Win Totals Are Out!

Except for the shortened covid year, you have to go back to 2014 for a season in which KF did not exceed 7 wins.

You keep telling yourself he only wins 7.5 games a season though.
KF's career at Iowa has lasted 26 years and he has won 204 games. That equals 7.85 games won a year. You are correct, he has brought up his average over the last couple of years.
I would be interested to hear Beth’s first state of the union. Fan apathy is at - or very near - all time highs. Apathy is the death knell of programs.

How does she plan to address it? It has to start with moving out the heads of two stale programs. That at least buys an interest for a couple of years. If there is success, then we’re back on track. This BS about stability and loyalty to a guy who hasn’t won a single title in 26 years is insane. And for God’s sake, five year max contracts. What Barta did to these programs really hamstrung the university.

Next, they need to get their arms around a collective. I get it that boosters don’t want to waste money to be spent by Ferentz/Fran, but there needs to be a better strategy. Build it for the next guys, which will help attract the next guys.
I agree with apathy sitting in on men’s basketball. It’s actually been that way for a couple of years. Definitely time for a change and I think it’s coming.

For football, I still think interest is quite high. Two consecutive years of selling out every game. I do think there was an element of resentment, not necessarily apathy because of Brian but getting the Lester hire right was crucial.
I agree with apathy sitting in on men’s basketball. It’s actually been that way for a couple of years. Definitely time for a change and I think it’s coming.

For football, I still think interest is quite high. Two consecutive years of selling out every game. I do think there was an element of resentment, not necessarily apathy because of Brian but getting the Lester hire right was crucial.
Fran will depart and head for Indianapolis where all his boys are.