Wind Turbines Bad for the Environment?

Um a business is recycling them 99.9%.

Did you read the article?

It says a business has found a way to recycle 99.9% of each recycled blade, not that 99.9% of all blades get recycled. It says that they can handle 6,000 to 7,000 blades a year per plant, so there is hope. The article emphasizes the problem with tens of thousands of blades coming down and most going to landfills.
This is the second time you’ve made the same error. This thread is about blades in landfills. Why should anyone care about that?

How many birds were killed by the blades before they were put into the landfills? Answer me that.
Not so sure about that. Every bit of nuclear waste is contained, and could be 95% recycled with some moderate leadership.

The nuclear waste is currently stored on site in concrete bunkers across the country. With no plan to address the issue.
It’s a health and security risk.
Old wind turbine blades are not.
How many birds were killed by the blades before they were put into the landfills? Answer me that.
I don’t care. And I don’t care that they eventually go bad and need to be disposed of either. They can bury them in my backyard if they like. Pile them up and they look like they would make a nice wall. You like walls.
If you stacked them right you could create some awesome water parks, white water rafting parks, ski slopes. hell you could even put them under ground for extra hilly and undulating golf courses. Personally though I think with the idea of turning them into deck boards maybe siding for houses or other fiberglass and plastic products will end up the way to go.The motto for my company is "Recycle today for our childrens tomorrow!" I believe there's an answer that is eco friendly and good for all of us.
I also think there is an enormous hole that is dug for the windmill and there's a substantial piece of the structure forever underground.
I read the entire article (I think) and did not see: Why does a blade reach end of life?
Spinning windmill blades kill millions of birds.

No they don't. More propaganda from the fossil fuel industry. It's about 125,000 to 320,000 a year. Seems big until you compare it to the number of birds killed by cars every year which is over 320 million.

So if you truly give a shit about the birds then you should start by getting people to quit driving cars. Otherwise, you are just a tool spreading more propaganda. Ultimately, the number of bird deaths caused by climate change will far exceed the number of bird deaths caused by wind turbines over the entire span of their use.