Iowa House passes bill to ban ballot drop boxes, shorten return deadline

So without any actual evidence you believe there’s fraud happening…even tho I can point to election after election being certified without issue.

Your perception is not an accurate one and I doubt there’s anything anyone could say or do that would convince you.
Do you do you banking over the internet without secure wifi or connection, without security software, and without a secure and private password? Maybe you do, but I prefer all the security possible just in case.
Do you do you banking over the internet without secure wifi or connection, without security software, and without a secure and private password? Maybe you do, but I prefer all the security possible just in case.
You have zero idea how absentee voting works if you think there aren’t security measures in place.
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Please understand, that I don't need evidence,.. The fact that I don't trust aspects of the current system is my proof,.. You want people to trust the process?, then you have to address their concerns...

Where oh where did this lack of “trust” in the current system come from?


Sounds like the political party that is offering solutions for problems that don’t exist is a good fit for you.

Carry on.
Lots of guys got their balls blown off so your fat, lazy ass could vote, PERIOD! STFU, have some respect and follow the system that has worked since 1776 and quit bawling about your phucking convenience you whining, entitled prick! Inconvenient, is sitting in a wheelchair at some VA.......

If it's worked since 1776, why the need to change? You know why and everyone else knows too.
My point is that it's about appearance,.. If there are voters who don't trust aspects of the system, they will not trust or support the outcome,... Appearance is the problem.
The appearance is fine. People aren't trying to vote illegally. The perception can't be changed when people are looking for a reason on why they keep losing elections and don't want to face the reality that their point of view sucks and most people don't agree with them.
Here is your proof:
I'm an Iowa voter, and I don't like the continued use of loosely monitored ballot drop boxes, now that covid is over. I see this practice as contributing to the appearance of a loosely run election.
Just stop. Youre a reasonable poster. We have two choices. That between a mailbox at a house, which has absolutely no protection and a locked secure ballot box. How is the unguarded mailbox ok and the locked drop box a threat? Just admit the obvious. The Iowa GOP is trying to limit the way people can return ballots. It has nothing to do with securing elections. I’m basically fine with the voter number. I’m fine even with them having to be returned a day earlier.

The drop box restrictions is simply being done because Democrat focused areas have done it.
No they aren’t. Your statement is made up. Fraud doesn’t occur on a level that is meaningful to any election. In addition, people are working more hours and have busier lives.
You are being willfully blind if you don't recognize the potential for fraud with absentee ballots.

It is ok for us to disagree whether or not the risk of fraud is outweighed by the benefits of allowing absentee ballots.
Put the entire system back to where it was pre-covid and the vast majority will be satisfied...

Two things

1) The vast majority were already satisfied and had faith in the laws during the 2020 election. There is a very vocal minority of people that could not accept the results and created this narrative of wide spread voter fraud.

2) Do you think people will have faith in the system when it's proven that millions of eligible voters are denied the ability to cast their vote due to unnecessary laws that are written in way that impacts certain groups of people more than others?
You are being willfully blind if you don't recognize the potential for fraud with absentee ballots.

It is ok for us to disagree whether or not the risk of fraud is outweighed by the benefits of allowing absentee ballots.
Could a person risk committing a felony to vote absentee? Absolutely. It just doesn’t happen with any degree of frequency.
You are being willfully blind if you don't recognize the potential for fraud with absentee ballots.

It is ok for us to disagree whether or not the risk of fraud is outweighed by the benefits of allowing absentee ballots.
Of course there’s potential for fraud, and there are various safeguards to prevent them. You are focusing on the former and ignoring the latter.
The problem exists, and the problem is that many voters don't trust the looseness that was introduced to the voting process during covid,.. The problem is the "appearance" of an insecure election.
Why don't they trust it? Oh yeah, because a corrupt president and his minions told them so.
My point is that it's about appearance,.. If there are voters who don't trust aspects of the system, they will not trust or support the outcome,... Appearance is the problem.
FFS, this isn't about "appearance" or "aspects of the system". If Donald Trump loses an election, he and his supporters are going to claim fraud no matter what.

This bill is about the GOP trying to choose it's electorate by throwing up barriers to those they think are going to vote for the other party.
If nobody else has addressed it yet, one of the major components of this bill is the making felons eligible for the ballot. The "Law and Order" Party strikes again.

Just so comprehensively full of shit.
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FFS, this isn't about "appearance" or "aspects of the system". If Donald Trump loses an election, he and his supporters are going to claim fraud no matter what.

This bill is about the GOP trying to choose it's electorate by throwing up barriers to those they think are going to vote for the other party.

If that were the case they better develop some real barriers then,.. because this bill too reasonable.
You have zero idea how absentee voting works if you think there aren’t security measures in place.
This coming from a member of the party who also swears that our southern border is secure and and they have congressional testimony to prove it. :rolleyes:
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Keeps people like this from voting >

In Iowa?
Sake the fell up son… we are talking Iowa here…I could give an ears ass how those good ol’boys run elections in the Ballard bigoted South country! I want Uowa ejections to be fair and accessible for qualified voters. Reducing polling hours of operations does neither…just a ploy to restrict eligible voters from voting.
Bill generally contains the following:

1. Absentee ballots must be received by day prior to election.
2. Absentee ballots will be mailed out (2) days earlier than previous.
3. Returned absentee ballots must display voter ID number.
4. New absentee ballot envelope.
5. No ballot drop boxes - (Substitute mail boxes).

Don't see a problem with any of this,.. and I think at least some aspects of it improve the appearance of a secure election...
Absentee voting has been greatly restricted and for no reason in Iowa over the past decade. The abuses in Iowa absentee voting the past decade can be counted in one hand….and generally reflect abuses by Republican voters. It’s strictly a Republican effort to restrict eligible voters from casting ballots. There is no reasons, cases or evidence for passage of these restrictive voting rules.
FFS, this isn't about "appearance" or "aspects of the system". If Donald Trump loses an election, he and his supporters are going to claim fraud no matter what.

This bill is about the GOP trying to choose it's electorate by throwing up barriers to those they think are going to vote for the other party.
Spot on.
This coming from a member of the party who also swears that our southern border is secure and and they have congressional testimony to prove it. :rolleyes:
First lovely deflection; feel free to provide a link to where i said that. Or to any member of the party who said it’s secure.

Second, stick to the thread topic or just admit you’ve got nothing here.
So without any actual evidence you believe there’s fraud happening…even tho I can point to election after election being certified without issue.

Your perception is not an accurate one and I doubt there’s anything anyone could say or do that would convince you.
The average person can't provide you proof. But we can point to mathematical incongruencies.

Prior to 2020, we had xxx number of ballots absentee or mail in etc. In each of those elections a % of those ballots were rejected due to signature issues or incorrectly being filled out etc. And those figures have remained fairly consistent.

Then 2020 hits, and the number of mail-in, absentee, drop box ballots EXPLODES. And the number of ballot rejections actually went DOWN?

So in elections prior to 2020... let's say 1 million people voted absentee/mail in per election. Roughly 3% of ballots would be rejected for various reasons. 2020 hits, and now we have 30 million mail-in/absentee ballots, with less than 1% rejection rate. That is a mathematical impossibility.

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