*****Official Northwestern @ IOWA Game Thread****

We are a total joke. "Vaunted" defense giving up 200 yards rushing to the worst rush O in America. 10 points at home. 60 yards rushing. "O-Line U" indeed. Horizontal offense all day against a team missing both of its best corners. We just fell from "inconsequential" to COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.
I’ll take 200 yards rushing and 14 points all day long. Throw in getting the offense great field position on two picks and that should be a win 10/10 times

We are a total joke. "Vaunted" defense giving up 200 yards rushing to the worst rush O in America. 10 points at home. 60 yards rushing. "O-Line U" indeed. Horizontal offense all day against a team missing both of its best corners. We just fell from "inconsequential" to COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.
We are a total joke. "Vaunted" defense giving up 200 yards rushing to the worst rush O in America. 10 points at home. 60 yards rushing. "O-Line U" indeed. Horizontal offense all day against a team missing both of its best corners. We just fell from "inconsequential" to COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.

Agreed, 100%. It is time to move on from ferentz. Completely inept.
this team isnt terrible - this offense is terrible!!!!

The defense isn't much better. NW bitch slapped them the entire 2nd half. NW was averaging 2.6 yards per carry coming into this game. Their freshman nobody averaged over 5 against Iowa's juggernaut defense.
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If KF had his way, Fant would be out in his field picking cotton.

Typical bigoted post from a racist liberal. Not all liberals are obsessed with race, but this one sure is. This is the same guy that was triggered about Whitaker serving as acting AG.

Btw, Ferentz isn't micromanaging who is on the field for each play, his assistants are. I too want to see more Fant. But get this s*** out of here.
Typical bigoted post from a racist liberal. Not all liberals are obsessed with race, but this one sure is. This is the same guy that was triggered about Whitaker serving as acting AG.

Btw, Ferentz isn't micromanaging who is on the field for each play, his assistants are. I too want to see more Fant. But get this s*** out of here.

Yeah, I'm sure KF is over there scratching is head wondering why his son played best TE in the nation about 15 snaps the entire game.
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It was said when Polesek then KOK were hired that Kirk was positioning this team for his kid to succeed. We are seeing the results, Polasek has never in his career coached o line, but here he is (even though he torched D1 defenses on their home fields with less talent as an o coordinator) and then KOK as QB coach (fired by Dolphins). And Brian as o coordinator. This team is not progressing even though there's talent all around. No Fant, running back committee, o line not blocking, it's only going to get worse. Stanley is talented, but he's regressing, overall that's coaching, not completely on the player. O line regressing as well (see above comment). Polasek easily was more ready to be a D1 o coordinator over Brian, but Kirk wasn't having it.

I've defended this coaching staff as well, but it's clear that the ship has sailed. It's time to move on unfortunately. I don't see us having a chance against Nebraska and that makes me throw up in my mouth
In end, it is on BF/KF to put in QB that makes plays. Thorson not impressive, but he made a few plays with his feet...I'd go with Mansell some myself.

Stanley is not NFL material. Doesn't see field well enough, not consistent on accuracy. Doesn't hang in pocket and checks down to fast. Doesn't pull trigger on downfield routes.

NFL material? Stanley is barely Big 10 material. This guy is just not a leader.
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In end, it is on BF/KF to put in QB that makes plays. Thorson not impressive, but he made a few plays with his feet...I'd go with Mansell some myself.

Stanley is not NFL material. Doesn't see field well enough, not consistent on accuracy. Doesn't hang in pocket and checks down to fast. Doesn't pull trigger on downfield routes.
Stares down his receivers
DYOFR, racist

I have, and you can't provide what I'm asking because it doesn't exist.

I'd venture a guess that at least half of you bucking against my assertions voted for Steve King (the other half would have if they lived in that district) and 98% have never stepped into a classroom at the U of I.
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