Reminder: KJP is still terrible

How is she lying?

In addition, the President’s Budget explains his principles for addressing tax cuts expiring after 2025. The President would extend all middle-class tax cuts; as he has repeatedly promised, he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. And he will fully pay for these extensions with additional reforms to make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, so that they do not add to the debt. At the same time, he opposes tax cuts for the wealthy—either extending tax cuts for the top 2 percent of Americans earning more than $400,000 per year or bringing back deductions and other tax breaks for these households.

How is she lying?

In addition, the President’s Budget explains his principles for addressing tax cuts expiring after 2025. The President would extend all middle-class tax cuts; as he has repeatedly promised, he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. And he will fully pay for these extensions with additional reforms to make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, so that they do not add to the debt. At the same time, he opposes tax cuts for the wealthy—either extending tax cuts for the top 2 percent of Americans earning more than $400,000 per year or bringing back deductions and other tax breaks for these households.

It's not up to him. Is it?

Largely dependent on which party wins the White House and Congress in 2025, changes to the tax code are coming. Whether cuts can be kept by Republicans, rates rewritten by Democrats or a divided government will agree on some sort of bipartisan compromise, taxpayers of every political persuasion will be affected.

In a RealClearPolitics editorial, Julio Gonzalez, CEO and founder of Engineered Tax Services, Inc., warns of a “harsh reality” facing Congress.

“We are in a situation in which many American families and businesses are hanging on by a thread. Letting the non-permanent provisions of the TCJA expire could be catastrophic to our overall economy and the well-being of many working families,” stated Gonzalez.

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It's not up to him. Is it?

Largely dependent on which party wins the White House and Congress in 2025, changes to the tax code are coming. Whether cuts can be kept by Republicans, rates rewritten by Democrats or a divided government will agree on some sort of bipartisan compromise, taxpayers of every political persuasion will be affected.

In a RealClearPolitics editorial, Julio Gonzalez, CEO and founder of Engineered Tax Services, Inc., warns of a “harsh reality” facing Congress.

“We are in a situation in which many American families and businesses are hanging on by a thread. Letting the non-permanent provisions of the TCJA expire could be catastrophic to our overall economy and the well-being of many working families,” stated Gonzalez.

It's up to Congress, but they are called the Trump Tax Cuts and those weren't up to him either. But the President puts plans like this in the Budget each year whether its up to him or not. His plan is to extend tax savings to those making under 400K. She's just repeating the WH stance on this.
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It's up to Congress, but they are called the Trump Tax Cuts and those weren't up to him either. But the President puts plans like this in the Budget each year whether its up to him or not. His plan is to extend tax savings to those making under 400K. She's just repeating the WH stance on this.
Yeah. Obama called the Bush tax cuts the most devastating to every happen to America and he expanded them because of how tough he knew it would be to thread the needle with a congress that doesn't agree on anything. What's gonna happen is they're gonna expire and then increase for everyone while congress shits the bed and not be able to agree on who to screw.
Yeah. Obama called the Bush tax cuts the most devastating to every happen to America and he expanded them because of how tough he knew it would be to thread the needle with a congress that doesn't agree on anything. What's gonna happen is they're gonna expire and then increase for everyone while congress shits the bed and not be able to agree on who to screw.
Operative word? CONGRESS!
They write the law but Biden decides to sign it or not.
Biden and Dems tax proposal does exactly as she outlined. No increase for incomes 400k or less.

She answered the question just fine.
The GOPers and Trump wrote the law and shoved it thru with majorities in Congress. They put the sunset provisions in to offset the permanent cuts for corporations. It was the only way to get it thru with less than 60 votes in Senate.
The GOPers tax plan is to extend cuts for everyone including those making over 400k.
Either you want the GOPer plan and are willing blow out the deficit even more to protect the wealthy or for the more fiscally responsible dem plan that reduces the deficit by taxing the wealthy at the old rates.
When confronted with factual information just keep saying the opposite is true and hope it all goes away. In this event, she seems to not understand that when you let tax cuts expire, taxes go up. I didn’t know it was possible not to know that.

KJP is a door knob; a total DEI hire.
How is she lying?

In addition, the President’s Budget explains his principles for addressing tax cuts expiring after 2025. The President would extend all middle-class tax cuts; as he has repeatedly promised, he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. And he will fully pay for these extensions with additional reforms to make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, so that they do not add to the debt. At the same time, he opposes tax cuts for the wealthy—either extending tax cuts for the top 2 percent of Americans earning more than $400,000 per year or bringing back deductions and other tax breaks for these households.

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Yeah. Obama called the Bush tax cuts the most devastating to every happen to America and he expanded them because of how tough he knew it would be to thread the needle with a congress that doesn't agree on anything. What's gonna happen is they're gonna expire and then increase for everyone while congress shits the bed and not be able to agree on who to screw.
No. Obama used it as a bargaining chip to get other policies through. He did so knowing that with the economy he inherited in the tank it was a terrible time to be raising taxes anyway.
He’ll get my vote but I’m with you. Shame on us for nominating him. Unbelievable.
Yeah I don't think alot of us are too enthused about Biden. But when one guy is Donald Trump and people like Op spend 95% of their posts bashing Biden (and women on his side), they fan F off.
Jesus. Apparently she doesn’t talk to Biden about ANYTHING. Good thing she speaks for him. Of course 90% of her answers are “I’m not gonna talk about that.” Still terrible.