“No Sleep-In Sunday” this week!


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Neighbors are taking down their ash tree…. Directly across the street from my bedroom window! Yes, it’s Sunday, too!
My sleep patterns are wierd, as I usually sleep until about 5a.m., move about a couple of hours and then go nap from about 8-10 a.m. They started cutting the tree down at 8:30a.m….. No nap today! My golf game ought to be interesting later today. Hope your days goes better than mine gas started!
That really sucks. Hopefully it doesn't effect the shade/cooling of your room too much.

The day we were moving into our house I was looking out our front window a massive branch dropped off our across-the-street neighbor's tree. A week later on a weekend morning, all the sudden our bedroom got REAL bright. The neighbors were cutting down their massive silver maple.

Unfortunately they haven't replaced it with anything. They have a massive empty side yard that they could plant trees along, but likely never will.

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