Wind Turbines Bad for the Environment?

No they don't. More propaganda from the fossil fuel industry. It's about 125,000 to 320,000 a year. Seems big until you compare it to the number of birds killed by cars every year which is over 320 million.

So if you truly give a shit about the birds then you should start by getting people to quit driving cars. Otherwise, you are just a tool spreading more propaganda. Ultimately, the number of bird deaths caused by climate change will far exceed the number of bird deaths caused by wind turbines over the entire span of their use.

So Trad is in here pretending to care about birds, when he routinely travels for work driving something that is known to be responsible for more deaths (than his original complaint)? While burning fossil fuels? Typical Trad.
The only true solution is fusion power which Europe and China are aggressively researching. The US, on the other hand, well why the rush?
Just steal the tech once somebody else figures it out.

if Europe figures it out tell them to hand it over or start paying for our military presence.
Just steal the tech once somebody else figures it out.

if Europe figures it out tell them to hand it over or start paying for our military presence.

Or we could help them do it and speed up the process. Fusion power will be a massive benefit for everyone on Earth. You know, cooperation. Something the GOP knows nothing about. Everything is a win-lose with them.
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