Worst movie sequel ever

Are we talking biggest drop from the original? Or just the worst movie that was a sequel?

I'll assume the latter, Caddyshack 2 or Meatballs 2. Both were utter trash that a middle school TAG class could have outdone with a camera and $50.
Probably not the worst but a nod to US Marshalls. You're putting Samuel Gerard in a god damn chicken suit??!

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Seriously...this happened in Escape From LA. Snake Pliskin...surfing.

For me, Escape from LA is a bad sequel, but not a bad movie in its own right. It's just a parody of the original, played for laughs. If you watch it expecting Escape from New York, yeah, you'll be disappointed. But I'm thinking the writer, director, and cast knew there was no way to approach the original, so they went in an entirely different direction - comedy and camp.
For me, Escape from LA is a bad sequel, but not a bad movie in its own right. It's just a parody of the original, played for laughs. If you watch it expecting Escape from New York, yeah, you'll be disappointed. But I'm thinking the writer, director, and cast knew there was no way to approach the original, so they went in an entirely different direction - comedy and camp.

I dont recall it being marketed that way at the time.

Why not make a real Snake sequel?
For me, Escape from LA is a bad sequel, but not a bad movie in its own right. It's just a parody of the original, played for laughs. If you watch it expecting Escape from New York, yeah, you'll be disappointed. But I'm thinking the writer, director, and cast knew there was no way to approach the original, so they went in an entirely different direction - comedy and camp.
Bruce Campbell as the plastic surgeon should have been the first clue. It was straight canned ham.
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I dont recall it being marketed that way at the time.

Why not make a real Snake sequel?
Studio input, creative wanting a paycheck and no real interest in it. Wanting to employ friends. A director/writer past his prime.
My vote is Teen Wolf 2.

Jason Bateman is quite talented IMO. He was on a tear with several successful movies/shows. He hit Teen Wolf 2 and even he admits it was bad. I've seen him state he thinks it changed the trajectory of his career, thats how bad it was.
In honor of Halloween being around the corner, I’ll throw in, Return of the Living Dead II & III, Exorcist II and Halloween III.
Is it bad that I don't totally hate Major League 3? I essentially treat it as a comedy on it's own. It almost completely dropped all of the elements that made the 1st one so good.

Leonard Huff is a good villain. He's right up there with The Duke and Jack Parkman, though Parkman is my favorite.
Of the films already mentioned, I was a young lad when watching most of them. I remember watching Major League 2 and while even then I knew it wasn't as good as the first, I found it amusing and watched the whole thing. Even a 8-10 year old me couldn't get through more than 10 minutes of Caddyshack 2.

To truly be the worst sequel ever, yes, the original has to be good and the sequel has to be boring and unimaginative. Some of the ones mentioned are so cheesy and ridiculous that they're still entertaining in a so bad they're good kind of way. Batman and Robin & Mortal Kombat Annihilation would be examples of this (although saying the first MK film was good is a stretch).

Do we ever have a best movie sequels thread on here? I'd say the honor for that goes to The Dark Knight or Terminator 2

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