True life AITH incident from this weekend

You are not good enough to get worked up the way you did. You are the a-hole.
Now I would respectfully disagree. “Good enough” has nothing to do with being focused…..Playing golf and being focused on playing the game is nothing more than respect for the game, yourself and others playing on the course. Talent has very little to do with maintaing pace of play. Maintaining pace is perhaps the most important part of playing golf today. Not drinking beer….not goosing your partner s=duringn their swing……not throwing clubs all over the course after bad shots…….

(Once at a PGA rules seminar, I remember an old tour ref talking about his days as a Tour rules official…..One day he was sent to “time” a group that had fallen out of pace and he watched them for 3-4 holes….After the group had finished, he was confronted by other players who wanted to know why he hadn’t penalized the group…He responded “Hey, these guys were playing terrible golf…all 3 of them…..and playing bad is not a rules infraction.”….Screwing around on the course, and not sticking to your knitting…that is a different story….Those are the folks who need to be asked NOT to come back again.)
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he'd post his own mugshawty wouldja.

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My initial thought on this situation is "it's a Sunday, and many weekend golfers can turn a beautiful day on the course into Amateur Hour" (which is exactly what happened).

Me personally, when I played weekend golf (don't play any more), I made damn sure I got there as absolutely early as possible. That isn't a 100% cure, but generally my experience was that early risers have their golf course shit together. They're there to get in and get off before the Mulligans spoil their day.
My initial thought on this situation is "it's a Sunday, and many weekend golfers can turn a beautiful day on the course into Amateur Hour" (which is exactly what happened).

Me personally, when I played weekend golf (don't play any more), I made damn sure I got there as absolutely early as possible. That isn't a 100% cure, but generally my experience was that early risers have their golf course shit together. They're there to get in and get off before the Mulligans spoil their day.
Earliest tee time we could get was 8:45 so that probably did play a role.

I prefer 7-8 am
Blaming their slow ass play for your shit drive is laughable dude. You’re the asshole.
Drama queen.
Not in today’s world, with guns in everybody’s pockets! No where is safe. You just never know what can happen where……Our group had a similar situation a couple of months ago, it started on the 10th tee….got nasty and ugly there……and then we watched the group finish duking it out on the 16th fairway….when we finished, we got there just in time to see two of the group being handcuffed and loaded into a squad car for a ride downtown. WTF….I just paid to play golf!
Not in today’s world, with guns in everybody’s pockets! No where is safe. You just never know what can happen where……Our group had a similar situation a couple of months ago, it started on the 10th tee….got nasty and ugly there……and then we watched the group finish duking it out on the 16th fairway….when we finished, we got there just in time to see two of the group being handcuffed and loaded into a squad car for a ride downtown. WTF….I just paid to play golf!
Nice places you play.
Earliest tee time we could get was 8:45 so that probably did play a role.

I prefer 7-8 am

A couple other thoughts...

1) I kinda believe they baited you with their green antics. Most (not all obviously) golfers know not to pull shit like that when they got a group right on their asses - and we do sort of live in a world where it is seemingly OK To Be An Asshole In Public.

2) Yes, you were an asshole, but you weren't The Assholes. There's a big difference between those two.

My buddies and I came up with a saying about situations in life where sometimes, it's appropriate to "say what you mean - and say it mean". To me, that's all you were really doing.

Golf courses usually post in some fashion to where slow players HAVE to let those behind them through. You know this, they knew this - everybody that golfs knows this. That's why I kinda believe they knew exactly what they were doing there. They were going to take their shitty playing out on someone - and you just happened unfortunately to be on the receiving end.

That sucks...but don't let it linger next time on the course. Be cool, cool.
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Sunday afternoon golf at a course down by Monmouth, Illinois.

I am in a stellar mood and having my best front 9 of the season. On pace for about a 40-42 on front.

The foursome in front of us has been playing REALLY slowly, but not egregiously. Until hole 7.

We had to wait about 5 minutes on the tee box while these jackholes criss-crossed the fairway looking for balls an inordinate amount of time. OK, they aren't playing "ready golf" but it happens.

After we hit our drives (and mine is stellar, lands center fairway about 155 yards from green - they are STILL jackassing around in and around the green, inexplicably shanking and topping chips. We wait about 3 minutes for our second shots. Finally, they get ON the green. And now they are lining up putts, plumb-bobbing their putters and missing, badly. This goes on, I'm not shitting you, another FIVE MINUTES. It's obvious these guys are betting (which is fine by me) because they are lining up the shortest putts and taking time and not conceding ANY gimmes. Last guy on misses like a two footer and then - again, not shitting you - walks back to where he'd missed like a 9-footer and takes A PRACTiCE PUTT (while we are obviously standing 150ish yards out waiting) He of course misses that one, then proceeds TWICE to try and put short two-footers like the one he just missed. And he misses both of those. They finally trundle - painfully slowly - off the green, a full 8 or so minutes after we got to our drives and they were on the green.

Now I'm starting to get steamed (how steamed I was not initially aware of, but as you will see, a LOT!)

I go to hit a nice easy 155 yard 7 iron. And completely toe it, sending it at a 90 degree angle directly into the woods to my right, ruining my good front 9 score.

At this point, a hot red rage engulfs my body and I yell, extremely loudly and I should note in a sort of a canyon-like, reverberating area "THANKS A LOT F--KERS! I JUST SHANKED BY SHOT BECAUSE OF YOUR SLOW ASSES!"

I then drop a ball, take my penalty stroke, and attempt a second approach shot that hits the green, but rolls off the back.

As we roll up to the green, these guys are still off to the side. Clearly vexed. A fat, redneck-y looking one is all puffed up and as I'm looking for where my second ball landed, gets all aggressive "WHO YELLED? Which one of you assholes yelled?"

I ignore him, figuring they will eventually STFU and go away.

Now he starts geting even angrier and inexplicably says "What's your problem, Judy? Who yelled, ya ******?"

I look him in the eye and say "I did."

"What's your f----ing problem, Judy?" he says.

"You're slow-ass play, " I repsond.

Then he gets all pissed off yelling at me about how I need to "find a different game to play" and "What the hell are you in a hurry for" etc., etc., hurling insults, etc.

I actually keep my cool pretty well (for someone who often runs his mouth when provoked.)

Finally, he goes "Maybe you should play a different sport"

At which I can't resist saying "ME? I should play a different sport? You're the f---k face that missed three two-foot putts."

Then one of my partners gets between us so things don't escalate and we - believe it or not - actually did play through, lol. So in the end, my outburst worked I guess.

So here's the question - I know I violated golf etiquette by cursing and yelling on the course (and I suppose "directing" it at the group ahead). And I really didn't think it would reverberate and be quite as loud as it ended up, lol. But that said, who do you think was the bigger a-hole in this situation?

I will hang up and listen to your answers.
They are complete ass hats and should get the fuk out of the way if they are going to play like that. I don't mind slow players if it's because of a lack of talent. When they are taking practice putts and fuking around that is an issue. People don't care anymore about following rules or worrying about anyone other than themselves.

However, since they let you play through I want to know how your shot turned out. The pressure had to be up there not to shank another shot in front of the same people you were talking shit to.
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They are complete ass hats and should get the fuk out of the way if they are going to play like that. I don't mind slow players if it's because of a lack of talent. When they are taking practice putts and fuking around that is an issue. People don't care anymore about following rules or worrying about anyone other than themselves.

However, since they let you play through I want to know how your shot turned out. The pressure had to be up there not to shank another shot in front of the same people you were talking shit to.
Thankfully it was a pretty easy par 3 and I dropped one on the fringe and two-putted for par. One of my playing partners got a birdie and the other two also par’d out.

So those guys couldn’t say shit 🙂
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I can deal with slow play, it's dependent on the number of golfers on the course, plus you can always play through if there is a gap.

What I can't stand and should be a war crime but is never enforced, is slobs eating sunflower seeds and spitting the shells on the green. Absolute SOTE.
The cart we had Sunday had one compartment full of sun flower seed shells.

Anything south of I-80 in Illinois might as well be Missouri.
I can deal with slow play, it's dependent on the number of golfers on the course, plus you can always play through if there is a gap.

What I can't stand and should be a war crime but is never enforced, is slobs eating sunflower seeds and spitting the shells on the green. Absolute SOTE.
One of my biggest pet peeves. Keep them off the green and tee boxes. Same with the lung darts
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