No bueno

Really, I would think Iowa be a great fit considering your coach was suspended his senior year of high school for similar charges, not to mention Iowa has been transferring in guy with baggage such as DeSanto and Renteria, not to mention trying to get PDIII in.
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Really, I would think Iowa be a great fit considering your coach was suspended his senior year of high school for similar charges, not to mention Iowa has been transferring in guy with baggage such as DeSanto and Renteria, not to mention trying to get PDIII in.
Really both you and the quoting you should know better. Let’s see what happens here before inserting our silly biases .
The "object" was probably sent to the lab. If the victim's DNA is found on the object, that goes a long ways in corroborating her story. The doctors and staff at the ER and others at the house will be interviewed. Maybe Steveson ratted out his teammate and the prosecutors need more time to figure out of Steveson is telling the truth. All sorts of moving parts here.

Prosecutors don't like to move too quick on these cases because once charges are filed the clock starts. It's better to sort it out before hand.

I'd sure like to see the search warrant affidavit.
That’s all true. We know almost zero information that really matters. If you’ve ever seen the workings of one of these investigations it’s pretty involved.
Sounds like you're nit picking just to get a rise out of her. I'm sure it's not 100 % but I'm also sure it's just you hassling her just for fun or being an ass...

It would be nit picking if I asked her about a very small difference in our experiences, but when Wendy reports essentially 100% and my experience/knowledge is essentially 0%, that is not picking of nits. That is a pretty big discrepancy. I don't care about getting a rise out of her either way, but I was, and still am, quite skeptical that 100% of women experience rape and/or serious sexual assault.

Note - her posts that I was referencing initially referred to rape and/or assault multiple times. It was only in subsequent posts that groping, catcalling, etc, were added to the context of what constitutes sexual assault. I am sure that if the definition is that broad then the number of women experiencing and reporting such things would be much higher.

But in a thread where it appears as though a woman was forcibly raped with an instrument of some sort and people are using the term "rape" almost exclusively, I took that as the context of the conversation. I am not hassling her for fun, but I do think that harm can be brought to a given cause when the actual statistics are grossly misrepresented or overstated.
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It would be nit picking if I asked her about a very small difference in our experiences, but when Wendy reports essentially 100% and my experience/knowledge is essentially 0%, that is not picking of nits. That is a pretty big discrepancy. I don't care about getting a rise out of her either way, but I was, and still am, quite skeptical that 100% of women experience rape and/or serious sexual assault.

Note - her posts that I was referencing initially referred to rape and/or assault multiple times. It was only in subsequent posts that groping, catcalling, etc, were added to the context of what constitutes sexual assault. I am sure that if the definition is that broad then the number of women experiencing and reporting such things would be much higher.

But in a thread where it appears as though a woman was forcibly raped with an instrument of some sort and people are using the term "rape" almost exclusively, I took that as the context of the conversation. I am not hassling her for fun, but I do think that harm can be brought to a given cause when the actual statistics are grossly misrepresented or overstated.
It is true that we have really expanded the definition of sexual assault. In my day, if I tried to feel a girl's you know what, and she said no, I either tried again or stopped. Nowadays that could be called sexual assault or attempted sexual assault. Now I do not think it would get reported, but it could go into the pile of women who were sexually assaulted but did not file a complaint. I guess what I am saying is that I take those statistics with a grain of salt. It makes it much easier to pass laws and get people to feel sorry for you if you say 1000% of the women have experienced sexual assault. I am not condoning groping or anything like that. I am just saying that I will wait for the facts to come out (if that ever happens) before I pass judgement. Statistics are not going to sway my opinion and I am not throwing anyone under a bus (guys or girls).
We’ll see how it all plays out.... this whole scenario just seems bizarre to me.... we don’t know what actually happened.... but I agree he was there when the Xanax scandal went down.... now this.... at some point he has to be held accountable for his athletes character and behavior.... I’d guess at the least this is strike two.... I mean he’s not their parent and shouldn’t be expected to do bed checks every night in the off season but at some point you would think he would be aware that he has some kids on the roster that aren’t maybe model citizens ..... Iowa football had a little taste of this awhile back with a few gangsters.... they addressed it immediately got rid of the players.... started making character a much bigger focal point in recruiting and I believe created a new position on the staff devoted to mentoring players as they adjust to college life.... haven’t had a problem since and it actually seems they’ve had better athletes....dope and drinking are one thing.... sexual assault are another all together... I do feel bad for Eggum but at some point it’s time to take drastic steps if you’re the AD

You mentioned that "at some point he has to be held accountable for his athlete' character and behavior."

I agree. These are his kids that he recruited & brought to Minneapolis.

I think there's still a culture problem at the University of Minnesota that they are still trying to fix. Look at Minnesota men's basketball & football. Now wrestling.

The MN AD will have to decide if the right man is in charge to clean this mess up.
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You mentioned that "at some point he has to be held accountable for his athlete' character and behavior."

I agree. These are his kids that he recruited & brought to Minneapolis.

I think there's still a culture problem at the University of Minnesota that they are still trying to fix. Look at Minnesota men's basketball & football. Now wrestling.

The MN AD will have to decide if the right man is in charge to clean this mess up.
It's Gopher Athletics. The next scandal is right around the corner. Just when you think the wrestling program can turn the page with the end of eligibility for the drug dealers/users/abusers... now this big question mark.
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This is not just for you, it's for everyone.

One thing I don't like is why are the names and booking pics of the accused released to the media before they are charged? shouldn't the accused be granted confidentiality until they are charged with a crime? i understand giving confidentially to the ALLEGED victim but why not give confidentiality to the accused UNTIL they are charged?

in this case, they weren't charged, yet the public knows their names. if a future potential employer googles their name, up comes the pic of them in an orange suit & the words "sexual assault." Is that fair? I would argue that it isn't.

I worked for years in the legal field, though usually civil law, not criminal. However, we had a client who years prior had been asked by a detective to come into the police station for an interview regarding a serious felony accusation against him. He did so, then was fingerprinted, mug shot, and released. Several weeks later he was told that no charges would be filed.

He thought that was the end of it, but later found out that his fingerprinting/mug shot was actually an arrest, and was reported to the state's crime bureau, and was on his background report. There was no mention that he wasn't charged, so the appearance is that he was charged and found guilty. This screwed up his life for many years, in so many ways, and our firm had to petition the court to change the criminal record to reflect that no charges were filed.

Long story, but the point is that even if charges are never filed against Steveson and Martinez, their arrest may be on their criminal record permanently - their attorneys should make sure that's not the case. Seems crazy and unjust that people apparently can be arrested, held, and that is on their permanent record, even if charges are never filed.
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No expert in law enforcement and just going off people who were with the county attorneys office and current County Attorney who happens to be a big wrestling fan.
The police will gather information and may not file charges. They may build a case, which will be taken to a grand jury to see if prosecutors have a case.
All the evidence will be presented, from 911 call, Hospital report, DNA testing(can be weeks) interviews and testimony from all. Including all present at the time of the assault.
Unfortunately the victim and her williness to continue with the case, considering how high profile Stevenson is and the amount of publicity she may have to endure may not wish to endure more trauma through a high profile and lengthy trial.
Why not?

Read the Gopher forum... I'm living there rent free, too.

The pure fact that these two fools were incarcerated for 48 hours means something likely bad, happened. The fact that charges have yet to be filed does NOT mean they are innocent.

BTW; Gopher Athletics is still a hemorrhoid on the B1G's ass.
You can have more than one hemorrhoid.
So what..... if Minnesota kicks them out of school I assume they can go somewhere else? They’d fit right in at PSU wouldn’t they....or Nebraska
Too dirty for Nebraska. PSU has too much talent already to look at these guys. Edinboro used to be the home for lost wrestlers. How about tOSU?
So what..... if Minnesota kicks them out of school I assume they can go somewhere else? They’d fit right in at PSU wouldn’t they....or Nebraska
Too dirty for Nebraska. PSU has too much talent already to look at these guys. Edinboro used to be the home for lost wrestlers. How about tOSU?
They came to mind... honestly I think Gable is the only one anyone would consider.... the other kid isn’t that great.... maybe ISU.... he hasn’t been kicked out if Minnesota yet
One thing I don't like is why are the names and booking pics of the accused released to the media before they are charged? shouldn't the accused be granted confidentiality until they are charged with a crime?

No! Absolutely not.
In my experience most eo
It would be nit picking if I asked her about a very small difference in our experiences, but when Wendy reports essentially 100% and my experience/knowledge is essentially 0%, that is not picking of nits. That is a pretty big discrepancy. I don't care about getting a rise out of her either way, but I was, and still am, quite skeptical that 100% of women experience rape and/or serious sexual assault.

Note - her posts that I was referencing initially referred to rape and/or assault multiple times. It was only in subsequent posts that groping, catcalling, etc, were added to the context of what constitutes sexual assault. I am sure that if the definition is that broad then the number of women experiencing and reporting such things would be much higher.

But in a thread where it appears as though a woman was forcibly raped with an instrument of some sort and people are using the term "rape" almost exclusively, I took that as the context of the conversation. I am not hassling her for fun, but I do think that harm can be brought to a given cause when the actual statistics are grossly misrepresented or overstated.
nen have experienced harassment. My wife will attest to that but she won’t call copping a feel anything other then rudeness. Her response at a bar or club was you’re buying a drink or getting a broken nose. Almost everyone bought the drink.
She said she might even talk to the guy if he did behave . As for sexual assault , those numbers just aren’t available accurately from false complaints To unreported assaults.
A LE friend said 70-80% of initial reports are easily proven to be bullshit. And he’ll say we have no idea the number of unreported crimes .
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My 27 year old son heard about this and had his girlfriend read the story. The first thing she said was, "this girl is trying to get some money!" It is funny how different people perceive the same info. Go figure....
I worked for years in the legal field, though usually civil law, not criminal. However, we had a client who years prior had been asked by a detective to come into the police station for an interview regarding a serious felony accusation against him. He did so, then was fingerprinted, mug shot, and released. Several weeks later he was told that no charges would be filed.

He thought that was the end of it, but later found out that his fingerprinting/mug shot was actually an arrest, and was reported to the state's crime bureau, and was on his background report. There was no mention that he wasn't charged, so the appearance is that he was charged and found guilty. This screwed up his life for many years, in so many ways, and our firm had to petition the court to change the criminal record to reflect that no charges were filed.

Long story, but the point is that even if charges are never filed against Steveson and Martinez, their arrest may be on their criminal record permanently - their attorneys should make sure that's not the case. Seems crazy and unjust that people apparently can be arrested, held, and that is on their permanent record, even if charges are never filed.

The problem I see is that once it was made public that they were arrested & being held, several articles and videos were posted to the internet. Those articles & videos are now on the internet forever. If a potential employer does a Google search on either of these guys, that potential employers is going to learn a lot.

Google searches on individuals now a days are almost like background checks, imo
My question is why was this young lady at there house between 1:30 and 3 am alone in the first place?
The problem I see is that once it was made public that they were arrested & being held, several articles and videos were posted to the internet. Those articles & videos are now on the internet forever. If a potential employer does a Google search on either of these guys, that potential employers is going to learn a lot.

Google searches on individuals now a days are almost like background checks, imo
So many people just can't wait to condemn someone. It is sad but true. Condemners are going to condemn.
My question is why was this young lady at there house between 1:30 and 3 am alone in the first place?

Assuming she's in college as well, I am guessing she no longer has a midnight curfew. Young people do tend to stay out late for a bunch of reasons. Now I know you are not insinuating that she shouldn't have been at their house at that time w/o knowing the "deal" but some people might think would be just as bad as assuming the two are guilty. Right now, nobody really knows the 5 Ws.
The problem I see is that once it was made public that they were arrested & being held, several articles and videos were posted to the internet. Those articles & videos are now on the internet forever. If a potential employer does a Google search on either of these guys, that potential employers is going to learn a lot.

Google searches on individuals now a days are almost like background checks, imo
So many people just can't wait to condemn someone. It is sad but true. Condemners are going to condemn.
And other people blame the victims.... I don’t know the exact stats but the overwhelming majority of these reports are the truth.... I honestly can’t imagine one single reason a woman would be motivated to put herself through the embarrassment and scrutiny.... accusations of lying as if nothing happened.... I tire of people claiming these poor guys get wrongly accused or these women have happens on rare occasions.... but I myself and my son and most the men I know managed to get through life without every being accused of sexual misconduct and believe me I chased my share of women.... it’s usually simply being raised right.... and respecting a woman’s right to say no.... no means no.... and if they’re too inebriated to give conscious consent that means no way.... maybe I’m rushing judgement but everything I’ve seen from GS to date doesn’t exactly strike me that he’s a high character kid
All that being said I’m doing exactly what I bitched about earlier in this thread.... I’m getting drawn into a political pissing match.... so Im done commenting.... very interested in how this all develops though so appreciate any updates
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And other people blame the victims.... I don’t know the exact stats but the overwhelming majority of these reports are the truth.... I honestly can’t imagine one single reason a woman would be motivated to put herself through the embarrassment and scrutiny.... accusations of lying as if nothing happened.... I tire of people claiming these poor guys get wrongly accused or these women have happens on rare occasions.... but I myself and my son and most the men I know managed to get through life without every being accused of sexual misconduct and believe me I chased my share of women.... it’s usually simply being raised right.... and respecting a woman’s right to say no.... no means no.... and if they’re too inebriated to give conscious consent that means no way.... maybe I’m rushing judgement but everything I’ve seen from GS to date doesn’t exactly strike me that he’s a high character kid
All that being said I’m doing exactly what I bitched about earlier in this thread.... I’m getting drawn into a political pissing match.... so Im done commenting.... very interested in how this all develops though so appreciate any updates
Maybe you did what you said not to do, but I can't find much here to disagree about. When you're right, you're right.
And other people blame the victims.... I don’t know the exact stats but the overwhelming majority of these reports are the truth.... I honestly can’t imagine one single reason a woman would be motivated to put herself through the embarrassment and scrutiny.... accusations of lying as if nothing happened.... I tire of people claiming these poor guys get wrongly accused or these women have happens on rare occasions.... but I myself and my son and most the men I know managed to get through life without every being accused of sexual misconduct and believe me I chased my share of women.... it’s usually simply being raised right.... and respecting a woman’s right to say no.... no means no.... and if they’re too inebriated to give conscious consent that means no way.... maybe I’m rushing judgement but everything I’ve seen from GS to date doesn’t exactly strike me that he’s a high character kid
All that being said I’m doing exactly what I bitched about earlier in this thread.... I’m getting drawn into a political pissing match.... so Im done commenting.... very interested in how this all develops though so appreciate any updates
The overwhelming amount of reports are not true. Certifiable the alleged is lying runs app 6-10%. As in they darn well know they’re lying and can prove they are lying. That’s according to the FBI.
When you talk to LE they will tell you initial complaints are more often false than true . Many are dismissed after initial interviews because it’s obviously false.
Then we have unreported claims which have no good numbers since you can’t judge a claim that was never told to LE.
And other people blame the victims.... I don’t know the exact stats but the overwhelming majority of these reports are the truth.... I honestly can’t imagine one single reason a woman would be motivated to put herself through the embarrassment and scrutiny.... accusations of lying as if nothing happened.... I tire of people claiming these poor guys get wrongly accused or these women have happens on rare occasions.... but I myself and my son and most the men I know managed to get through life without every being accused of sexual misconduct and believe me I chased my share of women.... it’s usually simply being raised right.... and respecting a woman’s right to say no.... no means no.... and if they’re too inebriated to give conscious consent that means no way.... maybe I’m rushing judgement but everything I’ve seen from GS to date doesn’t exactly strike me that he’s a high character kid
All that being said I’m doing exactly what I bitched about earlier in this thread.... I’m getting drawn into a political pissing match.... so Im done commenting.... very interested in how this all develops though so appreciate any updates
What you touched on here was very important. You didn’t place yourself in bad situations. Being a decent and smart fellow prevents a lot of trouble.
Those false complaints I mentioned were often low lifes and drama . She gets mad he cheated , she accuses him, but her sister can vouch he was with her at the alleged time.
And other people blame the victims.... I don’t know the exact stats but the overwhelming majority of these reports are the truth.... I honestly can’t imagine one single reason a woman would be motivated to put herself through the embarrassment and scrutiny.... accusations of lying as if nothing happened.... I tire of people claiming these poor guys get wrongly accused or these women have happens on rare occasions.... but I myself and my son and most the men I know managed to get through life without every being accused of sexual misconduct and believe me I chased my share of women.... it’s usually simply being raised right.... and respecting a woman’s right to say no.... no means no.... and if they’re too inebriated to give conscious consent that means no way.... maybe I’m rushing judgement but everything I’ve seen from GS to date doesn’t exactly strike me that he’s a high character kid
All that being said I’m doing exactly what I bitched about earlier in this thread.... I’m getting drawn into a political pissing match.... so Im done commenting.... very interested in how this all develops though so appreciate any updates
Maybe you did what you said not to do, but I can't find much here to disagree about. When you're right, you're right.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile
The problem I see is that once it was made public that they were arrested & being held, several articles and videos were posted to the internet. Those articles & videos are now on the internet forever. If a potential employer does a Google search on either of these guys, that potential employers is going to learn a lot.

Google searches on individuals now a days are almost like background checks, imo

When the government arrests someone the public needs to know. Especially if they are in custody. We do not want people disappearing mysteriously.
The problem I see is that once it was made public that they were arrested & being held, several articles and videos were posted to the internet. Those articles & videos are now on the internet forever. If a potential employer does a Google search on either of these guys, that potential employers is going to learn a lot.

Google searches on individuals now a days are almost like background checks, imo

For about $1000 you can clean your name from internet searches. People do this with misdemeanors like DWI's all the time. It doesn't prevent things from being found on an employment background check, but it stops random people from googling you and finding crap out from the past.
For about $1000 you can clean your name from internet searches. People do this with misdemeanors like DWI's all the time. It doesn't prevent things from being found on an employment background check, but it stops random people from googling you and finding crap out from the past.
i just think that the accused should not be made public until they are charged.

the alleged victims receive privacy. so should the ALLEGED perps.
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