Lone......Well, I learn something every day. Thanks.
However, the underlying political point remains the same. Numerous statements Hillary has made, some under oath and some not (whether it makes a difference or not) are simply wrong, and either she knew they were wrong when she made them, or she is amazingly incompetent.
It is going to be interesting to watch the Democrats on the House committee try to defend her.....if they do. This might prove to be too much even for Elijah Cummings.
Just think about Terry and his song and dance about the privitization of Iowa MedicAid and see the similarities to Hilary and her "e-mails." You and I both understand that Branstad is moving MedicAid as a get back at the public sector unions and to reward his friends in the insurance industry. There has never been any reason (fraud, mismanagement) to justify this move to the private sector. Terry did it because he could. He just wanted to show the Dems he was boss.
Likewise, I believe Hilary ran her e-mails the way she did, because she could. I seriously doubt there is any think unlawful with what she did. I seriously doubt any state secrets were lost. I think this whole "Lybian scandal" is anything more than a giant snafu. I just don't think there was any intent more than "I wanted to do it that way" in both these guys cases. Hilary did it because she could.
Personally, I believe lots more folks will be hurt by Teflon's actions than Hilary's. Right now, the body count is 4 for Hilary and 3 for Teflon.........if your one for keeping score.