Iowa/NW Thread

Not sure what can be done if anything but the PD call that stops a takedown is pretty crappy. ESP when you know guys grab a limb and push against the joint to get the PD call because they it’s the only way for them to avoid the takedown.

I couldn’t totally tell if that was what happened or not in that match but have watched it employed often enough to know it is a prob.

Glosser was turning against his own knee though. It does not make sense to call that PD. Incompetent call by the ref there.
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Oh, and add me to the list of disappointed fans. I wss rushing home through traffic to get back in time for the dual. Get home at 3:02 ET. Still time.

Wife on computer, I can't have it. 3:04 ET, still time.

Grab her iPad, login to BTN Plus. Won't let me watch stream because I have to download the app. 3:06 ET -- I can probably still get most of the match.

Look for app on iPad, because I remember I downloaded it for Midlands. Can't find app -- no longer on the iPad. Go to app store, it is in the cloud. Download . . . download . . . download. Got it, 3:08 ET.

Find the match, hit play. Up pops 11-1 Rivera . . . vs. Perez. WTFFFFFFF!

Ok, take a breath, deal with it. Still have 157 to look forward to. Check HR for explanation on Lee . . . see that Young is out, too. Damn.

Hey, Junior, want to get a pizza and watch a movie?
Rushing home and driving dangerously just to watch an Iowa ass kicking?

Sure sounds like you're becoming a Hawkeye fan to me. Welcome to the family!
You don’t understand the difference between wrestling twice this weekend for Iowa and Northwestern only wrestling today? Pretty obvious actually, had this meet been at home could be wrestling.
The old gable iowa mentality is long gone, huh?
Are you saying the starters wrestled every dual in the Gable era? Fans whine just to whine. This is a smart move for both Lee and Young

Unless Gable's wrestlers were injured they wrestled. No way he holds Young out today unless he was injured during his match on Friday night.
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I currently coach at the high school level and the kids are definitely different. Softer is a good word to describe them. Even though D1 kids are the cream of the crop, I would guess they are softer than they're 30 years ago also.
The coach can say, "hey you need to toughen up", but if the kid does not agree, he resents and performs poorly. What makes sense to us old timers is totally foreign to these young whipper snappers.
I like the way John Smith makes his guys travel a couple times a year and get used to being uncomfortable and making weight 2 days in a row during the year. Not many coaches do that anymore.
I guess I am saying you can blame TnT if you want, but they can only work with what they have. I do not know any details of any decisions that have been made, but it would not surprise me if a lot of this is athlete driven.
You realize NW didn’t wrestle on Friday. How is it fair to Lee and Young, where they had to cut weight twice get ready for two matches. While Rivera hasn’t wrestled in three weeks and Deakin only had to get ready for Young all week.
Yes. I'm sure you are getting at injuries? Yep college they happen all the time. Serious question, do you think Lee got hurt from Friday until now? Looked great on friday. Doubt they were doing too much grinding outside of some hard drilling since then.
Now I can get to my point during Intermissions. Maybe the guys talking Sh*t about me asking if you wrestled will understand.
Guys get not only injuries but illnesses sometimes not just Colds sometimes worse like Mono and really bad Flu. If you have not wrestled and you've had bad flu or Even worse Mono it kicks the crap out of you right?
Now try getting practices/training in while having one of these and wrestling its extremely hard!
You are trying to heal while the other guys are trying train and stay healthy you jeopardize getting other teammates sick so your practice and training suffers from that. All of this leads to a really bad situation for the team.
We as fans can not take it for granted how hard these guys work and the trials they go through thats why I get pissed when I read posts from guys that might not understand not saying you dont but if you have wrestled the winters are tuff to stay healthy and sometimes bad sickness can take a long time to recover and can effect many teamates.
Spencer was in and out of the hospital earlier this season and he is working through it.
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At least Marinelli is still tough. According to the announcers, he is just coming off surgery. :)

I did as advised and switched to the Iowa radio broadcast and sync'd it with Flo.

The guys doing the NW BTN broadcast are too much for me.
Ref just said the AM is a “very good defensive wrestler”??? Pretty sure he’s scored all the offensive points
Math can be hard, but being smart matters instead of just ramming things through
Well I guess the other 8 starters are just machines then and the only ones impacted “just happened” to be the two that didn’t go. Makes
With the Friday - Monday duals and weigh-ins good chance you see a backup one of the matches for the guys with rough cuts or working through injuries. This is not difficult to understand.

Friday-Sunday even. I can't speak to Young, but Lee has battled an illness all season (mono being one of the rumors) Any of you complaining when a wrestler goes has absolutely no idea why, and the fact that your first thought goes to them ducking is sad.