Will There be clamoring for Trump to Leave the Race After this Speech.....

Oh, I make myself Laugh!!! Hurr durr.

George Conway just had a great take on MSNBC. Trump essentially had a layup tonight per what he needed to do and he just couldn't hold it together. Sociopath Narcissist gonna Sociopath Narcissist.

But per the usual, the New York Times and Washington Post at least in the immediate aftermath are cleaning up after Trump's rambling drunk uncle "speech".

The mooning gargoyle of Freiburg Minster,

The Defiant Sentinel: How a Mooning Gargoyle Became Freiburg Minster’s Iconic Symbol

The mooning gargoyle of Freiburg Minster, a unique stone figure positioned to "moon" the City Council building, has become an iconic symbol of defiance. According to legend, a disgruntled stonemason, unpaid for his work by the council, crafted this cheeky gargoyle as an act of rebellion. This bold gesture, aimed directly at the council, serves as a lasting reminder of his protest against injustice. Over the centuries, the gargoyle has captivated visitors, symbolizing the human spirit's resilience and the power of creative defiance against authority.


The Providential President

Why does God love Trump (saved his life) and hate Biden (gave him dementia and COVID)?

Is God telling us he prefers the Old Testament values of Trump and the Republicans over those of Biden and the Democrats which accord more closely with what Jesus taught?

Is God disowning Jesus?

Or is Trump the promised Anti-Christ and God has nothing to do with it beyond testing our faith?

Somebody please explain what's happening to this poor atheist and others who are struggling to understand His message.

Night animal screech?

We have had some kind of loud animal screeching in our yard the last week or so. I originally thought it was a bat (or a few bats) but it is so loud that i don’t think that I was right. Is it screech owl season?

I think a bat chirp is really short and almost inaudible. These screeches are almost a full second and happen about every 5-10 seconds. And they’re pretty loud. Windows open and we hear them loud enough sometimes to wake us up.

I looked on the Iowa DNR site and they describe a call from a screech owl as a short call ‘going down’ in pitch, but these sounds are going up (we think).

What is this beast? (beasts?)
