Name something you have in common with the opposite political party

I am a right-leaning Independent (former Republican) and I agree in marriage equality. In fact, I think we should just create civil union contracts for everyone (in the eyes of the government) and if you want to additionally go have a wedding ceremony in a church, back yard gazebo, etc., have at it.

I also support reasonable gun legislation reform as well as reasonable efforts towards a greener society. Climate change isn't a hoax.
I am a right-leaning Independent (former Republican) and I agree in marriage equality. In fact, I think we should just create civil union contracts for everyone (in the eyes of the government) and if you want to additionally go have a wedding ceremony in a church, back yard gazebo, etc., have at it.

I also support reasonable gun legislation reform as well as reasonable efforts towards a greener society. Climate change isn't a hoax.
I support taking care of our environment, I love nature and I want it to stay as healthy as possible. I support regulation that keeps our water, land, and air clean.

I don't support the current green energy solutions though because I don't believe they are the answer they claim to be.
I am fiscally conservative. I hate wasteful spending. I want a strong military. I’m pro strong discipline on crime and misbehavior. If it wasn’t for Roe, conservatives on courts wouldn’t bother me.

I am a right-leaning Independent (former Republican) and I agree in marriage equality. In fact, I think we should just create civil union contracts for everyone (in the eyes of the government) and if you want to additionally go have a wedding ceremony in a church, back yard gazebo, etc., have at it.

I also support reasonable gun legislation reform as well as reasonable efforts towards a greener society. Climate change isn't a hoax.
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I am republican

I support abortion up to 20ish weeks, but I would ban late term abortions unless it was necessary for the health of the mother or the baby was found to have severe medical conditions.

I support unions in the workplace.

Let's see where we can agree.
Conservative who supports gun control.
Not ownership elimination but strong controls.
Registration similar to vehicles with annual renewals where if a gun is used for a crime and it’s registered to you it’s a big problem.
Spot checks of people and cars in high crime areas same as drunk driving roadblocks.
Stuff like that.
I'm an independent because, frankly, I don't really know what either party stands for.

- I am for a strong public educational system. I believe a better educated populace would solve a lot of social issues.

- I'm not in any way in favor of abortion, but I do believe a woman has the right to choose.

- I am strongly in favor of a balanced budget.

- I am pro-business as long as they follow the rules.

- I would like to see immigration get under control, but I don't know what that even means. I don't want to close the borders but the status quo of today is not acceptable.

- I am in favor of terms limits, age limits and harsher penalties for unethical public servants and certainly law breakers.

- I want a strong military, but $800 billion feels excessive.

Which party should I support? No one in office seems to care about most of these things.
Conservative who supports gun control.
Not ownership elimination but strong controls.
Registration similar to vehicles with annual renewals where if a gun is used for a crime and it’s registered to you it’s a big problem.
Spot checks of people and cars in high crime areas same as drunk driving roadblocks.
Stuff like that.
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Right leaning Independent. I have taken those tests to see who I should vote for and it always says democrat, probably because of these 3 things.

-I support Woman's right to terminate a pregnancy up to a point. Not the baby coming out of the birth canal level some people want.

-I support Gay rights and the right to marry. I feel that people should be able to do what they want to be happy. It's a free country.

-I believe in protecting the environment just not as harshly as Dems try.
Pro-Choice, but there should be a line… 20 weeks???

Pro-Military, but there’s so much waste that even if we spent on military and cut that out we’d have billions to spend elsewhere.

Regulations on owning and possessing firearms. Registration, licensing, safety training every few years.

Agree on a balanced budget… Pay Go.

For term limits and if we have minimum age requirements we should have age caps for politicians.

Support environmental efforts/protections because it’s good for clean air, water… but jobs and these things have proven to be helpful.

Like what someone else mentioned… civil unions for legal/tax purposes and those who want to do a ceremony can do those at their churches if they want.

Legal protections for all to include LGBTQ. People need to mind their business and leave others to live their lives.

Pro education. As someone else mentioned… educated society is a better and more productive society.

I’m for border security to monitor and control crossings. Also for those seeking asylum or wanting to immigrate they need to apply online or from their country… not at the border. Provide path for citizenship to productive migrants who are lawful. Penalties for employers who hire illegals.

Back to environment… for those who want cheaper gas and to get off ME oil… need to be leaders in renewables. Would like to drastically reduce need for ME anything.

Prohibition on Gerrymandering. Use AI to draw up non-partisan maps and have politicians have to actually campaign and win over their constituents.

Ban citizens united… or just get money out of politics and have those running each get the same pot of money to use so all are on even playing field and have to actually campaign and win elections vs simply spending more.
Was even MAGA for 4 years.

I own many guns.
I think we should have more gun control.

The government has no right telling what adults can or can't marry.

Anyone who votes for Trump in 2024 is a traitor.

Biden is too old.

It's embarrassing that these are our two best options.

Being in government should be a service to our country....not a get rich quick scam.

It's absolutely ridiculous how much money we waste on politics.

America first. We should stop funding other wars.
I’m generally a fiscally conservative socially liberal democrat.

I agree with some of the GOP’s stated goals (we can argue whether they really believe them for another thread):

That many laws and regulations are outdated, or had unintended consequences, and need to be removed or modified.

That we should support decreasing regulations (but enforcing any remaining regulations like a mofo).

That we have to do something about the border.

That we have to address the debt as we are crippling the next generation.

That people should be entitled to have a gun - in their home - for protection.
As a left leaning independent (by early 2000s standards) I think the right is correct on:
1. Wanting to enforce the law, harsher sentencing on violent/repeat criminals including capital punishment
2. Wanting to generally reduce the size of the federal government (maga position)
3. Stricter enforcement of border policies
4. Ripping out DEI root and stem from all institutions
5. Not thinking joe biden is fit for office

As an alleged far right maga extremist by today's standards I think the left is correct on:
1. Pro-choice position on abortion, up to a certain point. For me that is 15ish weeks but that number is debatable. No late term abortions unless there is serious health risk to the mother.
2. Gay marriage but I think most everybody actually is fine with this now
3. Climate good. "Green new deal" policy is actually awful.
4. Donald trump shouldn't be anywhere near politics
I’m way more moderate than some will agree.
Pro-choice with exception to partial birth abortion (I know those are exceptionally rare though)
Military waste infuriates me but a strong efficient military is necessary
Pro-business but with common sense regulation
Tax system is in need of reform and simplification
Support the environment but not an extremist
Lots of others have made good points on here that I agree with - I have no use for extreme far right or left politics.
I think most Americans are more centrist than social media portrays.
As a left leaning independent (by early 2000s standards) I think the right is correct on:
1. Wanting to enforce the law, harsher sentencing on violent/repeat criminals including capital punishment
2. Wanting to generally reduce the size of the federal government (maga position)
3. Stricter enforcement of border policies
4. Ripping out DEI root and stem from all institutions
5. Not thinking joe biden is fit for office

As an alleged far right maga extremist by today's standards I think the left is correct on:
1. Pro-choice position on abortion, up to a certain point. For me that is 15ish weeks but that number is debatable. No late term abortions unless there is serious health risk to the mother.
2. Gay marriage but I think most everybody actually is fine with this now
3. Climate good. "Green new deal" policy is actually awful.
4. Donald trump shouldn't be anywhere near politics

I’m way more moderate than some will agree.
Pro-choice with exception to partial birth abortion (I know those are exceptionally rare though)
Military waste infuriates me but a strong efficient military is necessary
Pro-business but with common sense regulation
Tax system is in need of reform and simplification
Support the environment but not an extremist
Lots of others have made good points on here that I agree with - I have no use for extreme far right or left politics.
I think most Americans are more centrist than social media portrays.
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I am fiscally conservative. I hate wasteful spending. I want a strong military. I’m pro strong discipline on crime and misbehavior. If it wasn’t for Roe, conservatives on courts wouldn’t bother me.
The irony is just too much.
I lean right just not a fan of the faces of the Republican party right now.

I actually agree with the Dems a lot.

Abortion, gay rights, environment, stronger gum laws, etc..
This almost 100%. I'm really more for stronger gun laws than gum laws. I have no issues with gum at all.

Seriously though. Many of the loudest Republicans right now are dumber than a box of rocks.
Right leaning Independent. I have taken those tests to see who I should vote for and it always says democrat, probably because of these 3 things.

-I support Woman's right to terminate a pregnancy up to a point. Not the baby coming out of the birth canal level some people want.

-I support Gay rights and the right to marry. I feel that people should be able to do what they want to be happy. It's a free country.

-I believe in protecting the environment just not as harshly as Dems try.
Nobody is for aborting a baby at birth. It’s not a thing.
Technically I’m still a registered Republican, just haven’t made the effort to change to Independent. I’ve mention this before, but for 20 years or so, I was a die hard R, listened to Rush daily.

I am a proud supporter of LGBTQ and their rights. Where I start to lean R is when it’s about kids transitioning, biological boys/men competing against girls/women in sports.

I’m pro marijuana legalization.

I’m for much stricter gun laws and regulations. I’m probably more extreme on this issue than most Dems. I actually hate guns. I’m also in favor of more prisons and much harsher penalties for possessing or using illegal weapons and for gun crimes.

I am pro choice.

I believe that climate change is real.

I’m in favor of term limits.

I’m pro public education. We should be investing more money in our public schools and less money overseas. I’m talking a lot more money. I also believe our teachers are extremely underpaid.
Technically I’m still a registered Republican, just haven’t made the effort to change to Independent. I’ve mention this before, but for 20 years or so, I was a die hard R, listened to Rush daily.

I am a proud supporter of LGBTQ and their rights. Where I start to lean R is when it’s about kids transitioning, biological boys/men competing against girls/women in sports.

I’m pro marijuana legalization.

I’m for much stricter gun laws and regulations. I’m probably more extreme on this issue than most Dems. I actually hate guns. I’m also in favor of more prisons and much harsher penalties for possessing or using illegal weapons and for gun crimes.

I am pro choice.

I believe that climate change is real.

I’m in favor of term limits.

I’m pro public education. We should be investing more money in our public schools and less money overseas. I’m talking a lot more money. I also believe our teachers are extremely underpaid.
I swear we don’t agree much…unless I’m mixing you up with someone else which is very possible…but I wholeheartedly agree with everything you posted here.
I am republican

I support abortion up to 20ish weeks, but I would ban late term abortions unless it was necessary for the health of the mother or the baby was found to have severe medical conditions.

I support unions in the workplace.

Let's see where we can agree.
I agree we can be better stewards of the planet, even if I don't think climate change Is the man-made issue that covid is. We could still do a better job conserving resources.
I am not 100% sure what I am but I think the government is involved with way too much so I guess I'd say I am Libertarian. I am also all over the place though.

I lean right on
-No bio boys in women's sports or bathrooms
-Pro Police
-Pro 2nd Amendment although I think it should be tougher to get a gun
-Military although I do not believe in being World Police all the time
-Spending needs cut

I lean left on
-Pro weed
-Abortion up to a limit like 20 weeks or so
-Pro gay marriage
-I am pro whatever gender musical chairs someone wants to play that day but it shouldn't be shoved down anyone's throat either.
-I grew up poor and am in favor of public assistance programs like welfare, housing etc. but I believe the parents should be drug tested to receive it.

You can all call me dumb my #1 bugaboo is I 100% do not believe any state or federal politician should be allowed to play the stock market. It is sickening how many politicians who make a modest yearly salary are worth millions. And no if you say "BuT bUtTeRs ThEy Do PuBlic SpEeChEs FoR mOnEy" you can GFY.
I swear we don’t agree much…unless I’m mixing you up with someone else which is very possible…but I wholeheartedly agree with everything you posted here.
lol. I swear that too. It must be little spats that we probably give too much credence to. Weird how we often let the extremes push us towards disagreements when we should work towards those things we have in common.

In addition, I’ve been here for over 20 years. 2001 I was a pretty staunch Republican. I a much better man, father, husband and overall human than I was in my 20’s and 30’s.
Technically I’m still a registered Republican, just haven’t made the effort to change to Independent. I’ve mention this before, but for 20 years or so, I was a die hard R, listened to Rush daily.

I am a proud supporter of LGBTQ and their rights. Where I start to lean R is when it’s about kids transitioning, biological boys/men competing against girls/women in sports.

I’m pro marijuana legalization.

I’m for much stricter gun laws and regulations. I’m probably more extreme on this issue than most Dems. I actually hate guns. I’m also in favor of more prisons and much harsher penalties for possessing or using illegal weapons and for gun crimes.

I am pro choice.

I believe that climate change is real.

I’m in favor of term limits.

I’m pro public education. We should be investing more money in our public schools and less money overseas. I’m talking a lot more money. I also believe our teachers are extremely underpaid.
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