Search results for query: pence

  1. millah_22

    Washington Post story on Kim Mulkey

    She hasn't been this mad since Pence refused to overturn the election.
  2. lucas80

    JD Vance:

    ...of moderates and independent women. People should always be reminded that the only reason Vance was nominated this time around is that Mike Pence refused to participate in the coup, and Trump's cult tried to kill him for it. This is the guy Trump wants to fill out his term when long Covid or...
  3. Scruddy

    Bad News For The CIA

    "Omg guys he didn't know he stole those even though they were sitting out in the open in the middle of his garage!!!" Lmfao imagine trying to unironically push such nonsense.
  4. BDE420

    Newsom and Whitmer or Raimando Would Crush Trump!

    I’m a moron because the highest ranking DemoKlan besides Biden is a Black Woman which is exactly the optics and BS you’re party runs with to ad nauseam with DEI and all it’s appointments. But when it comes time to replace the old white dude at the top you want another white dude at the top and...
  5. hexumhawk

    Trump unlimited terms….

    Your premise is that you have to believe that was an actual coup attempt. I don't. A real one would involve lots of guns and blood. You also have to believe that Trump told them to do it, which he didn't. We aren't arguing the same things because I am arguing reality and you are arguing a...
  6. stillh8unlv

    Could Donald Trump actually be the Antichrist in the Bible?

    I read once where the end of times would be started by the sound of trumpets......Trump/Pence? Coincidence?
  7. cigaretteman

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    In declining to endorse Trump, Mike Pence made a major statement that undercut other Trump-skeptical Republicans who have suggested through their actions that there is no alternative. His decision could also provide a permission structure for others whose endorsements are up in the air, like...
  8. S

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    Pence got the nod in ‘16 because he reassured the evangelical base that Trump could be normal, and because he was boring, and wouldn’t pull attention away from trump. Scott is the most likely pick imo because he won’t distract from Trump. It’s amazing to me how many republicans want to be...
  9. Jan Itor

    A vote for Biden is a vote for Elder Abuse

    He headed up the Covid task force.
  10. RagnarLothbrok

    A vote for Biden is a vote for Elder Abuse It was true for Obama when he picked Joe Biden; the same as it was true for McCain when he picked Sarah Palin. Trump likely picked Pence to appeal to more evangelicals, and Trump could quite possibly pick someone like Tim Scott this time around for obvious reasons. Again, though...
  11. Joes Place

    Bad News For The CIA

    Nope. Not the case for either Biden, or Pence. There was no grounds for "intent", because neither tried to obfuscate or hide the documents. In Trump's case, they have dozens of examples of trying to hide them AND make unsubstantiated claims that the documents were his. That explicitly...
  12. Kelsers

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    Pence is still too big of a pussy to come out and comment about Trump, and why he doesn't support him. Maybe at some point he will?
  13. lucas80

    Why is America so divided?

    Well, maybe history will repeat itself and America will elect a repugnant criminal like Donald Trump. He's so totally of the cops, unless they are stopping his goons from hanging Mike Pence. Trump loves cops so much he'll let them get smashed in the face to save America...
  14. L

    Biden campaign launches ad targeting Haley voters

    The best way to eliminate Donald Trump from the national stage is to not vote for him in November. Supporters of Nikki Haley will not vote for Trump and will probably vote for Biden. Even Mike Pence will likely vote for Biden.
  15. FAUlty Gator

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    The ones who would listen to Pence are the same ones who won’t give a shit if they are told by him it to vote for Trump. Weird dynamic.
  16. tumorboy


    Again , idk man what was the end game if FBI swat team didn’t rescue Pence. Or if the agent hadn’t shot the lady breaching the door. They didn’t back off until that happened. All of it was delay delay delay. Until Trump gets his way somehow.
  17. BioHawk

    Grassley takes credit for prodding FBI to investigate Biden whistleblower charged with lying

    Great. Now explain how you knew there was a plan to remove Pence on January 6th.
  18. Joes Place

    The Biden admin is considering bringing Palestinians to the US as refugees...

    ...mob wants to hang an ambassador: "These people are animals!!! We should not let ANY of them in this country!!" MAGA mob wants to hang VP Mike Pence: "Well, these folks are just angry, because they were told their election was stolen. We need to re-elect Trump so he can pardon all of them!"
  19. RonaldMexico

    The Biden admin is considering bringing Palestinians to the US as refugees...

    The point wasn’t what the op ed stated, it was that it was an op ed. Good grief. Also, why do you keep bringing up MAGA and Trump in your posts about Gaza? Is it to prove that you are incapable of looking at any issue through a lens other than your blue team prism? If so, well done.
  20. alaskanseminole

    A vote for Biden is a vote for Elder Abuse

    I always try to look at the VP through the lens of "would this person be a good president" and through that lens I did not think Kamala or Sarah P. fit that bill and it had zero to do with them being women--both were simply vote ploys.