Would forced conscription of military aged male Refugees be a good idea?


HB King
Aug 14, 2002
I heard this idea earlier. Do you think that would be a good way for a refugee to show his allegiance to his new home?

You want to live here and be a citizen of this country? Prove it. HEad straight to boot camp...Go fight ISIS for a tour or two and when your commanding officer signs off on your loyalty, you're good to go.

Interesting idea.
Yes, give potential terrorists easy access to advanced weapons and the ability to sabotage our military from the inside. What could go wrong?

It's not that bad.

Why do you hate the constitution and American values?

Really? Give me a proper way to check/verify the background of middle east refugees. I am talking an in-depth background investigation. Fingerprints, Criminal History, Shady Associations, Radical Beliefs, etc....

Then they can came. If there is ONE little think we can't verify or we are unsure of then they do not come.
Never mind that the whole idea of militarism is just wrong. You know, it's illegal to kill in the private sector. But, join the military and kill as many as inhumanly possible and get a million badges because God is on our side. Kidnapping is illegal in the private sector also. But, it's conscription when the fedgov does it. It violates the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. Forcing someone to take bullets for the good of the 1%'ers sounds like a bad deal to me.
Never mind that the whole idea of militarism is just wrong. You know, it's illegal to kill in the private sector. But, join the military and kill as many as inhumanly possible and get a million badges because God is on our side. Kidnapping is illegal in the private sector also. But, it's conscription when the fedgov does it. It violates the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. Forcing someone to take bullets for the good of the 1%'ers sounds like a bad deal to me.

Supreme Court ruled otherwise
Recruit some, maybe. Conscript, no. What military would they fight for is the bigger? It isn't like WWII and there is a Free French army to join. Would the US, or NATO, or the UN foot the bill for an army and train it?
I heard this idea earlier. Do you think that would be a good way for a refugee to show his allegiance to his new home?

You want to live here and be a citizen of this country? Prove it. HEad straight to boot camp...Go fight ISIS for a tour or two and when your commanding officer signs off on your loyalty, you're good to go.

Interesting idea.
Craziest thing I have ever heard....put guns in the hands of possible nut jobs. NO WAY!
Does it say in the constitution that we need to take in the entire world's problems? And I don't hate the constitution or American values. Just some of yours:)
American values?

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
American values?

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That was written in a different era. Things just are not the same.
So you do agree things are not the same? Then why throw it out there?
To point out that taking in foreigners is a traditional American value. I don't what them either, but calling those who do unamerican or questioning their value system isn't supported. So I pointed out your error.
You a
To point out that taking in foreigners is a traditional American value. I don't what them either, but calling those who do unamerican or questioning their value system isn't supported. So I pointed out your error.[/QUOTE Wow. Maybe I do hate some American values. Or not fully agree with them anyway. I just don't think it is a good idea to let them all in.