Wouldja? Onlyfans.

And by wouldja, I mean wouldja spend $62321.70 in A MONTH on this girl’s page? Some funny responses…

I can’t fap to this. Leaving . . .
Disappointed Kevin Sorbo GIF
i like the trend of wealthy folk dressing like they’re either Adam Sandler or regulars at Goodwill (possibly both?).

Gives me a lot to chew on as I’m a poor and continue to buy and wear Vinyard Vines even though I’m 800 miles from an ocean or yacht club.
On the other end of things, I find myself turning into my dad and wearing chinos with wingtips while relaxing around the house. In my defense, they have rubber soles and are the most comfortable shoes I own.
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Reminds me of the dudes spending their inheritance / lotto money on 50k trips to strip clubs. Just crazy. If you are that big of a loser with that much money to waste on webcams/strippers, go find a high end call girl.

But these idiots have always been there. I remember stories in the 80s and 90s of dudes blowing through 10s of thousand on the old pay by the minute sex hotlines where they were probably talking with a 378 pound Nebraska fan in a trailer in Grand Island. You could not even see the person!
I sometimes wonder if I greased up my balls and tits and went on there if I could find one sugar daddy freak that would allow me to retire.