Would people please explain exactly what you expect?

I think this could be a two year rebuild. I think when Pemsl, Cook, and Bohannon are Juniors this team will get back to the NCAA tournament.
-Standing straight up on defense and not being in a stance
-Going underneath screens and not getting over the top(again from not being in a stance)
-Getting lost in the zone and looking like theyre unsure of where theyre suppose to be
-Blocking out

These are problems that are not unique to this year. Until this program makes a solid committment to the defensive end or hiring assistant or 2 that will teach the importance of that end of the floor, these issues will continue.

Obviously Fran knows a helluva lot more than I do, but when he always talks about changing defenses it kinda makes me cringe. Before worrying about changing defenses, you need to be able to perform the basic principles of any defense for it to be successful and Iowa doesnt do that consistently.
A lot of great responses and a thread kept clean of arguments. :) I should just keep my mouth shut and just start threads more often.

Only a couple responses that seem to indicate that a down year on the rare occasion is not acceptable. So to me that clears that up, majority, big majority, of fans understand that teams do have rebuilding years.

The rest, imo, fair criticisms. Some I agree with, some I don't, but all fair for a couch coach to express. My biggest concerns:

1) It seems like Fran's teams play tight, afraid to make mistakes. Just play the dang game!
2) Loyalty to players who have been around longer. Maybe too much.
3) Difficult system to learn, results are great when working but when not all heck breaks lose. Too many moving parts. Especially exposed with a young team. Call it disappointment, it is, I expected some dumb down this year. (Related to #1)

To be clear however, I had complaints going all the way back to Raveling, and even Olson. And some were much worse. And, I'd have complaints no matter who was our coach. And so would all of us.
I expected NIT at best this year. Since my expectations were low I haven't had a problem with what is going on. The only problem i have is how they got in this position in the first place. That is on Fran's recruiting. But the only thing he can do now is figure out how to get back to the NCAA next year. The problem is I think he will need to have some people transfer to make that happen so he can bring in some immediate help. Don't think that will happen though.
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