Barta needs to go...

Mar 14, 2003
This coaching search has been a joke and the most drawn out process I've ever appears we have some interviews with good candidates. However, Barta needs to quit dicking around and make some sort of commitment and get the right guy in there. I think Hendrickson could be that guy, but it is far from a done deal.
couldn't put this in the other thread complaining about Barta that is a whole 3 posts down from the top.?
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
This coaching search has been a joke and the most drawn out process I've ever appears we have some interviews with good candidates. However, Barta needs to quit dicking around and make some sort of commitment and get the right guy in there. I think Hendrickson could be that guy, but it is far from a done deal.
Maybe Barta is not properly selling the winning tradition of our baseball program you posted about a few weeks back.

This post was edited on 7/1 10:30 AM by 73chief

Iowa Baseball History. Really?
Originally posted by 73chief:
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
This coaching search has been a joke and the most drawn out process I've ever appears we have some interviews with good candidates. However, Barta needs to quit dicking around and make some sort of commitment and get the right guy in there. I think Hendrickson could be that guy, but it is far from a done deal.
Maybe Barta is not properly selling the winning tradition of our baseball program you posted about a few weeks back.

This post was edited on 7/1 10:30 AM by 73chief
I never said we had a rich baseball tradition. All I said was that it is possible to win at Iowa, you refute it by mentioning lower tiered teams that Iowa beat. However, teams that play NAIA to DII teams several times each year still include names like Minnesota and Kansas and they aren't push overs. With that being said, it sure seems like a lot more people have interest in the program than an NAIA head coach and a Missouri Valley assistant as you said a few weeks ago as the only ones with interest.
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:

Originally posted by 73chief:

Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
This coaching search has been a joke and the most drawn out process I've ever appears we have some interviews with good candidates. However, Barta needs to quit dicking around and make some sort of commitment and get the right guy in there. I think Hendrickson could be that guy, but it is far from a done deal.
Maybe Barta is not properly selling the winning tradition of our baseball program you posted about a few weeks back.

This post was edited on 7/1 10:30 AM by 73chief
I never said we had a rich baseball tradition. All I said was that it is possible to win at Iowa, you refute it by mentioning lower tiered teams that Iowa beat. However, teams that play NAIA to DII teams several times each year still include names like Minnesota and Kansas and they aren't push overs. With that being said, it sure seems like a lot more people have interest in the program than an NAIA head coach and a Missouri Valley assistant as you said a few weeks ago as the only ones with interest.
First off, I put a little winking emoticon in the post indicating that I was just giving you a little light-hearted jab. Sorry that you are so sensitive and didn't take it with the good humor that was intended. SInce you take me to task on some points, here you go:

Sure it's possible to win in baseball at Iowa when you play more games in a season aginst Iowa Conference teams than you do B1G teams. And I checked Minnesota's and Kansas' schedule for 1981 and neither team played more games against teams from Division II, Division III, and NAIA than they did from their respective conferences. Iowa did. In fact KU played non-conference series against Many SWC teams that season. Bottom line is you tried to prove a point by listing off a bunch of records but you didn't do your homework and actually look at the make-up of those schedules. Had you done so, then you would have realized that they actually didn't prove the point you were trying to make, but they actually hurt it.

As far as your last comment, you need to go into the "Any insight on a new baseball coach?" thread that you actually started. Go about 2/3 of the way down and you will see a post by me on 6/13 stating that Heller was now in the mix. I've made additional posts in the lounge when I have received information of new candidates up for consideration. That is typically what you do when you receive new information. Within the first two weeks of the search, the most attractive candidates that had shown interest were an NAIA head Coach and a lead assistant from a MVC team that had some ties to Iowa. I assume both of those individuals have been passed over by some addition candidates with better resumes that have entered the mix since then. Heller appears to be one of those.

So nice try. Yawn...............
And before this is all over they may have to go back to that head NAIA coach and the lead assistant from the MVC school.
Originally posted by bubbfan:
Agree, and not just because of this baseball situation.

Part of the blame lies with an archaic UI hiring protocol that gives brand new meaning to the terms "bureaucracy" and "red tape". But if the rumor that Barta wasn't even in town for Hendrickson's visit proves true, then that is an example of staggering incompetence on his part and is completely inexcusable.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Jake in D-Town:

Originally posted by bubbfan:
Agree, and not just because of this baseball situation.

Part of the blame lies with an archaic UI hiring protocol that gives brand new meaning to the terms "bureaucracy" and "red tape". But if the rumor that Barta wasn't even in town for Hendrickson's visit proves true, then that is an example of staggering incompetence on his part and is completely inexcusable.

Posted from
Originally posted by Jake in D-Town
Originally posted by bubbfan:
Agree, and not just because of this baseball situation.

Part of the blame lies with an archaic UI hiring protocol that gives brand new meaning to the terms "bureaucracy" and "red tape". But if the rumor that Barta wasn't even in town for Hendrickson's visit proves true, then that is an example of staggering incompetence on his part and is completely inexcusable.

Heard second hand that one of the coaches said they had never been asked more questions that have nothing to do with baseball in their entire life.

I'm guessing those are mandatory questions from the U of I hiring guidebook. At least I would hope.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Jake in D-Town:

Part of the blame lies with an archaic UI hiring protocol that gives brand new meaning to the terms "bureaucracy" and "red tape". But if the rumor that Barta wasn't even in town for Hendrickson's visit proves true, then that is an example of staggering incompetence on his part and is completely inexcusable.

Posted from
Well Said and agree 100%.
This was a quote from Skippers Dugout earlier today....unbelievable....

Also heard at IOWA the AD & Assc. AD were scheduled to NOT be at the interviews for the HC cand. Hearing why two dropped out cause of that.

So Hendrickson dropped out? Who was the other? Heller? Sawyers? Servais?
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
This was a quote from Skippers Dugout earlier today....unbelievable....

Also heard at IOWA the AD & Assc. AD were scheduled to NOT be at the interviews for the HC cand. Hearing why two dropped out cause of that.

So Hendrickson dropped out? Who was the other? Heller? Sawyers? Servais?
MY guess would be the T&A guy.
Originally posted by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life:
This was a quote from Skippers Dugout earlier today....unbelievable....

Also heard at IOWA the AD & Assc. AD were scheduled to NOT be at the interviews for the HC cand. Hearing why two dropped out cause of that.

So Hendrickson dropped out? Who was the other? Heller? Sawyers? Servais?
Servais and Hendrickson both removed themselves from consideration after their formal interviews. Sawyers, Heller and Gary McLure are the other three candidates that had formal interviews so I think it is safe to say one of these individuals will get the job. McLure is the name that is starting to pick up momentum as the choice. If so, that would be a big coup for Iowa.
Gary McClure as in the Austin Peay head coach? He is an Iowa native and played at Southeastern CC.

This post was edited on 7/9 8:12 AM by IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life
Dochterman from the Gazette was on 1600 yesterday and said that he thought something would be announced either today or tomorrow.

I won't hold my breath.

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