‘Very, very troubling’: Judges, lawyers flummoxed by Judge Cannon


HR King
May 29, 2001
Lawyers and former judges said they are baffled by an order issued this week by the federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s pending trial on charges that he mishandled classified documents — and believe her instructions suggest the case will not go to trial anytime soon.

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“In my 30 years as a trial judge, I have never seen an order like this,” said Jeremy Fogel, who served on the federal bench in California and now runs the Berkeley Judicial Institute.

On Monday evening, U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon ordered the defense lawyers and the prosecutors in the case to file submissions outlining proposed jury instructions based on two scenarios, each of which badly misstates the law and facts of the case, according to legal experts.

She has given the sides two weeks to craft jury instructions around competing interpretations of the Presidential Records Act, often referred to as the PRA. While the law says presidential records belong to the public and are to be turned over to the National Archives and Records Administration at the end of a presidency, Trump’s lawyers have argued the PRA gave Trump the right to keep classified materials as his personal property.

“What she has asked the parties to do is very, very troubling,” Nancy Gertner, a former federal judge in Massachusetts, said of Cannon. “She is giving credence to arguments that are on their face absurd. She is ignoring a raft of other motions, equally absurd, that are unreasonably delaying the case.”
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Trump’s team has argued that under the PRA, he automatically designated the classified records he is accused of willfully retaining as personal documents when he removed them from the White House and took them to Mar-a-Lago, his Florida home and private club. Prosecutors and legal experts have rejected Trump’s interpretation and said the former president’s reading of the PRA is simply wrong.

Cannon is presiding over a case involving the first former U.S. president ever charged with a crime, and Fogel said it is not inappropriate for a judge in that situation to seek guidance. Still, he said, Cannon’s order is an unusual way to sequence the legal decisions and she may be putting “the cart before the horse.”

Typically, he said, judges make their rulings about the laws at the heart of the case — and then determine jury instructions closer to trial time.

“The more innocent interpretation is that she is just trying to get a sense of what the practical implications are if she decides one way or the other on the legal issues,” Fogel said. “The less charitable view is that she should decide the legal issues first and then decide how she should implement the law in the case.”

Cannon held a hearing weeks ago to discuss when to schedule the trial — one of four criminal cases Trump is facing as he again seeks the White House and has clinched enough delegates for the Republican nomination. Cannon has yet to make a decision on the trial date.

Last week’s hearing focused on two requests that Trump made to dismiss the case, one based on supposed flaws in the Espionage Act and another based on what Trump lawyers claim are the sweeping powers granted to him by the PRA.

Cannon, a Trump nominee who has been on the bench since late 2020, expressed skepticism toward both claims while also suggesting they may play a meaningful role in instructing the jury at the end of the trial. She quickly ruled against Trump’s claims about flaws in the Espionage Act and has yet to rule on the merits of the PRA request.

Her two-page order embraces at least the possibility that Trump’s PRA claims are valid, a stance that veteran national security lawyers questioned.
“The PRA is just not relevant here in any way it all; it provides no defense. To even allow it to be argued at trial would create confusion for the jury,” said Barbara McQuade, a law professor at the University of Michigan and a former U.S. attorney.
Ordinarily, a judge will take up the question of jury instructions much later in the process. McQuade called Cannon’s decision to reach for those questions ahead of a slew of other pretrial motions “premature and baffling.”

Cannon’s order suggests that she thinks the PRA is critical to the case — and that parts of the law are open to interpretation.

Jason R. Baron, former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, said that’s just not true. He said Cannon seems to continually conflate the PRA with the Espionage Act, which makes unauthorized sharing or handling of national defense information a crime. Baron said the PRA does not influence whether someone can be prosecuted under the Espionage Act.
“There is no ambiguity that the classified documents at issue in this case are presidential records,” Baron said. “He wasn’t indicted because he took newspaper clippings. He was indicted because he took documents that were marked as classified.”
Baron said the judge, who has not previously overseen a major national security trial, seems to be embracing a fantastical view of the law.

“Like the queen in ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ Judge Cannon appears to be asking the jury to believe at least two impossible things before breakfast,” Baron said. “First, that a president has unfettered discretion to decide that documents marked ‘top secret’ are his own personal records, just because he decided to keep them for himself. And second, that a president can avoid criminal prosecution under the Espionage Act because he decided that classified records were really his under the PRA. In both cases, the judge profoundly misinterprets the law.”
See understands the #1 quality a judge can have is LOYALTY for the person that nominated them to their judgeship.
That is what sets Trump judicial appointees apart from all others.

What if any consequences are available of she crafts the trial in such a way to argue that the PRA is invalid.?
See Smith's filing from last night. PRA is irrelevant because this is about classified documents, and she needs to get off her ass because he's about to kick this upstairs to the 11th circuit, a court which has overruled Cannon twice already.
See Smith's filing from last night. PRA is irrelevant because this is about classified documents, and she needs to get off her ass because he's about to kick this upstairs to the 11th circuit, a court which has overruled Cannon twice already.
Link to filing?
Appointed by trump and his justice department. She's a never-Biden-er. She's also a marxist-communist corrupt judge, and her family hates biden. And all of her cases, including this one, especially this one, are rigged. Nothing but election interreference designed to give trump the advantage.
Have you ever tried salvia? It was kinda big when I was in college.

Had a buddy with some once. The experience is intense but lasts less than 10 minutes. Never again. You have to be in a dark and quiet experience with someone watching you to make you don't lose your shit. I had buddy in Iraq got it mailed to him. I did not enjoy it. I thought the tree in the front yard was going to attack me.
What are you complaining about? Everything that has come out has shown this to be a sham investigation. At least this way the dems can say it is still alive instead of sending Smith to jail for tampering.
“Sham Investigation?” Did someone’s check bounce or something? The Orange Mutherphuquer LIED and LIED again and then LIED one more time for good measure……but it was a “sham” investigation, whiskey? WTF is wrong with you?? At what point does it register in your pee brain that TRump phuquin’ lied to everyone involved about these documents…..and that selling them to thre highest bidder was certainly in thoughts…..
How can you be so phuquin’ mislead…brainwashed? STUPID?
“Sham Investigation?” Did someone’s check bounce or something? The Orange Mutherphuquer LIED and LIED again and then LIED one more time for good measure……but it was a “sham” investigation, whiskey? WTF is wrong with you?? At what point does it register in your pee brain that TRump phuquin’ lied to everyone involved about these documents…..and that selling them to thre highest bidder was certainly in thoughts…..
How can you be so phuquin’ mislead…brainwashed? STUPID?
They sent cases of documents to his house and then showed up and acted pissed he had them. It was a set up.

It's all come out Joel.
Had a buddy with some once. The experience is intense but lasts less than 10 minutes. Never again. You have to be in a dark and quiet experience with someone watching you to make you don't lose your shit. I had buddy in Iraq got it mailed to him. I did not enjoy it. I thought the tree in the front yard was going to attack me.
I tried it a few times in college. Craziest was in the back seat of a moving car.

Never again, that shit, and K2 are WAY worse foe you than weed.
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