Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?

Nov 28, 2010

Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?​

Mehdi Hasan

Since the horrific 7 October attack, the far-right Israeli government and its army of propagandists have deceived and fooled Western politicians and journalists not once or twice, but multiple times.

There are almost too many lies, distortions and falsehoods to keep track of. Forty babies beheaded by Hamas? Never happened. Babies baked in ovens or hung on clothes lines? False. A Bond-villain-style lair hidden under al-Shifa hospital? Nope. Palestinians in Gaza caught on camera faking their injuries? A complete fabrication. The list of Hamas hostage-takers found on a wall in the al-Rantisi children’s hospital? Sorry, no, it was just the days of the week on a calendar in Arabic.
How about the atrocities that Israeli forces have been credibly accused of, that they then loudly denied, and then later … were found to be responsible for? The flour massacre in February? The bombing of the refugee convoy last October? The white phosphorus attack in southern Lebanon, also in October?

As my friend the Palestinian-American analyst Omar Baddar laid out in a now-viral tweet:
Timeline on repeat:

• Israel commits massacre
• Israel denies massacre
• Media says we don’t know who committed massacre
• investigation reveals Israel committed massacre
• News cycle moves on
• average person doesn’t know Israel systematically committing massacres.
Yet the Israelis keep telling lies and our political and media elites in the west keep getting fooled. Shame on them.

Perhaps no Israeli lie, however, has been more damaging, more destructive, more deadly, than the claim that Unrwa – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the main organization responsible for providing aid in Gaza – has been colluding with Hamas and, worse, that 12 Unrwa employees participated in the terror attack on 7 October. Why? Because it was a lie so consequential that it helped lay the groundwork for a devastating, ongoing, man-made famine inside the Gaza Strip.

In late January, after a relentless anti-Unrwa campaign by Israel and its proxies in the west which culminated in the unproven accusation that Unrwa employees were involved in the 7 October atrocities, 16 donor countries, including Unrwa’s main financial sponsor, the United States, suspended around $450m funding to the agency.

Israel has been starving the people of Gaza. Shame on the fools who have helped them justify it
Those countries were warned that crippling Unrwa, the largest relief organization in Gaza, would risk “hastening famine”. They were warned that the Israel’s much-vaunted intelligence dossier on Unrwa contained only “flimsy unproven allegations”.

But they trusted Israel.

Over the past three months, as Palestinian children have literally starved to death, many of those countries belatedly resumed funding to Unrwa – including the German government, which is the second-biggest source of funds for the agency.

Why? Last week, an independent review of Unrwa’s work, led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, concluded that the agency “remains pivotal in providing life-saving humanitarian aid and essential social services” and “as such, UNRWA is irreplaceable and indispensable to Palestinians’ human and economic development”.

Crucially, referring to the Israeli government’s explosive claim that Unrwa employees were involved in Hamas attacks, Colonna’s report said that “Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence” for these claims. It also pointed out how Unrwa actually “shares staff lists” every year with both Israel and the United States and revealed that “the Israeli Government has not informed UNRWA of any concerns relating to any UNRWA staff based on these staff lists since 2011”.

Since 2011. So it was all a lie. From Israel. Again.

Now, to be clear, as the Guardian’s Julian Borger reports, “there is a separate review under way into specific claims Unrwa employees took part in the 7 October attack” but “the last time there was a progress report … Israel was still withholding cooperation” with that review, too. (Even in the unlikely case that this other review does conclude that a dozen employees took part, that’s 12 out of 13,000 UNRWA staff in Gaza – or around 0.1% of the total workforce!)

The United States, nevertheless, has refused to resume its support for Unrwa; in fact, Congress passed a law banning the funding of the agency till at least March 2025.

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Forty babies beheaded by Hamas? Never happened. Babies baked in ovens or hung on clothes lines? False.
Is it more palatable to you if they just shot the babies?


Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?​

Mehdi Hasan

Since the horrific 7 October attack, the far-right Israeli government and its army of propagandists have deceived and fooled Western politicians and journalists not once or twice, but multiple times.

There are almost too many lies, distortions and falsehoods to keep track of. Forty babies beheaded by Hamas? Never happened. Babies baked in ovens or hung on clothes lines? False. A Bond-villain-style lair hidden under al-Shifa hospital? Nope. Palestinians in Gaza caught on camera faking their injuries? A complete fabrication. The list of Hamas hostage-takers found on a wall in the al-Rantisi children’s hospital? Sorry, no, it was just the days of the week on a calendar in Arabic.
How about the atrocities that Israeli forces have been credibly accused of, that they then loudly denied, and then later … were found to be responsible for? The flour massacre in February? The bombing of the refugee convoy last October? The white phosphorus attack in southern Lebanon, also in October?

As my friend the Palestinian-American analyst Omar Baddar laid out in a now-viral tweet:

Yet the Israelis keep telling lies and our political and media elites in the west keep getting fooled. Shame on them.

Perhaps no Israeli lie, however, has been more damaging, more destructive, more deadly, than the claim that Unrwa – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the main organization responsible for providing aid in Gaza – has been colluding with Hamas and, worse, that 12 Unrwa employees participated in the terror attack on 7 October. Why? Because it was a lie so consequential that it helped lay the groundwork for a devastating, ongoing, man-made famine inside the Gaza Strip.

In late January, after a relentless anti-Unrwa campaign by Israel and its proxies in the west which culminated in the unproven accusation that Unrwa employees were involved in the 7 October atrocities, 16 donor countries, including Unrwa’s main financial sponsor, the United States, suspended around $450m funding to the agency.

Those countries were warned that crippling Unrwa, the largest relief organization in Gaza, would risk “hastening famine”. They were warned that the Israel’s much-vaunted intelligence dossier on Unrwa contained only “flimsy unproven allegations”.

But they trusted Israel.

Over the past three months, as Palestinian children have literally starved to death, many of those countries belatedly resumed funding to Unrwa – including the German government, which is the second-biggest source of funds for the agency.

Why? Last week, an independent review of Unrwa’s work, led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, concluded that the agency “remains pivotal in providing life-saving humanitarian aid and essential social services” and “as such, UNRWA is irreplaceable and indispensable to Palestinians’ human and economic development”.

Crucially, referring to the Israeli government’s explosive claim that Unrwa employees were involved in Hamas attacks, Colonna’s report said that “Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence” for these claims. It also pointed out how Unrwa actually “shares staff lists” every year with both Israel and the United States and revealed that “the Israeli Government has not informed UNRWA of any concerns relating to any UNRWA staff based on these staff lists since 2011”.

Since 2011. So it was all a lie. From Israel. Again.

Now, to be clear, as the Guardian’s Julian Borger reports, “there is a separate review under way into specific claims Unrwa employees took part in the 7 October attack” but “the last time there was a progress report … Israel was still withholding cooperation” with that review, too. (Even in the unlikely case that this other review does conclude that a dozen employees took part, that’s 12 out of 13,000 UNRWA staff in Gaza – or around 0.1% of the total workforce!)

The United States, nevertheless, has refused to resume its support for Unrwa; in fact, Congress passed a law banning the funding of the agency till at least March 2025.

more here

Dumb woke mother****er. BAU

Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?​

Mehdi Hasan

Since the horrific 7 October attack, the far-right Israeli government and its army of propagandists have deceived and fooled Western politicians and journalists not once or twice, but multiple times.

There are almost too many lies, distortions and falsehoods to keep track of. Forty babies beheaded by Hamas? Never happened. Babies baked in ovens or hung on clothes lines? False. A Bond-villain-style lair hidden under al-Shifa hospital? Nope. Palestinians in Gaza caught on camera faking their injuries? A complete fabrication. The list of Hamas hostage-takers found on a wall in the al-Rantisi children’s hospital? Sorry, no, it was just the days of the week on a calendar in Arabic.
How about the atrocities that Israeli forces have been credibly accused of, that they then loudly denied, and then later … were found to be responsible for? The flour massacre in February? The bombing of the refugee convoy last October? The white phosphorus attack in southern Lebanon, also in October?

As my friend the Palestinian-American analyst Omar Baddar laid out in a now-viral tweet:

Yet the Israelis keep telling lies and our political and media elites in the west keep getting fooled. Shame on them.

Perhaps no Israeli lie, however, has been more damaging, more destructive, more deadly, than the claim that Unrwa – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the main organization responsible for providing aid in Gaza – has been colluding with Hamas and, worse, that 12 Unrwa employees participated in the terror attack on 7 October. Why? Because it was a lie so consequential that it helped lay the groundwork for a devastating, ongoing, man-made famine inside the Gaza Strip.

In late January, after a relentless anti-Unrwa campaign by Israel and its proxies in the west which culminated in the unproven accusation that Unrwa employees were involved in the 7 October atrocities, 16 donor countries, including Unrwa’s main financial sponsor, the United States, suspended around $450m funding to the agency.

Those countries were warned that crippling Unrwa, the largest relief organization in Gaza, would risk “hastening famine”. They were warned that the Israel’s much-vaunted intelligence dossier on Unrwa contained only “flimsy unproven allegations”.

But they trusted Israel.

Over the past three months, as Palestinian children have literally starved to death, many of those countries belatedly resumed funding to Unrwa – including the German government, which is the second-biggest source of funds for the agency.

Why? Last week, an independent review of Unrwa’s work, led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, concluded that the agency “remains pivotal in providing life-saving humanitarian aid and essential social services” and “as such, UNRWA is irreplaceable and indispensable to Palestinians’ human and economic development”.

Crucially, referring to the Israeli government’s explosive claim that Unrwa employees were involved in Hamas attacks, Colonna’s report said that “Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence” for these claims. It also pointed out how Unrwa actually “shares staff lists” every year with both Israel and the United States and revealed that “the Israeli Government has not informed UNRWA of any concerns relating to any UNRWA staff based on these staff lists since 2011”.

Since 2011. So it was all a lie. From Israel. Again.

Now, to be clear, as the Guardian’s Julian Borger reports, “there is a separate review under way into specific claims Unrwa employees took part in the 7 October attack” but “the last time there was a progress report … Israel was still withholding cooperation” with that review, too. (Even in the unlikely case that this other review does conclude that a dozen employees took part, that’s 12 out of 13,000 UNRWA staff in Gaza – or around 0.1% of the total workforce!)

The United States, nevertheless, has refused to resume its support for Unrwa; in fact, Congress passed a law banning the funding of the agency till at least March 2025.

more here

Of course none of this should much change anyone's opinions. They purposefully targeted and slaughtered innocent civilians.(And probably did other bad stuff besides just killing them)
There you go. Believing what you're told. Because neither our government or media nor Israel's government or media ever lie.
Good sheep.


I’ve been the one pointing out government misinformation in all the threads about the government trying to police the media.

I’ve cited the Kuwaiti propaganda effort on our Congress back when George Bush committed the US neck deep into a three decade shitstorm.

BTW, be careful with the Lügenpresse charge. You’ll get compared to Hitler and Trump for villifying the media.
Stopping non combatants from entering schools. Taking over a building of higher education. Idiots on wheels.

Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?​

Mehdi Hasan

Since the horrific 7 October attack, the far-right Israeli government and its army of propagandists have deceived and fooled Western politicians and journalists not once or twice, but multiple times.

There are almost too many lies, distortions and falsehoods to keep track of. Forty babies beheaded by Hamas? Never happened. Babies baked in ovens or hung on clothes lines? False. A Bond-villain-style lair hidden under al-Shifa hospital? Nope. Palestinians in Gaza caught on camera faking their injuries? A complete fabrication. The list of Hamas hostage-takers found on a wall in the al-Rantisi children’s hospital? Sorry, no, it was just the days of the week on a calendar in Arabic.
How about the atrocities that Israeli forces have been credibly accused of, that they then loudly denied, and then later … were found to be responsible for? The flour massacre in February? The bombing of the refugee convoy last October? The white phosphorus attack in southern Lebanon, also in October?

As my friend the Palestinian-American analyst Omar Baddar laid out in a now-viral tweet:

Yet the Israelis keep telling lies and our political and media elites in the west keep getting fooled. Shame on them.

Perhaps no Israeli lie, however, has been more damaging, more destructive, more deadly, than the claim that Unrwa – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the main organization responsible for providing aid in Gaza – has been colluding with Hamas and, worse, that 12 Unrwa employees participated in the terror attack on 7 October. Why? Because it was a lie so consequential that it helped lay the groundwork for a devastating, ongoing, man-made famine inside the Gaza Strip.

In late January, after a relentless anti-Unrwa campaign by Israel and its proxies in the west which culminated in the unproven accusation that Unrwa employees were involved in the 7 October atrocities, 16 donor countries, including Unrwa’s main financial sponsor, the United States, suspended around $450m funding to the agency.

Those countries were warned that crippling Unrwa, the largest relief organization in Gaza, would risk “hastening famine”. They were warned that the Israel’s much-vaunted intelligence dossier on Unrwa contained only “flimsy unproven allegations”.

But they trusted Israel.

Over the past three months, as Palestinian children have literally starved to death, many of those countries belatedly resumed funding to Unrwa – including the German government, which is the second-biggest source of funds for the agency.

Why? Last week, an independent review of Unrwa’s work, led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, concluded that the agency “remains pivotal in providing life-saving humanitarian aid and essential social services” and “as such, UNRWA is irreplaceable and indispensable to Palestinians’ human and economic development”.

Crucially, referring to the Israeli government’s explosive claim that Unrwa employees were involved in Hamas attacks, Colonna’s report said that “Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence” for these claims. It also pointed out how Unrwa actually “shares staff lists” every year with both Israel and the United States and revealed that “the Israeli Government has not informed UNRWA of any concerns relating to any UNRWA staff based on these staff lists since 2011”.

Since 2011. So it was all a lie. From Israel. Again.

Now, to be clear, as the Guardian’s Julian Borger reports, “there is a separate review under way into specific claims Unrwa employees took part in the 7 October attack” but “the last time there was a progress report … Israel was still withholding cooperation” with that review, too. (Even in the unlikely case that this other review does conclude that a dozen employees took part, that’s 12 out of 13,000 UNRWA staff in Gaza – or around 0.1% of the total workforce!)

The United States, nevertheless, has refused to resume its support for Unrwa; in fact, Congress passed a law banning the funding of the agency till at least March 2025.

more here

None of these lies are worse than the “Hamas is not the same as the Palestinian people…” jargon we get hit over the head with every waking moment.
I don’t know OP, which is worse Hamas raping, maiming and killing innocents on October 7, using human shields as a cover for terrorist activity, or refusing to release hostages?

Israel is not innocent of atrocities, but this type of propaganda in the OP’s article is just as biased as the spin coming from the Israeli side.

The entire thing is a shit show.
Sure. 2500ish US casualties at Pearl Harbor and we killed 2 million of them. Israel has been the only nation that fighting to equal is all they are allowed to do. By simple math they should wipe Palestinians off the map.

Destroy millions of Palestine civilians for the work of a hate group. Sounds like you belong to a hate group. Or just filled with hate period. Israel destroyed Gaza, including the medical infrastructure knowing it would do nothing to touch Hamas.

Israel has the right to exist and defend itself. Not the right to be an aggressor in this volatile region. The MidEast is a tinderbox, and the U.S. is a crucial ally, which puts us in a tenuous position. Netenyoohoo is a liability and decisions like the Gaza retaliation may raise questions how we continue our level of support based on leadership.
Destroy millions of Palestine civilians for the work of a hate group. Sounds like you belong to a hate group. Or just filled with hate period. Israel destroyed Gaza, including the medical infrastructure knowing it would do nothing to touch Hamas.

Israel has the right to exist and defend itself. Not the right to be an aggressor in this volatile region. The MidEast is a tinderbox, and the U.S. is a crucial ally, which puts us in a tenuous position. Netenyoohoo is a liability and decisions like the Gaza retaliation may raise questions how we continue our level of support based on leadership.
The aggressor. You sound like a terrorist. Or probably are one. Innocent people were attacked. You’re a fvcking fool. I mean a legit idiot. They use children as shields. Rape. Burn kids. Die on that cross you warped idiot. Or just die. We would be better off without you and people who think like you. Die
The Democratically elected government of Palestine opted to carry out the October 7 massacre involving torture, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent civilians. Any military response is justified. Any and all. Hamas hiding behind civilian shields is a war crime by the way (not their only one). Palestine has zero defense for what is happening to them now. Actions have consequences.
Destroy millions of Palestine civilians for the work of a hate group. Sounds like you belong to a hate group. Or just filled with hate period. Israel destroyed Gaza, including the medical infrastructure knowing it would do nothing to touch Hamas.

Israel has the right to exist and defend itself. Not the right to be an aggressor in this volatile region. The MidEast is a tinderbox, and the U.S. is a crucial ally, which puts us in a tenuous position. Netenyoohoo is a liability and decisions like the Gaza retaliation may raise questions how we continue our level of support based on leadership.
I wonder why anyone continues to side with us after we nuked Civilians in Japan twice.
Destroy millions of Palestine civilians for the work of a hate group. Sounds like you belong to a hate group. Or just filled with hate period. Israel destroyed Gaza, including the medical infrastructure knowing it would do nothing to touch Hamas.

Israel has the right to exist and defend itself. Not the right to be an aggressor in this volatile region. The MidEast is a tinderbox, and the U.S. is a crucial ally, which puts us in a tenuous position. Netenyoohoo is a liability and decisions like the Gaza retaliation may raise questions how we continue our level of support based on leadership.
How was Israel the aggressor? They were attacked.

In less than a year leftists are gonna go full 9/11 conspiracy that 10/7 was an inside job. It’s alarming how fast they are forgetting that it happened.
I don’t know OP, which is worse Hamas raping, maiming and killing innocents on October 7, using human shields as a cover for terrorist activity, or refusing to release hostages?

Israel is not innocent of atrocities, but this type of propaganda in the OP’s article is just as biased as the spin coming from the Israeli side.

The entire thing is a shit show.
Ukraine DID use human shields at Mariupol. They did try and shield weapons at a shopping mall that was hit. Is it different when Muslims do it?
Ukraine DID use human shields at Mariupol. They did try and shield weapons at a shopping mall that was hit. Is it different when Muslims do it?
Ukraine? No…it’s doesn’t matter who you are. Using human shields makes you a piece of shit. Do you agree?
Another thread highlighting how the liberals on here just don’t like Jews. It is what it is. The days of the democrat party supporting Israel are over.
The majority of D's still support Israel but too many of them feel like they have to split the baby on this to appease the Hamas caucus wing.
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I don’t know OP, which is worse Hamas raping, maiming and killing innocents on October 7, using human shields as a cover for terrorist activity, or refusing to release hostages?

Israel is not innocent of atrocities, but this type of propaganda in the OP’s article is just as biased as the spin coming from the Israeli side.

The entire thing is a shit show.

A pox on both their houses.

Trying to choose which side is “worse” is a fool’s errand.
Neither! Nothing in that theater, can top the unsolicited atrocities perpetuated upon the Israeli people on 7 October.....
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