Anna Paulina Luna was there working on her brand today. Anyone willing to change their name in order to be more viable politically will certainly debase herself publicly in one of these stunts. I'm just shocked she didn't show more cleavage in an attempt to get Don's attention.
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All good. I agree it was bonkers. I think the storming of the capitol on Jan 6 was juvenile and stupid. I could be wrong but I don't think a shot was fired? Which for me makes the whole claim of "overthrowing the government" laughable.
If you are overthrowing the f'n USA you better be packing and firing
Again , idk man what was the end game if FBI swat team didn’t rescue Pence. Or if the agent hadn’t shot the lady breaching the door. They didn’t back off until that happened.
All of it was delay delay delay. Until Trump gets his way somehow.
Until that PR nightmare I thought she was a good pick for him but really besides being a woman what else does she bring him? 3 votes from SD he'd all ready get?
Her being an idiot doubling down on the incident may make her more crazy than Trump
Her foreign policy experience would be her greatest asset for Trump. After all, what other Republican VP candidate has personally met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea? The rhetorical answer is no one. Noem has and this is just one of many foreign leaders she's had a constructive dialog with.
Again , idk man what was the end game if FBI swat team didn’t rescue Pence. Or if the agent hadn’t shot the lady breaching the door. They didn’t back off until that happened.
All of it was delay delay delay. Until Trump gets his way somehow.
Not sure but I agree it was crazy. All I'm saying is Trump better spend some time in jail if the Dems want to be taken seriously in the future. As much as they want to say it is his own doing and not a witch hunt a good chunk of the population doesn't agree.

I know he doesn't speak for all of the left but even Bill Maher said "Dems are screwing this up" in regards to Trump probably not spending a day in jail. Why wouldn't he say "the prosecution" or "the courts"? That's not a view of Democracy
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All I'm saying is Trump better spend some time in jail if the Dems want to be taken seriously in the future. As much as they want to say it is his own doing and not a witch hunt a good chunk of the population doesn't agree.

I know he doesn't speak for all of the left but even Bill Maher said "Dems are screwing this up" in regards to Trump probably not spending a day in jail. Why wouldn't he say "the prosecution" or "the courts"? That's not a view of Democracy
A majority of the country feels that way. The shitlibs love to bring up the 90 some charges against Trump like that's a knock on him. To anyone with a brain it's a knock on the shitlibs, throwing everything at him hoping something sticks. I's been going on for 8 years and they still haven't got anything on him.
A majority of the country feels that way. The shitlibs love to bring up the 90 some charges against Trump like that's a knock on him. To anyone with a brain it's a knock on the shitlibs, throwing everything at him hoping something sticks. I's been going on for 8 years and they still haven't got anything on him.
No way this post is serious.

Jesus Christ.
Today was a disaster for bragg.
Defense did a lot better today. I think it's reasonable to conclude that Cohen lied about that one phone call. Probably not enough to prove. But enough to consider his word untrustworthy. So it would be fair for the jury to not consider his word credible.

But the problem is everything else. Cohen provided the taped phone call of Trump paying to kill the McDougal story. The defense couldn't counter that. It's clear that Trump knowingly paid her off at least. So why wouldn't he have paid off Stormy, too? Trump also insisted on signing any check over $10k. And his signature is on the repayments to Cohen after he paid off Stormy. And the Trump Organization Controller testified that Trump was quite the penny pincher on signed checks, voiding checks that he felt he didn't have to pay. So it's unlikely that Trump would have unknowingly signed the Story repayment checks to Cohen, especially since the total amount was around $500k. It's pretty unfathomable to think that Trump wasn't paying attention to $500k going out.

Then there was the structure of how he repaid Cohen. That was completely out of character on how he repaid Cohen for his usual legal services. Those payments were highly unusual in that capacity. And then there's the fact that Cohen took out a second mortgage to initially pay off Stormy. It is exceptionally hard to believe that he would do this without assurances from Trump.that he would be repaid.

And finally we have both the testimony of Pecker and Hicks who both stated that Trump badly wanted the Stormy story killed. Hicks said he considered it a category 5 hurricane. And Pecker testified point blank that he, Cohen, and Trump all worked together to kill the Stormy story.

So at the end of the day we have Cohen likely having lied about that one phone call, which changes none of the other facts. That Cohen committed crimes, which were done on behalf of Trump and that Cohen now hates Trump, which is understandable because he went to prison for him. That's really all the defense has established.

Absent witnesses who can shred the rest of the facts, I don't see the defense having nearly enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors that Trump was somehow in the dark about all of this.
Defense did a lot better today. I think it's reasonable to conclude that Cohen lied about that one phone call. Probably not enough to prove. But enough to consider his word untrustworthy. So it would be fair for the jury to not consider his word credible.

But the problem is everything else. Cohen provided the taped phone call of Trump paying to kill the McDougal story. The defense couldn't counter that. It's clear that Trump knowingly paid her off at least. So why wouldn't he have paid off Stormy, too? Trump also insisted on signing any check over $10k. And his signature is on the repayments to Cohen after he paid off Stormy. And the Trump Organization Controller testified that Trump was quite the penny pincher on signed checks, voided checks that he felt he didn't have to pay. So it's unlikely that Trump would have unknowingly signed the Story repayment checks to Cohen, especially since the total amount was around $500k. It's pretty unfathomable to think that Trump wasn't paying attention to $500k going out.

Then there was the structure of how he repaid Cohen. That was completely out of character on how he repaid Cohen for his usual legal services. And then there's the fact that Cohen took out a second mortgage to initially pay off Stormy. It is exceptionally hard to believe that he would do this without assurances from Trump.

And finally we have both the testimony of Pecker and Hicks who both states that Trump badly wanted the Stormy story killed. Hicks said he considered it a category 5 hurricane. And Peckers testified point blank that he, Cohen, and Trump all worked together to kill the Stormy story.

So at the end of the day we have Cohen likely having lied about that one phone call, which changes none of the other facts. That Cohen committed crimes, which were done on behalf of Trump and that Cohen now hates Trump, which is understandable because he went to prison for him. That's really all the defense has established.

Absent witnesses who can shred the rest of the facts, I don't see the defense having nearly enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors that Trump was somehow in the dark about all of this.
I have one handle. This one. Just because you don't agree with someone or because you can't put someone in a box it doesn't mean they have "multiple handles"
It's just your lazy ass way of not wanting to go back and forth with anyone
Brady Bunch K GIF

You have one handle now. You aren't Ryan silly, I'll give you that.
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Defense did a lot better today. I think it's reasonable to conclude that Cohen lied about that one phone call. Probably not enough to prove. But enough to consider his word untrustworthy. So it would be fair for the jury to not consider his word credible.

But the problem is everything else. Cohen provided the taped phone call of Trump paying to kill the McDougal story. The defense couldn't counter that. It's clear that Trump knowingly paid her off at least. So why wouldn't he have paid off Stormy, too? Trump also insisted on signing any check over $10k. And his signature is on the repayments to Cohen after he paid off Stormy. And the Trump Organization Controller testified that Trump was quite the penny pincher on signed checks, voiding checks that he felt he didn't have to pay. So it's unlikely that Trump would have unknowingly signed the Story repayment checks to Cohen, especially since the total amount was around $500k. It's pretty unfathomable to think that Trump wasn't paying attention to $500k going out.

Then there was the structure of how he repaid Cohen. That was completely out of character on how he repaid Cohen for his usual legal services. Those payments were highly unusual in that capacity. And then there's the fact that Cohen took out a second mortgage to initially pay off Stormy. It is exceptionally hard to believe that he would do this without assurances from Trump.that he would be repaid.

And finally we have both the testimony of Pecker and Hicks who both stated that Trump badly wanted the Stormy story killed. Hicks said he considered it a category 5 hurricane. And Pecker testified point blank that he, Cohen, and Trump all worked together to kill the Stormy story.

So at the end of the day we have Cohen likely having lied about that one phone call, which changes none of the other facts. That Cohen committed crimes, which were done on behalf of Trump and that Cohen now hates Trump, which is understandable because he went to prison for him. That's really all the defense has established.

Absent witnesses who can shred the rest of the facts, I don't see the defense having nearly enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors that Trump was somehow in the dark about all of this.
Cohen was always a problematic witness. Starting with people friendly to Trump like Pecker and Hicks established facts was smart. The defense doesn't have any facts. Now, they might not need them, and they really just need one moron on the jury, but the defense is basically discount what every other person and all the documents say, it was all the disgruntled lawyer that Trump personally hired and kept on the payroll for 10 years.
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Cohen was always a problematic witness. Starting with people friendly to Trump like Pecker and Hicks established facts. The defense doesn't have any facts. Now, they might not need them, and they really just need one moron on the jury, but the defense is basically discount what every other person and all the documents say, it was all the disgruntled lawyer that Trump personally hired and kept on the payroll for 10 years.
One important component for the prosecution is to prove that the payment wasn't done for legal services. And on cross, they walked right into this one.

You sure do have a lot of spam to throw in this thread. They all read the same though, "waaa, waaa, Democrat, waaa-waa".

Time to put you on ignore like most here.
And posts of your ilk are all waaa, waaa Trump, waaa, waaa. lol…I don’t care if you, or others, put me in ignore…that only proves to me that my points are correct, making you and others uncomfortable.
Correct. He would have been in court at least two years ago and he would have already served his time for this crime. He might still be in jail though for the other stuff.
You’re so full of feces that your eyes are brown. 💩
Maybe because history tells us that in the last 8 presidential elections, the GOP has won the popular vote just once.
However, the presidential election is based on the electoral college…so what’s your point?
Please stop playing with the troll, it’s distracting from the thread. Thanks.
So, I’m a “troll” just because I’m stating my thoughts/feelings, but you and other Dems on here are “defenders of Democracy” for spewing your worthless thoughts?
Where he won't be hiding is in a courtroom, in one of his four civil and Criminal trials. Like Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser
Actually, I hope sleepy/creepy Joe doesn’t hide from the public, as every time he opens his mouth we’re all so entertained by his stumbling, bumbling, and mumbling. He’s a pathetically weak president.
What’s the portrayal that he’s a horn dog. That doesn’t give two shits about his family. We already know that. And so does his followers.
Yet, he was a more effective, successful president than Biden. 😉 That’s got to stick in the craw of all you lefty liberals.
Gonna be great watching all the fake bible thumpers pretend that all this cheating never happened.
Regardless, if he cheated or not, Trump was a better/more effective president than Biden. That’s what the American people care about…not Trump’s sex life.
Defense counsel would be wise to simply take the hits from her testimony and conduct limited cross-examination. Whether he fooled around with her is not the key legal issue. There's very little, if any, to be gained through contentious cross-examination. I could be wrong (and it wouldn't be the first nor will it be the last) but I think that a vigorous cross-examination of her could truly blow up in their faces.

Only rare trials goes 100% in favor of one party. This is a witness who was going to be a problem for DT Barnum. Take the hit and move on. But, oh what a hit it is. Ouch.
We all know what probably “blew up” on Stormy’s face. 😜
Did you actually read that part or did Trump Rage Masturbation Syndrome kick in after the first sentence?

This stranger on the Internet has to know I'm legit!! Did you read the WHOLE response? The amp of insecurity on this board has to be some kind of world record

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