WOW!!! Trump turned EVERY state more to the right then they were in 2020! America made their voices heard!

Biblical link to how much Roman politics Jesus engaged in while he walked among us? To help you out, remember his primary focus was to combat the law-heavy Jewish society that was dictated by the Saduccies and Pharasees. It cracks me up the parallels between today's Evangelical GOP and the Pharasees. Personally, I'd prefer to stand against a group I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Jesus would challenge.
There was no abortion in Jesus time. But if you think he would be for abortion now......then I can never convince you of it's evils. But, I dare anyone to watch the graphics of a 2nd and 3rd trimester abortion and then say "ya, I am all for that". When, pro abortion folks are asked to watch those proceedures they get very angry and refuse. Why is that? Go and research ex abortion doctors who are now totally against it and what they have to say. It is utterly sobering and devistating. So yes, I think I am good choosing to vote for someone who is at least partially on the side of life (but with other baggage) vs someone who won't even put limits on life of the child.
But, it is new.

It was far less intentional disinformation a few years ago, before Elno eliminated all the oversight.
From Rush Limbaugh to Sean Hannity, to Russian Facebook trolls in 2016, the beat goes on.

We can agree that Kamala was the taller midget and that America picked wrong, but let’s not pretend there was this great insidious conspiracy from the South African stooge’s Ministry of Propaganda that suddenly made millions of people brainwashed imbeciles. In the end, people did what they always do: vote what they think is in the best interest of their wallets.
Where did you get that God looks at all sin equally?
Let me be more clear. All sin separates us from God; therefore, there is equality in that fact.

James 2:10: "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

This verse emphasizes that breaking any part of God’s law makes us guilty of sin, and in that sense, all sin can lead to spiritual separation from God. In this way, sin, whether it is lying, stealing, or murder, ultimately results in the same separation.

Any distinction beyond that will have earthly consequences, not eternal.
And, is your argument really that as long as an evil sin doesn't affect you or anyone else, the you should ignore it?
I didn't say ignore it. I want to know why are you so hell bent on legislating it? Where on earth did legislating morality come from, Pharisees or Christ? Today's Christians seem more focused on forcing others to their belief system rather than focusing on the right to practice their belief system. Let me ask you this, if you pass a law that Jeff can't marry Bill, does that make Jeff and Bill magically no longer gay? Forced behavior modification isn't how Jesus reached a single person.

And FWIW, I don't support abortion so guess what, my family doesn't participate in that action.
If that is the case, the why worry about Ukraine? That war doesn't affect you or I. And, I guess those in the world who were against the slaughter of Jews would have been ok with letting it happen. Why give to any worthwhile cause. Starving kids, ect?
You can't really compare any of what you listed to abortion because there is a fundamental difference between abortion prevention and any other benevolent act and that is when does a fetus become a person. From where I sit an atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, et al, can universally agree that a starving child requires attention, murdering another "person" is wrong, etc.

In the terms of abortion, there is a fundamental disagreement like none I've experienced (feel free to provide one if I'm missing it).
I am pro life, but when people say to me that we need to look at the lesser of two evils, then I want to push for FREE pregancy prevention. It has been said on here before and I agree, that abortion is a red herring issue. A women can prevent pregnancy and if she does get pregnant, we have the morning after pill. And, why do we not ever go after the guy in these instances? My boys know that if they engage in sex and get a girl pregnant...then they will not be dumping it on her.

Please remember that the instances of abortion for the life of the mother, rape and incest (and I get those) are dwarfed by the use of Abortion for convenience. Why won't the Dems at least come to the table and say what the majority of the rest of the world does and put a limit on the months and outlaw 2nd and 3rd trimester partial birth abortions? I have never understood this.
I agree with many of your points here, but you have to also consider how that looks to the non-believer. According to Christians, God is the ultimate authority in the universe, sovereign over all his creation. Well, except for in situations rape, incest, and harm to the mother. In those cases we have to take over and essentially put God in a box. This is why I believe non-believers (and believers for that matter) should have the earthly freedom to make this decision. It's not mine to make for them.
Brian, the Church has been VERY clear on Abortion.
  • The Catholic Church has taught that abortion is immoral since the first century.

  • The Church teaches that human life is sacred from conception to natural death.

  • The Church teaches that each human life has inherent dignity and must be treated with respect.
I am sorry you have been lost on this issue. Christ does not ask us to just Pray, but protect those who cannot protect themselves. Have you even learned about partial birth abortions...I would hope the answer would be no, as I do not know any strong Catholic who has learned about this and still is ok with it. And yes, I will follow Christ when it comes to how I live and vote on this earth. But, you do you.

I know. I'm against abortion and never promoted it.

You missed the point and don't understand Catholic teachings.

The Church does not teach us to vote for Trump then gloat about it for hours on message boards, as you do.

In fact, Trump doesn't align with many Church teachings.

You should be more charitable and spend less time on worldly politics.

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There was no abortion in Jesus time.
While it's true that there wasn't abortion in the way we understand it today during Jesus' time, there were still practices in the ancient world to terminate pregnancies, often using herbal remedies or physical methods.
But if you think he would be for abortion now......then I can never convince you of it's evils.
Link to where I said he'd "be for abortion now"? I'm asking you if he would lead an effort to pass laws in a secular government to stop them OR if he would encourage his followers/believers to not take part in an abortion. Do you not see the difference?
But, I dare anyone to watch the graphics of a 2nd and 3rd trimester abortion and then say "ya, I am all for that". When, pro abortion folks are asked to watch those proceedures they get very angry and refuse. Why is that? Go and research ex abortion doctors who are now totally against it and what they have to say. It is utterly sobering and devistating. So yes, I think I am good choosing to vote for someone who is at least partially on the side of life (but with other baggage) vs someone who won't even put limits on life of the child.
Yes, I've seen it. I've also been in a clinic when my best friend and his wife had to have one for medical reasons and it quite literally broke them both.

How you can equate me not agreeing with forcing legislation on a non-Christian with "WOO HOO YAY ABORTION" is beyond me.

Christians are not required to hold non-Christians to Christian beliefs or standards. The Bible makes it clear that followers of Christ are called to live according to God's commandments and to be salt and light to the world (Matthew 5:13-16), but it does NOT instruct Christians to impose their beliefs on non-believers.

Jesus Himself said, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), and He encouraged us to love our neighbors and to witness to them through our actions, rather than forcing others to live according to Christian teachings (Matthew 28:19-20).

While Christians are called to share the gospel and to stand firm in their faith, each person is responsible for their own relationship with God. Christians are not called to judge or condemn non-believers but to love them and point them toward the truth in Jesus Christ. Ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit who convicts hearts and leads people to faith, not human force or judgment.
This is just wrong. As has been said already, it appears you have been "captured" by the extreme left at this point.

Prayers are hollow if your action counter those prayers. Now, I understand the worries about a womens health and in cases of rape and incest. But, abortion as an issue, is a misleading. 99.9% of all pregnancies are preventable. There is the day after pill now....available over the counter for pete sake. I wish the Dems would get back to the times of B Clinton on this, rare and legal. I still think we need to work towards preventing unwanted pregnancies (which can be done).....but no one wants to talk about that.

It's not wrong.

The Catholic Church doesn't tell us who to vote for, it teaches us to vote our conscience.

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Trump only won by 3 million votes out of 147 million...hardly a landslide.

Hopefully this posts. This is the landslide. They should put this on the back of their election map t-shirts.

None of those had the reach of Elno's current disinformation site.

Not one.
Do you believe TV ads are honest or are they chock full of lies and hyperbole?

I will venture a guess that over 90% of the country knew whom they were voting for before October. The 10% or fewer who believed themselves to be undecided simply honed in more on whatever provided them the confirmation bias they were seeking to go with what their gut was telling them to begin with.

This idea that E-loon’s X misinformation campaign was unique or more lethal than platforms like Facebook or TV is ludicrous and merely being pushed by liberals who refuse to accept any blame for why Kamala lost. Kamala is a radical liberal who had less than minimal support in the 2020 primaries and who ran a pathetic campaign that did not land positively on enough people. You can either accept that and learn from it or you can bitch about Elon Musk and continue to lose elections. The choice is up to Democrats.
It's not wrong.

The Catholic Church doesn't tell us who to vote for, it teaches us to vote our conscience.

I don’t mean this against you personally, but why the hell should anyone listen to or care what the Catholic Church has to say about politics? They have ****ed enough things up throughout history and have ruined countless lives as well. That’s wonderful some Catholics have done nice shit over the millennia, but that doesn’t come close to atoning for all the evil done in service of the god of fairytales and fables from a book written in antiquity.

The Catholic Church is irrelevant and the pope can sit in his ivory tower stacked full of gold and disgusting compilations of wealth and pontificate all he wants about the evil of queers and condoms, but to think any sane person has any reason to give a shit what he or the Catholic Church has to say about anything is laughably ludicrous.
I don’t mean this against you personally, but why the hell should anyone listen to or care what the Catholic Church has to say about politics? They have ****ed enough things up throughout history and have ruined countless lives as well. That’s wonderful some Catholics have done nice shit over the millennia, but that doesn’t come close to atoning for all the evil done in service of the god of fairytales and fables from a book written in antiquity.

The Catholic Church is irrelevant and the pope can sit in his ivory tower stacked full of gold and disgusting compilations of wealth and pontificate all he wants about the evil of queers and condoms, but to think any sane person has any reason to give a shit what he or the Catholic Church has to say about anything is laughably ludicrous.

I'm responding to Hawkman34 who seems to think his support of Trump is official Church teaching.

(Also, Jesus isn't a fairytale or fable. You can study the history, if you want.)
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Do you believe TV ads are honest or are they chock full of lies and hyperbole?
Never claimed anything about the misleading TV ads.

They do not reach nearly as many people as the Twittersphere.

Can you cite a "TV ad" that resulted in an entire community being accused of eating people's pets, and bomb threats against them? IIRC, they had to close schools there due to the threats. I'm unaware of any TV ad, ever, causing that kind of shit.
Never claimed anything about the misleading TV ads.

They do not reach nearly as many people as the Twittersphere.

Can you cite a "TV ad" that resulted in an entire community being accused of eating people's pets, and bomb threats against them? IIRC, they had to close schools there due to the threats. I'm unaware of any TV ad, ever, causing that kind of shit.
That pet-eating claim came from Facebook.
Plus, when you consider how awful of a candidate Trump is, and how tiresome his act has been to many people, I would say Trump winning the popular vote by 3 million is pretty significant, especially in light of the fact this is the first time he managed to do so in three tries.

Liberals will never admit anything on their end could be the problem, so they persist in changing nothing and lose elections accordingly. Then they blame all who voted against them for being stupid. Rinse and repeat.
The best predictor of a Trump voter statistically were 1) whether they went beyond high school, 2) couldn't pass a basic American civics test. What do you think that says?

Brian, the Church has been VERY clear on Abortion.
  • The Catholic Church has taught that abortion is immoral since the first century.

  • The Church teaches that human life is sacred from conception to natural death.

  • The Church teaches that each human life has inherent dignity and must be treated with respect.
I am sorry you have been lost on this issue. Christ does not ask us to just Pray, but protect those who cannot protect themselves. Have you even learned about partial birth abortions...I would hope the answer would be no, as I do not know any strong Catholic who has learned about this and still is ok with it. And yes, I will follow Christ when it comes to how I live and vote on this earth. But, you do you.

Ah yes, the Church and particularly the Catholic church: Famous for their protection of children.

Christ never defined personhood or addressed abortion. The Talmud (and, interesting fact, Jesus was Jewish) defines life as beginning with the first breath taken outside of the womb. You, or anyone in any child sex cult, doesn't get to make that call for Christ.
But, it is new.

It was far less intentional disinformation a few years ago, before Elno eliminated all the oversight.

What the hell are you blathering about? Community Notes combats incorrect information, including the owner!

X is now far more accurate source of information now than under previous management who let covid lies and government bureaucrat narratives run wild uncontested because they were approved narratives.

You’re a clueless moron. So ignorant.
There is no argument here. It was a butt whipping made in part by a large chunk of voters crossing unexpectedly over (or not voting) that Democrats had depended on such as the working class industrial types in rust belt (many in unions), Latino’s, African Americans and women to join by in large uneducated working class MAGAs to form the perfect union of low informed / disinformed voters completely voting against their own interests.

But fair is fair and their choice was made and so many of us will just sit back and eat some popcorn and watch what an aggrieved and vindictive Trump and his people do now. I hope you guys go full throttle and implement as much of Project 25 as you can. The cabinet choices so far have been just perfect and very enjoyable. Pleas see if you can do away with ACA by end of spring and replace with concepts of a plan. That will be some amazing stuff.
I don’t mean this against you personally, but why the hell should anyone listen to or care what the Catholic Church has to say about politics? They have ****ed enough things up throughout history and have ruined countless lives as well. That’s wonderful some Catholics have done nice shit over the millennia, but that doesn’t come close to atoning for all the evil done in service of the god of fairytales and fables from a book written in antiquity.

The Catholic Church is irrelevant and the pope can sit in his ivory tower stacked full of gold and disgusting compilations of wealth and pontificate all he wants about the evil of queers and condoms, but to think any sane person has any reason to give a shit what he or the Catholic Church has to say about anything is laughably ludicrous.
So has the democrat party tbf. Remember slavery and the kkk?
There is no argument here. It was a butt whipping made in part by a large chunk of voters crossing unexpectedly over (or not voting) that Democrats had depended on such as the working class industrial types in rust belt (many in unions), Latino’s, African Americans and women to join by in large uneducated working class MAGAs to form the perfect union of low informed / disinformed voters completely voting against their own interests.

But fair is fair and their choice was made and so many of us will just sit back and eat some popcorn and watch what an aggrieved and vindictive Trump and his people do now. I hope you guys go full throttle and implement as much of Project 25 as you can. The cabinet choices so far have been just perfect and very enjoyable. Pleas see if you can do away with ACA by end of spring and replace with concepts of a plan. That will be some amazing stuff.
Look, I can tell you this....if the next 4 years are as bad as the previous 4 you will have the Republican's themselves pushing for a change.

This is completely different then the Dems, who after 4 years of failure and 4 years of hiding a President who was close to a vegetable, still tried to run that same president and on that same failed agenda.
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It's not wrong.

The Catholic Church doesn't tell us who to vote for, it teaches us to vote our conscience.

Brian, the Church cannot tell you who to vote for and you know this. The government would come after them in BIG ways if they did.

They can however, reaffirm the tenents of the faith....and they have. Those tenents include that all life must be protected. Are you seriously denying this fact? Do you even have a copy of the Catechism? It is right in there. You simply cannot play both sides of the fence on this one.

LINK - The Catholic Church is 100% against abortion
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What the hell are you blathering about? Community Notes combats incorrect information

No, it does not.
If it did, we would not have had bomb threats in Ohio communities libeled about "eating pets".

And in many "reposts", they are not even visible.

The observable evidence clearly demonstrates exactly the opposite here.
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We see that Elno and his Twitter buy (backed by Putin and the Saudis) was extremely effective.
Americans who voted for this are going to FO what they voted for in a few months. And you won't be posting about "wins" here much when that happens.
Can you define “buy (backed by Putin)” and provide a source?

Yes, the Saudis pumped some money but you make it sound like the whole purchase was by evil foreign investment. The amount the Saudi’s put up is less than 5% of the overall funding amount. American owned interests were the majority. Elon leveraged his stake in Tesla as the primary funding source. I cannot find any financial interests by Russian (oligarchs) on record, can you help clarify your statement please?

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The best predictor of a Trump voter statistically were 1) whether they went beyond high school, 2) couldn't pass a basic American civics test. What do you think that says?

Ah yes, the Church and particularly the Catholic church: Famous for their protection of children.

Christ never defined personhood or addressed abortion. The Talmud (and, interesting fact, Jesus was Jewish) defines life as beginning with the first breath taken outside of the womb. You, or anyone in any child sex cult, doesn't get to make that call for Christ.
Sorry, but the bible does indeed talk about Children in the womb -

God knows the preborn child. "You knit me in my mother's womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15). God also helps and calls the preborn child. "You have been my guide since I was first formed . . . from my mother's womb you are my God" (Psalm 22:11-12)

Look, if you are not Catholic and feel differently, fine. My, and others responses in this thread are to Brian, who says he is Catholic, but denies one of the most basic tenants of the Church. I think Brian is likely a really good guy, but is mislead or denying what his faith is teaching.
You posted your own answer.
Musk got "dark money loans" to buy Twitter.
If you think Putin is not involved in that, you're a moron.
Ok, third attempt Joe.

Please clarify and provide a source to Putin involvement.

Are you capable of providing this? You have been asked multiple times.

This is important. After all, this is a thread about misinformation. Unless you can back up your claim, you are guilty of the same.
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Sorry, but the bible does indeed talk about Children in the womb -

God knows the preborn child. "You knit me in my mother's womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15). God also helps and calls the preborn child. "You have been my guide since I was first formed . . . from my mother's womb you are my God" (Psalm 22:11-12)

Look, if you are not Catholic and feel differently, fine. My, and others responses in this thread are to Brian, who says he is Catholic, but denies one of the most basic tenants of the Church. I think Brian is likely a really good guy, but is mislead or denying what his faith is teaching.
The problem with people like you is taking these phrases and twisting them into interpretations that justify your claims. There are passages in the Bible that justify slavery, wife beating, and genocide. Are we reading all those ultra-literally as well? Try thinking critically.
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So liberals, liberals, foreign actors, and liberals.

Kind of harsh, but fair.
Ahhhh, yes, them good ole Christian Republicans. Go to church on Sunday, then grab up one of them queer fellers, tie him to a fence post then beat the $hit out of him. Oh, and they'll do it while wearing one of these:
