Winnebago tribe gets some land back

Has anybody seen a study on what it would take to power locomotives by battery? The entire track would have to be reenforced to accommodate the weight of the batteries needed to power them. Then let's talk about the cost and how long those batteries would last on a single charge.

By the way, it's been brought up in congressional hearings already and it's a STUPID idea.

I'm not insinuating anything. I'm being full frontal honest.

But you do you.

Our country systematically screwed over the Native American population. Relocated them to shithole parts of the country with little water, little food resources, and little opportuniies. But we stocked them with booze. They were incentivized not to leave the reservations.

I'm sorry you don't understand, or care to understand. We still are screwing over tribes today with lack of water resources. I don't know what to write that would change your mind. Peace.
What you said is 100% correct and I totally agree with you.

With that said......... as someone who has lived 100% of their life in NW Ia and as someone who is half native trust me when I say the Winnebago Tribe couldn't effectively run a water store in the desert.
How did Cortes conquer the Aztec empire? He had around 200 hundred soldiers and while he absolutely did have guns and they didn't that really shouldn't have tipped the balance. So why? Perhaps it was because the Aztecs were evil ****s that sacrificed anyone they could get their hands on that weren't Aztec. Perhaps those tribes were tired if dying and having their children sacrificed or eaten and banded together to **** over the Aztecs. Of course the Spanish were absolutely not all that great either but compared to the aztecs the cannibalism went away. So did child sacrifices.

The lakota Sioux were also absolutely brutal. They claim the blackhills are their spiritual property but if there are spirits there it is the tribe they did send into extinction.

Those of you claiming whites are the worst people to ever win wars in north America are idiots. Learn actual history
What you said is 100% correct and I totally agree with you.

With that said......... as someone who has lived 100% of their life in NW Ia and as someone who is half native trust me when I say the Winnebago Tribe couldn't effectively run a water store in the desert.

That does not surprise me. Just like in any culture, there those that have and those that don't. There are those in power, and those are not.
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What you said is 100% correct and I totally agree with you.

With that said......... as someone who has lived 100% of their life in NW Ia and as someone who is half native trust me when I say the Winnebago Tribe couldn't effectively run a water store in the desert.

I apologize if I said anything to offend you.
How did Cortes conquer the Aztec empire? He had around 200 hundred soldiers and while he absolutely did have guns and they didn't that really shouldn't have tipped the balance. So why? Perhaps it was because the Aztecs were evil ****s that sacrificed anyone they could get their hands on that weren't Aztec. Perhaps those tribes were tired if dying and having their children sacrificed or eaten and banded together to **** over the Aztecs. Of course the Spanish were absolutely not all that great either but compared to the aztecs the cannibalism went away. So did child sacrifices.

The lakota Sioux were also absolutely brutal. They claim the blackhills are their spiritual property but if there are spirits there it is the tribe they did send into extinction.

Those of you claiming whites are the worst people to ever win wars in north America are idiots. Learn actual history
Please educate us on this actual history you speak of. Sorry if anyone offended your white ancestry, ❄️.
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Not at all, I agree fully that Natives got screwed. That tribe in particular is just meh at running things. But that's the circle of life in regards to Natives given shit resources. Just a sad ordeal

When I was a freshman in college in my Advanced Rhetoric class, my TA had us watch and read about Incident at Ogala and Thunderheart. Blew my mind away.

Then I dug deep. BIA is no friend to native Americans either. Well, maybe it is now, but it was corrupt for a while.
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So why are some of the tribes living in much better conditions than others?
I wonder if we could peek back in time and see if their ancestors the First People trashed the land the way they have in some places now.
Are you insinuating that they don’t know how to take care of themselves or the land around them?
Kinda insulting.
You also have situations where well intended negations of normal property rights have unintended consequences.
There are stipulations to keep property under ownership of the tribe, which prevents using it as collateral and retards investment and appreciation because your only market are those allowed to own it.
Jimmy and his libs friends use a high powered magnifying glass when analyzing and criticizing U.S. action, all the while either forgetful or ignorant to the actions of native tribes prior to the whites arriving on the continent. It's a fascinating approach, one that has been programmed into many.
The native populations battled each other, so 9 out of 10 of them deserved to die at the hands Europeans. Got it
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At some point you get tired of blaming others and sitting in a pile of your own shit right?
So someone comes in tomorrow, forces you from your home and ends your current way of life - you call it your own pile of shit and don't fight for your rights? You're someone inspiring for the kids to look up to.

And no, it was not genocide.

gen·o·cide - noun - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Another word some experts use is holocaust.
hol·o·caust noun - destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

No, the best part is that you know I owned this thread.

You can't even get the basic definition correct on what happened and the history between the two groups. Whatever the opposite of owned this thread, thats where you are.

So someone comes in tomorrow, forces you from your home and ends your current way of life - you call it your own pile of shit and don't fight for your rights? You're someone inspiring for the kids to look up to.
You missed the part about a hundred or two hundred plus years and all the generations between then and now. Yeah, move on at some point or doom your descendants.