Worst ways to die

Although gross, that is a pretty instantaneous death. My fear is drowning, but honestly if I were to go out, I would take this over Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, pretty much anything that is elongated and painful.
Although gross, that is a pretty instantaneous death. My fear is drowning, but honestly if I were to go out, I would take this over Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, pretty much anything that is elongated and painful.
The thing about drowning is, while there is certainly a brief period of horrific panic, at the end of the day, it's basically hypoxia, which can actually be a little euphoric
Ever watch any of those videos when you were younger of two trucks tied to a man's arms and going the opposite direction?

Yeah, some of those foreign countries are ruthless.
The thing about drowning is, while there is certainly a brief period of horrific panic, at the end of the day, it's basically hypoxia, which can actually be a little euphoric

The kid's soccer team that got stuck in the cave in Thailand - oof, that would suck. Had they not been found and died after weeks of basically starvation and lowering O2 levels...bad. I may have just jumped in the water - but hope probably would have kept me alive.
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When I was 14, I spent about a month one summer clearing about 5-6 acres of a grove of trees using one of these wood chippers. You had to be quick and get out of the way because sometimes the tree limbs would pull in fast and catch you from behind. No safety glasses or sunscreen or hearing protection either.

Probably wasn’t the safest summer job.
Drowning in a manure tank would be right up there too!

The father of our former priest/pastor experienced a death like this. Basically, his mentally disabled/Downs son fell into septic tank. Dad (ex Vietnam pilot) jumped in to save him. Held his son on his shoulders, standing 'underwater' as it were, until help came. Sadly, he was under for too long. A heroic death.
Also awful. I will never understand spelunking.


"A parachute not there's a way to die!"

My uncle survived that in Korea. 110 broken bones. He said he remembered nothing after releasing his main and pulling the reserve (that didn't open).

He lucked out, kind of. He landed on marshy ground on his back. If he'd have landed face down, he'd have drowned or suffocated.
Any if the ways in which you have time to think about it in sheer terror. Or, dying a slow death in some home unable to speak, but having lucidity while Northern, ih, Biggrey, IMCC… Prattle on in the room next to you about how Trump was robbed and all Dems are racists.
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CSB, I was driving along the Oregon coast today and I see signs to slow down, survey crew ahead. I pull up beside an Oregon DOT truck and the guy peering over the side of the bridge has a massive head of dreadlocks. They are wrapped in two by what looks like a bungee cord halfway down his back. I thought of this thread and how likely it is that someday that guy gets pulled into a wood chipper, or some big machine by those dreadlocks.