Yes, equal rights
Up until very recently the reason it had not happened was because combat roles were segregated. Does it take a law or is this at a policy change level? Either way it should happenThen pass the bill. There is a reason it has not been done.
Up until very recently the reason it had not happened was because combat roles were segregated. Does it take a law or is this at a policy change level? Either way it should happen
I don't follow. Can you sue to not register? I bet not, but why would many bother when we don't actually have a draft?Agreed but there may be more falling dominos than we suspect. Lawyers will experience a windfall I am afraid.
I don't follow. Can you sue to not register? I bet not, but why would many bother when we don't actually have a draft?
Sex is a protected class, however many there are. I don't personally know enough about employment law to understand how registering your SSN would interfere.Woman are a protected class of employee as I understand it.
Sex is a protected class, however many there are. I don't personally know enough about employment law to understand how registering your SSN would interfere.