completely ignore the fact that the Republican tax cuts made all the deficits worse and then completely ignore the fact that Sinema, all by herself, made reconciliation impossible.
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"Trump does, quite literally, plan" - amazing that someone knows quite literally what he WILL do
Why? This has been explained to you a hundred times. Democrats actually TRY to get pay fors, which get blocked by Republicans, every single time. If Trump wins, he will add to the debt, again, by continuing to spend and giving more cuts to his buddies. Learn.
I find your explanation lacking 😁

Biden is blowing up the debt…as Trump did and will.

We’re basically ****ed on that front.
I find your explanation lacking 😁

Biden is blowing up the debt…as Trump did and will.

We’re basically ****ed on that front.
That's precisely what happens when the corporate tax rate continually gets slashed and billionaires get continued tax breaks. Things constantly cost more - things the government has to spend money on year after year - and Republicans won't allow the wealthiest to fund these things. Instead, people get convinced, by them, that we need to cut social security, which benefits the middle class that the wealthy don't need.

Pretty sure you're one of those guys who wants to see SS cut. Again, it ONLY hurts the middle and lower classes...never the wealthy. They NEVER feel the pain or insecurity that the middle class has to deal with.

Lacking. LOL. Pay attention to what Republicans do with their votes and what they tell you they want to do.
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I support upping the maximum on payroll taxes

I also think benefits need to be adjusted with the increase in life expectancy
It's really not going up much, if at all. I mean, if it had jumped from 74 to 82...maybe you would have a point. Again, SS isn't needed by the wealthy, at all. The rest of us could use it.

It's really not going up much, if at all. I mean, if it had jumped from 74 to 82...maybe you would have a point. Again, SS isn't needed by the wealthy, at all. The rest of us could use it.

I don’t think SS has kept pace with the increase in life expectancy since its inception.

That said there’s some nuance here. A “laborer” shouldn’t be held to the same age as an office worker but I’m not sure how you could track that difference.

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