‘Take the land’: President Trump wants a border wall. And he wants it by Election Day.

I don't get why he can't just claim the wall has been built and that it is beautiful. His followers are morons. He can even tell them Mexico paid for it.

The reluctant Trump voters probably don't really care about the wall anyways. They can tolerate a bit more Trump boasting/lying if they're still with him this far.

Shit....they could just CGI it, and avoid all the rest of the drama....
My Senator just heard from me on this one (border wall military graves and the citizenship nonsense). I told him to grow a pair.
You only have one senator? I assume you mean Gardner? If he wants to win re-election next year he will be one of the first to try and create real separation between himself and Trump.
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You only have one senator? I assume you mean Gardner? If he wants to win re-election next year he will be one of the first to try and create real separation between himself and Trump.

The other Senator (Bennett) doesn't support Trump.

Gardner had been complacent.

I complain to Bennett about things like student loan bailouts and trying to get "Space Command" in CO, which I think is a redundancy.
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The part where he encourages breaking the law in exchange for pardons is the most impeachable thing he’s done yet, IMO

never thought I would have lived long enough to see it & hear it from a POTUS....truly remarkable.

I thought Nixon was bad...this guy makes him look like a saint. wholly hell ...what have we become?
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...AFTER they've cleared all the legal hurdles and know WHERE the relocations will be made.

Not the case here: NO family members have any information. That's not "the liberal media" saying it, it is a local news channel that has talked directly with them.

There are procedures and laws followed when exhuming and relocating the dead, particularly military dead. And they are being bypassed here.
This is a National emergency no time to deal with some silly courts. Build the Wall now we can sort out these minor items later.
My Senator just heard from me on this one (border wall military graves and the citizenship nonsense). I told him to grow a pair.

You liberal flakes crack me up, you spazz out about some bleached bones being moved yet you support and have no issue with living babies being torn from moms womb and tossed in the garbage behind a Planned Parenthood Bldg. You sick MF’s
Shit....they could just CGI it, and avoid all the rest of the drama....

It could be like 1997 CGI tech. They’ll get it

You liberal flakes crack me up, you spazz out about some bleached bones being moved yet you support and have no issue with living babies being torn from moms womb and tossed in the garbage behind a Planned Parenthood Bldg. You sick MF’s
You should check out the parties.
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Texans would sooner let you bang their cheerleader daughter and trophy wife at the same time than give up so much as a 1/8th of an acre to the gubment.

This ain't gonna end well. Particularly for the contractors sitting atop dozers.
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Last fall, the family found an attorney, who sent the Border Patrol a letter insisting construction shouldn’t start until experts analyze its effects on the cemeteries. Instead, Border Patrol officials waived laws designed to protect historic sites, citing the immediate need to protect the border, and moved ahead with brush clearing.

In a statement, CBP said it would avoid Eli Jackson Cemetery. But KVEO reported that so far, no legal protection for the cemetery has been passed.

If they are going to avoid the cemetery why does there need to be a law passed? Typical leftist government solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Oh and this source sucks. I have yet to see this 'pardon' story confirmed any major news source.
If they are going to avoid the cemetery why does there need to be a law passed? Typical leftist government solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Oh and this source sucks. I have yet to see this 'pardon' story confirmed any major news source.
Perhaps you should actually read the details here.
And one of the sources is "local", which is generally more on top of what's going on.
Get out of the way ladies the men are about to start building the big beautiful wall we all elected our President to build. I highly doubt putting a few post holes in the ground on someone’s desert property is going to be an issue.
If its my land, the posts holes will be refilled with cement faster than Thump- can say impeachment, screw that sick ....!
Perhaps you should actually read the details here.
And one of the sources is "local", which is generally more on top of what's going on.

With the way the news is these days, I'll wait this one out before forming an opinion.

This 'pardons' business is only being reported by the WP. No one else has confirmed it. Others are reporting that the Washington Post is reporting it but NBC attempts to confirm weren't successful. The Post is the go to paper for the resistance so I'll wait for actual confirmation and the inevitable dem investigation. Cuz that's all they do.
I don't get why he can't just claim the wall has been built and that it is beautiful. His followers are morons. He can even tell them Mexico paid for it.

The reluctant Trump voters probably don't really care about the wall anyways. They can tolerate a bit more Trump boasting/lying if they're still with him this far.
You know what? That is probably the best idea yet. Trump would probably go for it if you explain it to him in small words with pictures and charts.

HROT repubs, what say you? It would be a win win for both sides of the aisle.*

*I am 100% serious on this. It WOULD work.
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With the way the news is these days, I'll wait this one out before forming an opinion.

This 'pardons' business is only being reported by the WP. No one else has confirmed it. Others are reporting that the Washington Post is reporting it but NBC attempts to confirm weren't successful. The Post is the go to paper for the resistance so I'll wait for actual confirmation and the inevitable dem investigation. Cuz that's all they do.
Wait for lou Dobbs to tell you what to think.
With the way the news is these days, I'll wait this one out before forming an opinion.

If you paid attention to the details (which apparently is too much to ask), there is around a 150ft zone adjacent to the wall for access roads, etc, which may run right thru this cemetery. The wall must be 150-200ft away from the cemetery to allow for that easement, and the construction. And that is what locals are concerned about, because they've been provided zero information, and the contractors are getting money with a very tight schedule to build against.

Generally, that is not a good formula, because it indicates almost zero actual planning.
You know what? That is probably the best idea yet. Trump would probably go for it if you explain it to him in small words with pictures and charts.

HROT repubs, what say you? It would be a win win for both sides of the aisle.*

*I am 100% serious on this. It WOULD work.

One small problem, the rats who we don't want in this country would keep scurrying across the make believe wall.
Wait for lou Dobbs to tell you what to think.

Unlike your ilk, I form my own opinions and I don't wait for the media to tell me what they should be.

The idea that a sitting president, even Trump, would openly seriously offer pardons to break the law is patently ridiculous.

And the fact that so many of you are eager for yet another chance at impeachment is massively telling.

You know, for the countries sake, I hope Trump doesn't get elected again. I'd sacrifice one presidential term for my side to bring the country together again. Too much division. I've grown weary of the divide.

Sad that clearly hasn't been the belief on the left. Cleary. Tear the country apart to advance an agenda. If even half your side would simply get over the loss in 2016 and wait to win with an agenda in 2020 the country would be better off for it. But so much hating, so much bitterness. Ok the other hand, a small part of me wishes he will win in 2020. Just as a sadist. To see how the left will react. I predict a Jones massacre like scenario if that happens. Starbucks and safe spaces everywhere full of dead bodies once everyone's kool-aid arrives in the mail straight from the DNC.
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The idea that a sitting president, even Trump, would openly seriously offer pardons to break the law is patently ridiculous.

That's what he did. And "the media" didn't decide on it. Anyone can read his tweets for themselves. The courts have already decided his tweets are "official statements" from him and the WH.
That's what he did. And "the media" didn't decide on it. Anyone can read his tweets for themselves. The courts have already decided his tweets are "official statements" from him and the WH.

I'm referring to offering pardons. He didn't do that via tweet. Unless you can correct me by providing it?
I never offered Pardons to Homeland Security Officials, never ordered anyone to close our Southern Border (although I have the absolute right to do so, and may

There is not one intelligent person on this earth that will not understand that statement as an explicit assertion by Trump of his right to pardon DHS and/or close the border.
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I never offered Pardons to Homeland Security Officials, never ordered anyone to close our Southern Border (although I have the absolute right to do so, and may

There is not one intelligent person on this earth that can not understand that statement is an explicit assertion by Trump of his right to pardon DHS and/or close the border.

(although I have the absolute right to do so, and may
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Forget the wall. Just erect those "beaded curtains" Pelosi referred to.

Deplorables will accept that.
This is a National emergency no time to deal with some silly courts. Build the Wall now we can sort out these minor items later.
So, you are going to support a national emergency being declared due to mass shootings that lead to confiscation of assault weapons? And let the silly courts deal with it after they've been destroyed. Right?
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So, you are going to support a national emergency being declared due to mass shootings that lead to confiscation of assault weapons? And let the silly courts deal with it after they've been destroyed. Right?

Just who is going to come and confiscate them and when they run of those people who is going to step up, you? Haahaaa
Just who is going to come and confiscate them and when they run of those people who is going to step up, you? Haahaaa
So, you DON’T support a Dem declaring National Emergencies but only republicans?

Shocked, I am. Just shocked.