Your thoughts on why Social Security and Medicare are not part of this govt funding freeze


HB Heisman
Nov 17, 2021
First of all, Social Security and Medicare payments come directly from taxes on workers and their employers so they are not govt grants. loans, or giveaways.

Second, The Repubs know if they try that there would be huge protests if not more negative reactions.

Not only the recipients of those programs but their kids who would have to start helping to pay for their old parents would suffer.

But I would love to go up to Grassley and Ernts' offices and by their homes (not even sure if Ernst comes back to Iowa anymore) and also the House Reps along with many other people to give them back some of their negative crap.

In 2009 and 2010, the people went to town halls en masse to scream at Repubs about them trying to gut the ACA. Soc Sec and Medicare reactions would be 10 times worse.

How would you react to an action against those programs?
First of all, Social Security and Medicare payments come directly from taxes on workers and their employers so they are not govt grants. loans, or giveaways.

Second, The Repubs know if they try that there would be huge protests if not more negative reactions.

Not only the recipients of those programs but their kids who would have to start helping to pay for their old parents would suffer.

But I would love to go up to Grassley and Ernts' offices and by their homes (not even sure if Ernst comes back to Iowa anymore) and also the House Reps along with many other people to give them back some of their negative crap.

In 2009 and 2010, the people went to town halls en masse to scream at Repubs about them trying to gut the ACA. Soc Sec and Medicare reactions would be 10 times worse.

How would you react to an action against those programs?

My parents are 77 and 82, but they have great pensions.

I hope the programs are gutted. If we are doing this thing let’s go all in and all those older voters should have known better.
My parents are 77 and 82, but they have great pensions.

I hope the programs are gutted. If we are doing this thing let’s go all in and all those older voters should have known better.

My Aunt is 88 Years old, Between pension and Social Security she gets $2,200 a month, She didn’t vote for Trump, Why should she suffer?
Most of us on SSI/Medicare now were active in the 80’s trying to get reforms. “Lockbox” BS and all. My parents were upset with me because I was vocal about it and they were approaching retirement. Lots of boomers were wanting more control over how their required deductions were invested. Better returns on our money.
Most reforms went nowhere. We did get the ability to have 401/IRA reforms in addition to what we had to contribute to SSI.
Well now I’m on SSI and Medicare and I want my check and my Medicare - which I pay for, by the way, as all beneficiaries do. Plus I pay extra to get vision, dental and hearing benefits if I need them,

I think that there are some reforms needed - raise the ceiling on income, adjust the initial early qualifying age since we’re living longer and working longer. Change requirements for who qualifies as disabled for getting on SSI.
Maybe consider giving options to people as to where the SSI deduction is invested on their behalf.
Screaming that Republicans want to end SSI is just desperation on the part of Democrats.