Pizza delivery to the FDNY.
Weren't these the "scripted pizzas" that were actually delivered 40 minutes earlier, taken back out and handed to Trump as he walked in?
politicians love photo ops...i won't knock him for that

i just think it's funny that they insist on making it look like trump was the one personally delivering the pizzas...and then he shows up with TWO whole pizzas for an entire firehouse

modern american politics in a nutshell
Red Tide Rick is the worst
The funny thing about Rick Scott's appearance is that Trump lumbered by him on his way into court without a glance as Scott clapped and stared adoringly at him. One, gotta make sure Scott knows he's a beta male. Two, his lawyers confirmed to him that Scott can go past the boundaries of the gag order if it can plausibly be said there was no coordination between Trump and Scott. And, there probably wasn't a direct order to Scott. As Michael Cohen has said many times, you just infer from Trump what he wants and then go debase yourself.
So one of Trump's aids job is to follow him around with printouts of favorable articles about him. Trump then reads the articles, tells the aid what unfavorable parts to edit out, then print out a new version with only the highest praise for him.

This guy is effed up.
So one of Trump's aids job is to follow him around with printouts of favorable articles about him. Trump then reads the articles, tells the aid what unfavorable parts to edit out, then print out a new version with only the highest praise for him.

This guy is effed up.

1) not a surprise to any of us who see what a crapbag he is
2) any behavior by the cult will dismissed as not real or "still better than...." and "Im in too deep to admit I was wrong" OR "I let the rest go, whats 1 more character flaw to ignore?"

But agreed, just more examples of what a broken person he is.
I find it sad but funny, he is still bitching about not being able to go on social media to respond to or attack people. Just testify and get it on the record........

Petulant child at best.

Thats all he knows to do. Attack. Attack. Attack. But what is more sad is the GOP that have been insulted by him time and time again and still lick his boots (i.e. Graham, Rubio, Desantis, etc.)
Madeline Westerhout seemingly contradicted herself in her testimony. At one point she said Trump was super detail oriented, but under cross she built a permission structure by saying maybe Trump didn't now he was signing checks to Michael Cohen because he's so super busy and did stuff like that. Which is it?
Westerhout was banished by Trump, but is now employed at a think tank run by former National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien. HIs company does not disclose its funders and clients. I wonder if any of them have ties to Trump?
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Before a break today Trump motioned to Fox host Jeanine Pirro for her to follow him as he exited the room. She was gone for several minutes, and then returned with a Trump aide.
Talking points issued?
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So one of Trump's aids job is to follow him around with printouts of favorable articles about him. Trump then reads the articles, tells the aid what unfavorable parts to edit out, then print out a new version with only the highest praise for him.

This guy is effed up.
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....unless you consider having Ivanka sitting on his lap.....then it is over
Dude youre losing it lately. Take a step back. Not kidding. No.idea what's gotten into you but you used to be rational and, though I disagree with you on many things, at least I could see that you were trying to be reasonable.....
Dude youre losing it lately. Take a step back. Not kidding. No.idea what's gotten into you but you used to be rational and, though I disagree with you on many things, at least I could see that you were trying to be reasonable.....

Nope. All good. Trump's own words when asked what he has in common with his daughter: "Sex"

Dude is a perv. Can you imagine saying that about your daughter?