Wow. A Combine?


HB Legend
Sep 1, 2004
See the sweet mostly black combine in the tailgating lot just outside Kinnick to the west? Some Tiger Hawks on it and what not.

I asked them how they got it there. They said trailer to outskirts of Iowa City, then drove it in.

Someone has some serious cash.
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Have to be careful about those implements in city limits. An Iowa City policeman tried to give my brother a ticket for driving a tractor through a residential area some years ago. Fortunately it didn’t happen.
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I can't believe it took this long for someone to think of this! Great way to utilize a 30-ish year old machine that has minimal value/been depreciated out. Our tailgating spot is near this, and there were a lot of people coming up to take pictures.
You might be right. I was going to say something stupid about a poor farmer with only one combine and still have time to pimp it out. Oh, and only one mail box:D Come on, just spoofing....