WrestleStat Comparison pages get major re-design


HB Heisman
May 18, 2004
Urbandale, IA
This is something that I've wanted to do for over a year, but I finally took the time to bite-the-bullet.

The dual comparison, and perma comparison pages now load ALL common opponents, for all 10 weights, BY DEFAULT.

There's four advantages to do this:
1) Get's me closer to having a printer-friendly page, which users have requested in the past
2) You can view ALL of the common opponents for the starters at each weight, without having to click weight button (thus hiding/removing the common opponents for the one you were just looking at)
3) Immediate feedback, as soon as you change a wrestler at a weight, the common opponents are updated
4) Through the re-design of the layout, it's optimized for viewing on mobile phones

These changes have also been applied to the perma comparison pages (except you don't have the ability to change the wrestler at a particular weight)

The individual wrestler comparison page has just had the layout re-design implemented, it was already pre-loading the common opponents. So this page was just a visual change

Hope everyone enjoys these changes, here are some sample comparisons for quick viewing:
Always looking forward to the latest from your site.

Looks like on eligibility breakdown is showing all freshman as RS freshman. Do you also have a way to simply send you a message on your home page (like a contact link) instead of on message boards. I feel guilty, almost like I'm calling you out mentioning this on a message board when you have to be putting in tons of time putting together this site.

I apologize in advance if I'm missing the mark on any of the previously mentioned.

EDIT: I see you have a contact me link in the blog section.
Always looking forward to the latest from your site.

Looks like on eligibility breakdown is showing all freshman as RS freshman. Do you also have a way to simply send you a message on your home page (like a contact link) instead of on message boards. I feel guilty, almost like I'm calling you out mentioning this on a message board when you have to be putting in tons of time putting together this site.

I apologize in advance if I'm missing the mark on any of the previously mentioned.

EDIT: I see you have a contact me link in the blog section.
That's actually a good enhancement to have...on roster, eligibility breakdown, depth chart, schedule, and wrestler profile pages, have a quick "contact me" link that contains so pre-formatted "stuff" for any errors that you find...I'll add that to my list.

Regarding the freshman/rs freshman, Obrats just pointed that out to me so I was going to look at it shortly. Without going to my site while I'm at work, can you give me an example of one that's wrong so I know what I'm looking for?

Also, I have no problems with you calling me out :)
For instance on Iowa's Eligibility Breakdown page Glynn, Meyer and the whole incoming freshman class is listed as RS Freshman. I did check another team, and same thing. Essentially no True Freshman listed.