Washed up Walkons (YEAH OR NEAH)

Washed up Walkons (YEAH OR NEAH)

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 29.7%
  • No

    Votes: 29 14.4%
  • They’re Awesome

    Votes: 33 16.3%
  • They Suck

    Votes: 34 16.8%
  • Don’t GAF

    Votes: 46 22.8%

  • Total voters


HR All-American
Oct 28, 2019
Hackensack, New Jersey
To be honest this is the first time I watched these dudes … Tyler Kluver, Drake “Logan Paul look a like” and Kevin Ward… Seems like Kluver is pretty decent same with Kevin Ward… but Kulick? Dude seems like he’s out on vacation brain wise …. What bothers me is most of the time they talk about what they’re doing and not actually talking about ball… by no means do I think they’re bad but not exactly the best pod I have watched…
What makes their podcast stand out is they give great insight into the inner workings of the Iowa football program and they still have some contacts inside there, so in that respect the podcast provides good quality content. Kluver has developed into a good lead to carry the show with a structure. I don't care about their OT stuff.

My annoyance, which has been really highlighted more this year, is how snarky they get when they feel like people they are fond of like Brian or Kirk are being 'attacked' aka valid criticism. They thought Kirk came off well in his exchange to the OSU beat reporter and Tyler Barnes' tweet was appropriate during the B1G Championship, because they had to attack back, or something.

Those moments are when some listeners probably get turned off. They're usually great with fans but when they want to defend their mentors they abandon logic and turn on meathead mode and imply that they're better than you. At that point every fan, even here, is a "Cheeto finger loser" to them. They're much better and speak more rationally when Iowa is doing well.
if "Cheeto finger loser" makes you mad... then they must be talking about you.
and in this case... I agree with them.

Kirk, Brian, Tyler Barnes... are the reason the Hawkeyes have been so successful.

the Hawkeyes are not successful because of cheeto finger losers... rather, they are successful in spite of cheeto finger losers.

this wicked obsession to view everything in a negative light does not make you smart.
it makes you a cheeto finger loser.
I actually think the three compliment each other pretty well on the air. They were all part of the program for a long time. It would be hard to be objective about Brian and the offense in their situation, which is understandable.
I like 'em. They can get a little cringey at times as someone else pointed out, but I like how loyal they are to the coaches and the program. Their perspective is much more appreciated than the fatass on here who started for one year in high school and thinks they know everything.
if "Cheeto finger loser" makes you mad... then they must be talking about you.
and in this case... I agree with them.

Kirk, Brian, Tyler Barnes... are the reason the Hawkeyes have been so successful.

the Hawkeyes are not successful because of cheeto finger losers... rather, they are successful in spite of cheeto finger losers.

this wicked obsession to view everything in a negative light does not make you smart.
it makes you a cheeto finger loser.
Kirk, yes. The other two? 🤣
Then again, you are one of the top 3 members of the Sunshine Club........
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Used to really like Kulick but the bro meathead thing wore on me really quickly.

I could listen to Ward talk schemes and X’s and O’s all the time. He’s really smart, kinda surprised he didn’t go into coaching.

Kluv is fine. Just kinda the middle man for everything. It surprises me he gets invited on as a guest on a lot of podcasts and radio shows as much as he does.

I haven’t listened in a really long time. As with many podcasts, it got repetitive.
WUW>Locked on Hawkeyes.

The episodes of WUW that Drake was gone were much better. He’s so abrasive and cringe on a podcast.
I listen a lot while driving during work travel.
I think they've also had some great shows with guests - Daniels during the race thing, the swarm guy, Kasper, etc., etc. Kulick being a UI graduate really makes me evaluate my academic achievements - hoping it was a bullshit degree.
  • Haha
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At times, they provide some nice insight about what it’s like to be part of a D1 football program, and I listen to them from time to time for that reason.

They are also painfully self-congratulatory when it comes to their popularity, and spend way too much time pimping their merch and their patreon.

My other complaint is that they often aren’t aware of basic information related to the program, such as recruiting updates or other program news. Their schtick is that they are just 3 dudes getting together to talk football. But I feel like anyone with a podcast that gets as many listeners as they do (and tries to make a little money off it) ought to be at least as informed as I am (and that’s a pretty low bar).
if "Cheeto finger loser" makes you mad... then they must be talking about you.
and in this case... I agree with them.

Kirk, Brian, Tyler Barnes... are the reason the Hawkeyes have been so successful.

the Hawkeyes are not successful because of cheeto finger losers... rather, they are successful in spite of cheeto finger losers.

this wicked obsession to view everything in a negative light does not make you smart.
it makes you a cheeto finger loser.

The podcast is what it is….. Drake is who he is….. I enjoy it comedically as much as for football content

I take my dog out on off leash romps couple miles a day and listen when walking….. I enjoy it a lot……a lot more enjoyable than coming on here and reading what
all the “Cheeto fingers” are whining about
Kulick made me tune them out after 3 episodes. The other guys are alright.

The guy that did the call in show on WMT has been good (forget his name). But without a doubt he defends his mentors. When talking about BF the closest he got to negative is when he said BF isn't the best but not the worst OC.

But honestly it probably had a short self life to begin with. It was guys who used to be on the team. The further they get a way from being on the team the less relevant they are. Except for how KF runs things overall.
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What makes their podcast stand out is they give great insight into the inner workings of the Iowa football program and they still have some contacts inside there, so in that respect the podcast provides good quality content. Kluver has developed into a good lead to carry the show with a structure. I don't care about their OT stuff.

My annoyance, which has been really highlighted more this year, is how snarky they get when they feel like people they are fond of like Brian or Kirk are being 'attacked' aka valid criticism. They thought Kirk came off well in his exchange to the OSU beat reporter and Tyler Barnes' tweet was appropriate during the B1G Championship, because they had to attack back, or something.

Those moments are when some listeners probably get turned off. They're usually great with fans but when they want to defend their mentors they abandon logic and turn on meathead mode and imply that they're better than you. At that point every fan, even here, is a "Cheeto finger loser" to them. They're much better and speak more rationally when Iowa is doing well.
In their defense, this site has a lot of "Cheeto finger losers".

In their defense, this site has a lot of "Cheeto finger losers".

pretty sure Tyler reads these boards occasionally and he likes to stir shit up on twitter occasionally too

I’ve known several past athletes some while they were still playing……. they all share the Boys view of social media and the people on it
I appreciate how they jumped into the POD world with the WO mentality.
Kind of a bumpy listen in the beginning but they kept with it and definitely have evolved into a much improved product. Absolutely have carved a percentage out of the target listener market and are absolutely a player. So well done on that front.
Each of them have developed their own niche with Kluver the moderator, Ward the analyst and I guess Drake maybe the color guy. Within the show it flows and they do have decent collaborative banter.
I actually appreciate that the show is Hawkeye to the core and that it has remained a little raw and off the cuff.
They have have had some great guests and recommend going threw the log and picking a few. The Kevin Kasper interview is terrific.
Hawks by a Million!
In their defense, this site has a lot of "Cheeto finger losers".

Anyone who disagrees with you, or who dares criticize Kirk or Brian, and is not 100% positive all the time, is a "Cheeto finger loser" to you.

A person doesn't have to be a former player to have a qualified opinion. My son in law doesn't follow sports at all. He knows virtually nothing about football. He went to a game with a friend this season. The next day he made a comment to me to the effect of "shouldn't Iowa score more points?" And "their (Iowa's) quarterback sure isn't very good."

There are glaring deficiencies on the team that are obvious to pretty much everyone (except you and a few others).
Drake was a fuqin puss for leaving during the losing skid. Drake really comes off as someone who tries really hard not to say what he was doing 1/6.

They are at their best during football season but once it ends, they're useless. Most of the time when big news happen (like the Proctor news) they spend so much little time talking about it, but will make time for over/unders, Ferentz impressions, and calling their fans the CEL. It's like a step below barstool what they're looking like.

Nonetheless, they do good for the Children's Hospital so credit there. I listen to more BHGP for nuance than WUW.
if "Cheeto finger loser" makes you mad... then they must be talking about you.
and in this case... I agree with them.

Kirk, Brian, Tyler Barnes... are the reason the Hawkeyes have been so successful.

the Hawkeyes are not successful because of cheeto finger losers... rather, they are successful in spite of cheeto finger losers.

this wicked obsession to view everything in a negative light does not make you smart.
it makes you a cheeto finger loser.
And who's responsible when they're not as successful as they should be?

Not the cheeto fingered losers.......
I've been a pretty regular listener from the beginning. I consider myself a thoughtful and measured person, so if Tyler is reading--noting I really enjoy the podcast--here are my constructive criticisms (sorry, kind of long):

1. The show needs a little more structure and consistency. During the season ALWAYS lead off with the previous or upcoming Iowa FB game. ALWAYS. That's what people tune in for. And leave the gambling stuff to the end. Some people don't find that all that interesting, though I understand the need to do it from a sponsorship standpoint

2. They need to be willing to criticize the coaches a little bit more (they do it some, but maybe not enough when we're losing). If BF makes a terrible play-call, they should say it. They should thoughtfully discuss the nepotism issue (like they did the racism stuff, which was VERY well done), and not avoid it. I don't think anyone expects them to do anything more than give forthright, honest opinions on what is happening. I don't see people even in the program holding thoughtful, sincerely held opinions against them

3. They should definitely continue to have former players on, noting those are consistently their best episodes. Jamie Morris is a great example, just a terrific hour with him, same for Henry Marchese. Strongly recommend any doubters give these a listen--you might just be converted

4. I like the new, albeit intermittent, "Top Five" feature. Do one every week at a consistent slot in the program

5. I don't mind "Drake being Drake" as long as he doesn't cross certain lines, which he now seems to be avoiding for the most part. Tyler is a real natural at hosting, and Ward is quite good as well. It makes for pretty easy listening, never any awkward pauses, lots of good back and forth

6. It's great when Kevin gets into X's and O's, like he did with Henry Marchese regarding the 2021 Nebraska punt block. That's really good stuff, they should have some sort of stat or breakdown segment every episode during the season

7. People consistently want to hear "insider" stuff about being a D1 football player. Anecdotes about asst coaches are especially welcome, it really humanizes them, and most are hilarious. A great example was a recent story about Chris Doyle being concerned a Black player was being bullied. Where else are you going to hear something like that about Chris Doyle? You just aren't. All of their behind-the-scenes stuff is worthwhile

8. It's almost worth it just to hear the KF impressions. If I could make one my ring-tone, I would. They are gold

9. In the off-season, consider a weekly recap of a game you were in. What was OSU 2017 like, start to finish? Or 2016 Michigan? Or the Stanford Rose Bowl? What do you remember about it that maybe a fan doesn't know about?

Well, that's all I got. In sum, I highly recommend people give it a try. Would it benefit from a little more structure, among other things? Sure, I think so. It's not perfect by any means

Is it worth giving a try? Absolutely. Start with the Jamie Morris and Henry Marchese episodes. Terrific stuff. Really
if "Cheeto finger loser" makes you mad... then they must be talking about you.
and in this case... I agree with them.

Kirk, Brian, Tyler Barnes... are the reason the Hawkeyes have been so successful.

the Hawkeyes are not successful because of cheeto finger losers... rather, they are successful in spite of cheeto finger losers.

this wicked obsession to view everything in a negative light does not make you smart.
it makes you a cheeto finger loser.
You mean the Brian that is viewed as a laughingstock as OC by everyone in the country except for Kirk, you, and maybe 2 or 3 others? The Brian that runs the offense ranked 130/131? That guy?
WW can be funny at times, but I get way more info from Dochterman. Even Howe’s Coffee Sip podcast gives you more info.

I also enjoy Harty’s ‘But, No, It’ll Be Interesting To See’ podcast if you can stand listening to his massive uvula flapping around and him interrupting everyone else.
Anyone who disagrees with you, or who dares criticize Kirk or Brian, and is not 100% positive all the time, is a "Cheeto finger loser" to you.

A person doesn't have to be a former player to have a qualified opinion. My son in law doesn't follow sports at all. He knows virtually nothing about football. He went to a game with a friend this season. The next day he made a comment to me to the effect of "shouldn't Iowa score more points?" And "their (Iowa's) quarterback sure isn't very good."

There are glaring deficiencies on the team that are obvious to pretty much everyone (except you and a few others).
So you’re using your son in law who doesn’t follow sports at all ….. went to one game to support your take that Brian sucks…… Brilliant!! definitely swayed me!!!

Saw Cheetos on sale at Hy Vee better go get you some before DewHawk buys them all
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So you’re using your son in law who doesn’t follow sports at all ….. went to one game to support your take that Brian sucks…… Brilliant!! definitely swayed me!!!

Saw Cheetos on sale at Hy Vee better go get you some before DewHawk buys them all
I mean let’s call it like it is. Brian wouldn’t still have his position after last year at any other school. Let alone still have it after this season.
I mean let’s call it like it is. Brian wouldn’t still have his position after last year at any other school. Let alone still have it after this season.
How many schools have had two head coaches in the last 40 years?

Look at Nebraska and how the constant cycle of firing has worked…… fact is programs have good and bad years and if you fire coaches everytime you have a bad year you usually have lots of bad years

Is it impossible to comprehend that maybe we had some unfortunate events contributing to our line play and our WR depth that have caused poor offensive play?
I've been a pretty regular listener from the beginning. I consider myself a thoughtful and measured person, so if Tyler is reading--noting I really enjoy the podcast--here are my constructive criticisms (sorry, kind of long):

1. The show needs a little more structure and consistency. During the season ALWAYS lead off with the previous or upcoming Iowa FB game. ALWAYS. That's what people tune in for. And leave the gambling stuff to the end. Some people don't find that all that interesting, though I understand the need to do it from a sponsorship standpoint

2. They need to be willing to criticize the coaches a little bit more (they do it some, but maybe not enough when we're losing). If BF makes a terrible play-call, they should say it. They should thoughtfully discuss the nepotism issue (like they did the racism stuff, which was VERY well done), and not avoid it. I don't think anyone expects them to do anything more than give forthright, honest opinions on what is happening. I don't see people even in the program holding thoughtful, sincerely held opinions against them

3. They should definitely continue to have former players on, noting those are consistently their best episodes. Jamie Morris is a great example, just a terrific hour with him, same for Henry Marchese. Strongly recommend any doubters give these a listen--you might just be converted

4. I like the new, albeit intermittent, "Top Five" feature. Do one every week at a consistent slot in the program

5. I don't mind "Drake being Drake" as long as he doesn't cross certain lines, which he now seems to be avoiding for the most part. Tyler is a real natural at hosting, and Ward is quite good as well. It makes for pretty easy listening, never any awkward pauses, lots of good back and forth

6. It's great when Kevin gets into X's and O's, like he did with Henry Marchese regarding the 2021 Nebraska punt block. That's really good stuff, they should have some sort of stat or breakdown segment every episode during the season

7. People consistently want to hear "insider" stuff about being a D1 football player. Anecdotes about asst coaches are especially welcome, it really humanizes them, and most are hilarious. A great example was a recent story about Chris Doyle being concerned a Black player was being bullied. Where else are you going to hear something like that about Chris Doyle? You just aren't. All of their behind-the-scenes stuff is worthwhile

8. It's almost worth it just to hear the KF impressions. If I could make one my ring-tone, I would. They are gold

9. In the off-season, consider a weekly recap of a game you were in. What was OSU 2017 like, start to finish? Or 2016 Michigan? Or the Stanford Rose Bowl? What do you remember about it that maybe a fan doesn't know about?

Well, that's all I got. In sum, I highly recommend people give it a try. Would it benefit from a little more structure, among other things? Sure, I think so. It's not perfect by any means

Is it worth giving a try? Absolutely. Start with the Jamie Morris and Henry Marchese episodes. Terrific stuff. Really
They can imitate gruden pretty well also.
if "Cheeto finger loser" makes you mad... then they must be talking about you.
and in this case... I agree with them.

Kirk, Brian, Tyler Barnes... are the reason the Hawkeyes have been so successful.

the Hawkeyes are not successful because of cheeto finger losers... rather, they are successful in spite of cheeto finger losers.

this wicked obsession to view everything in a negative light does not make you smart.
it makes you a cheeto finger loser.
No I understand who they typically are referring when they refer to "Cheeto fingers," and I agree with that take. A great many fans are complete morons including here, no offense to anyone.

The problem I have is when rational fans have a measured and rational take that they don't like, particular on the terrible 2022 Iowa offense, they broaden their interpretation of that insult. It's a very meatball lazy response because they're only defending Kirk. I understand that, he's a damn father figure. But my intelligence doesn't need to be insulted for them to cope with their emotions.

Also, I'll add on to what others have said. Kevin talking about X's and O's in the games is the best part. He knows football very well and it helps to have someone who clearly understands the Iowa system. I won't pile on the others. My disagreements does not prevent me from listening to their podcast when they have content I want to listen to.
No I understand who they typically are referring when they refer to "Cheeto fingers," and I agree with that take. A great many fans are complete morons including here, no offense to anyone.

The problem I have is when rational fans have a measured and rational take that they don't like, particular on the terrible 2022 Iowa offense, they broaden their interpretation of that insult. It's a very meatball lazy response because they're only defending Kirk. I understand that, he's a damn father figure. But my intelligence doesn't need to be insulted for them to cope with their emotions.

Also, I'll add on to what others have said. Kevin talking about X's and O's in the games is the best part. He knows football very well and it helps to have someone who clearly understands the Iowa system. I won't pile on the others. My disagreements does not prevent me from listening to their podcast when they have content I want to listen to.
If you’re a “rational fan” why do you feel like the show insults your intelligence….. that sounds like some pretty low esteem or thin skin

it’s three guys in their 20’s basically yucking it up……. it’s not directed at or intended to insult anyone…… they’re sharing opinions much like we do here…… unless they called you out personally to feel insulted is a very “irrational” response honestly
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How many schools have had two head coaches in the last 40 years?

Look at Nebraska and how the constant cycle of firing has worked…… fact is programs have good and bad years and if you fire coaches everytime you have a bad year you usually have lots of bad years

Is it impossible to comprehend that maybe we had some unfortunate events contributing to our line play and our WR depth that have caused poor offensive play?
Brian is not the head coach, he just gets special treatment because he is the coaches son. Unfortunate events like a future first team all American wide receiver leaving the program because he can see the offense is going nowhere or being so bad that our top two receivers are leaving this season? Call those whatever you want, but iowa lost four receivers between December and May and replaced none of them!
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WW can be funny at times, but I get way more info from Dochterman. Even Howe’s Coffee Sip podcast gives you more info.

I also enjoy Harty’s ‘But, No, It’ll Be Interesting To See’ podcast if you can stand listening to his massive uvula flapping around and him interrupting everyone else.

I agree...Dochterman gives out way more does Hawkeye Report. Now pardon me...*coffee sip* :D
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Brian is not the head coach, he just gets special treatment because he is the coaches son. Unfortunate events like a future first team all American wide receiver leaving the program because he can see the offense is going nowhere or being so bad that our top two receivers are leaving this season? Call those whatever you want, but iowa lost four receivers between December and May and replaced none of them!

Charlie Jones left at the worst possible time ….. who are the other three? and the portal isn’t Amazon where you can just go select players you like….. Jfc all these players you all want us to magically grab have to have scholarships available too

We had Wrs we were counting on and it didn’t work out

They’re active in the portal now and you all are still bitching…… no wonder Kirk preaches tuning out the noise
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I've been a pretty regular listener from the beginning. I consider myself a thoughtful and measured person, so if Tyler is reading--noting I really enjoy the podcast--here are my constructive criticisms (sorry, kind of long):

1. The show needs a little more structure and consistency. During the season ALWAYS lead off with the previous or upcoming Iowa FB game. ALWAYS. That's what people tune in for. And leave the gambling stuff to the end. Some people don't find that all that interesting, though I understand the need to do it from a sponsorship standpoint

2. They need to be willing to criticize the coaches a little bit more (they do it some, but maybe not enough when we're losing). If BF makes a terrible play-call, they should say it. They should thoughtfully discuss the nepotism issue (like they did the racism stuff, which was VERY well done), and not avoid it. I don't think anyone expects them to do anything more than give forthright, honest opinions on what is happening. I don't see people even in the program holding thoughtful, sincerely held opinions against them

3. They should definitely continue to have former players on, noting those are consistently their best episodes. Jamie Morris is a great example, just a terrific hour with him, same for Henry Marchese. Strongly recommend any doubters give these a listen--you might just be converted

4. I like the new, albeit intermittent, "Top Five" feature. Do one every week at a consistent slot in the program

5. I don't mind "Drake being Drake" as long as he doesn't cross certain lines, which he now seems to be avoiding for the most part. Tyler is a real natural at hosting, and Ward is quite good as well. It makes for pretty easy listening, never any awkward pauses, lots of good back and forth

6. It's great when Kevin gets into X's and O's, like he did with Henry Marchese regarding the 2021 Nebraska punt block. That's really good stuff, they should have some sort of stat or breakdown segment every episode during the season

7. People consistently want to hear "insider" stuff about being a D1 football player. Anecdotes about asst coaches are especially welcome, it really humanizes them, and most are hilarious. A great example was a recent story about Chris Doyle being concerned a Black player was being bullied. Where else are you going to hear something like that about Chris Doyle? You just aren't. All of their behind-the-scenes stuff is worthwhile

8. It's almost worth it just to hear the KF impressions. If I could make one my ring-tone, I would. They are gold

9. In the off-season, consider a weekly recap of a game you were in. What was OSU 2017 like, start to finish? Or 2016 Michigan? Or the Stanford Rose Bowl? What do you remember about it that maybe a fan doesn't know about?

Well, that's all I got. In sum, I highly recommend people give it a try. Would it benefit from a little more structure, among other things? Sure, I think so. It's not perfect by any means

Is it worth giving a try? Absolutely. Start with the Jamie Morris and Henry Marchese episodes. Terrific stuff. Really
I haven’t listened in awhile, but was always amazed that they didn’t get walk-ons from other sports in the off-season. Sure there are some good Fran and Brands brothers stories to share.
I've been a pretty regular listener from the beginning. I consider myself a thoughtful and measured person, so if Tyler is reading--noting I really enjoy the podcast--here are my constructive criticisms (sorry, kind of long):

1. The show needs a little more structure and consistency. During the season ALWAYS lead off with the previous or upcoming Iowa FB game. ALWAYS. That's what people tune in for. And leave the gambling stuff to the end. Some people don't find that all that interesting, though I understand the need to do it from a sponsorship standpoint

2. They need to be willing to criticize the coaches a little bit more (they do it some, but maybe not enough when we're losing). If BF makes a terrible play-call, they should say it. They should thoughtfully discuss the nepotism issue (like they did the racism stuff, which was VERY well done), and not avoid it. I don't think anyone expects them to do anything more than give forthright, honest opinions on what is happening. I don't see people even in the program holding thoughtful, sincerely held opinions against them

3. They should definitely continue to have former players on, noting those are consistently their best episodes. Jamie Morris is a great example, just a terrific hour with him, same for Henry Marchese. Strongly recommend any doubters give these a listen--you might just be converted

4. I like the new, albeit intermittent, "Top Five" feature. Do one every week at a consistent slot in the program

5. I don't mind "Drake being Drake" as long as he doesn't cross certain lines, which he now seems to be avoiding for the most part. Tyler is a real natural at hosting, and Ward is quite good as well. It makes for pretty easy listening, never any awkward pauses, lots of good back and forth

6. It's great when Kevin gets into X's and O's, like he did with Henry Marchese regarding the 2021 Nebraska punt block. That's really good stuff, they should have some sort of stat or breakdown segment every episode during the season

7. People consistently want to hear "insider" stuff about being a D1 football player. Anecdotes about asst coaches are especially welcome, it really humanizes them, and most are hilarious. A great example was a recent story about Chris Doyle being concerned a Black player was being bullied. Where else are you going to hear something like that about Chris Doyle? You just aren't. All of their behind-the-scenes stuff is worthwhile

8. It's almost worth it just to hear the KF impressions. If I could make one my ring-tone, I would. They are gold

9. In the off-season, consider a weekly recap of a game you were in. What was OSU 2017 like, start to finish? Or 2016 Michigan? Or the Stanford Rose Bowl? What do you remember about it that maybe a fan doesn't know about?

Well, that's all I got. In sum, I highly recommend people give it a try. Would it benefit from a little more structure, among other things? Sure, I think so. It's not perfect by any means

Is it worth giving a try? Absolutely. Start with the Jamie Morris and Henry Marchese episodes. Terrific stuff. Really
Well stated DBQ Hawk.
I agree 100 percent.