Within the last 24 hours a lengthy email chain between Hillary and then US Central Commander David Petraeus has been discovered by the Obama Administration. The email chain begins in early January 2009 through February 2009. This set of emails had not been previously turned over to Congress or to the courts handling the FOIA requests as ordered. If this turns out to be a business/work related set of emails, it would violate Hillary's signed sworn statement to that federal judge in August, 2015, therefore making her guilty of perjury. So unless she and Gen. Petraeus were discussing Chelsae's wedding colors this could be the first shoe to fall. Interesting that these were current Obama Administration officials that turned over the emails. I guess they are now part of the right wing conspiracy. It appears that they may be washing their hands of her.
This also catches Hillary and her campaign in yet another lie ( I know, hard to believe). They have been and are still claiming that she did not begin to use her private email for business/work purposes until March 18, 2009, a full two months after these current emails occurred.
Cue Huey and Cig's "there is nothing to this", "It's not coming from a reliable source", All other Secs. of State did the same", etc. etc.
This also catches Hillary and her campaign in yet another lie ( I know, hard to believe). They have been and are still claiming that she did not begin to use her private email for business/work purposes until March 18, 2009, a full two months after these current emails occurred.
Cue Huey and Cig's "there is nothing to this", "It's not coming from a reliable source", All other Secs. of State did the same", etc. etc.