

Oct 1, 2006
When Woodbury ran into the penn state guy in second half at the free throw line .Did he do it on purpose? The replay showed him looking right at the guy and then just plow into him. I said to my buddy what the hell was that. It just looked like Woodbury just said the hell with the game and leveled him.
If you've watched Iowa basketball, you know it was on purpose. He does a lot of stuff that kids in high school who were known as "knuckleheads" do. Cheap basketball is what it is.

It drives me nuts when he does that stuff. Even moreso when he's blowing layups.
Originally posted by chaoshawk:
When Woodbury ran into the penn state guy in second half at the free throw line .Did he do it on purpose? The replay showed him looking right at the guy and then just plow into him. I said to my buddy what the hell was that. It just looked like Woodbury just said the hell with the game and leveled him.
When Woody is hedging 30 feet from the basket and he gets by with one bump with no call, so he doubles down with and even harder bump and gets called for a foul, is that intentional? When Woody sticks his fingers out at eye level of an opponent that is driving towards him and pokes a guy's eye, is that intentional? I'm thinking No. It is more a case of him being very clumsy in his 7'1 body and being too aggressive and not having a high basketball IQ when it comes to staying on the court and out of foul trouble. So running into a stationary dude looking to draw a charge is right in Woody's wheel house.

What I would hope to see out of senior Woody is him shooting 60% from field since he is mostly getting layups and quit making dumb fouls outside of the paint so he can play 32 minutes a game, since there is no Gabe next year.
Needs to carry a medicine ball to class and lift weights for hand strength and forget practice because he hasn't learn a dam thing about being a complete player with any kind of game. All he is a is tall jerk.
It may not have resulted in any points but it still changes the flow of the game. His Mo Howard imitation this year, and spare me the accidental bs, and the intentional hacking he brings to the court is disturbing. He not only is being scrutinized more closely but anytime there is a question anymore he's likely going to get whistled because of the reputation he's gaining.

He's limited. He's 7' but has no hands, can't finish, gets burnt more often the not, makes too many fouls 15 to 20 feet away from the basket, and really hasn't refined any type of offensive skills that would help this team down low. Too bad really.