True life AITH incident from this weekend

Sunday afternoon golf at a course down by Monmouth, Illinois.

I am in a stellar mood and having my best front 9 of the season. On pace for about a 40-42 on front.

The foursome in front of us has been playing REALLY slowly, but not egregiously. Until hole 7.

We had to wait about 5 minutes on the tee box while these jackholes criss-crossed the fairway looking for balls an inordinate amount of time. OK, they aren't playing "ready golf" but it happens.

After we hit our drives (and mine is stellar, lands center fairway about 155 yards from green - they are STILL jackassing around in and around the green, inexplicably shanking and topping chips. We wait about 3 minutes for our second shots. Finally, they get ON the green. And now they are lining up putts, plumb-bobbing their putters and missing, badly. This goes on, I'm not shitting you, another FIVE MINUTES. It's obvious these guys are betting (which is fine by me) because they are lining up the shortest putts and taking time and not conceding ANY gimmes. Last guy on misses like a two footer and then - again, not shitting you - walks back to where he'd missed like a 9-footer and takes A PRACTiCE PUTT (while we are obviously standing 150ish yards out waiting) He of course misses that one, then proceeds TWICE to try and put short two-footers like the one he just missed. And he misses both of those. They finally trundle - painfully slowly - off the green, a full 8 or so minutes after we got to our drives and they were on the green.

Now I'm starting to get steamed (how steamed I was not initially aware of, but as you will see, a LOT!)

I go to hit a nice easy 155 yard 7 iron. And completely toe it, sending it at a 90 degree angle directly into the woods to my right, ruining my good front 9 score.

At this point, a hot red rage engulfs my body and I yell, extremely loudly and I should note in a sort of a canyon-like, reverberating area "THANKS A LOT F--KERS! I JUST SHANKED BY SHOT BECAUSE OF YOUR SLOW ASSES!"

I then drop a ball, take my penalty stroke, and attempt a second approach shot that hits the green, but rolls off the back.

As we roll up to the green, these guys are still off to the side. Clearly vexed. A fat, redneck-y looking one is all puffed up and as I'm looking for where my second ball landed, gets all aggressive "WHO YELLED? Which one of you assholes yelled?"

I ignore him, figuring they will eventually STFU and go away.

Now he starts geting even angrier and inexplicably says "What's your problem, Judy? Who yelled, ya ******?"

I look him in the eye and say "I did."

"What's your f----ing problem, Judy?" he says.

"You're slow-ass play, " I repsond.

Then he gets all pissed off yelling at me about how I need to "find a different game to play" and "What the hell are you in a hurry for" etc., etc., hurling insults, etc.

I actually keep my cool pretty well (for someone who often runs his mouth when provoked.)

Finally, he goes "Maybe you should play a different sport"

At which I can't resist saying "ME? I should play a different sport? You're the f---k face that missed three two-foot putts."

Then one of my partners gets between us so things don't escalate and we - believe it or not - actually did play through, lol. So in the end, my outburst worked I guess.

So here's the question - I know I violated golf etiquette by cursing and yelling on the course (and I suppose "directing" it at the group ahead). And I really didn't think it would reverberate and be quite as loud as it ended up, lol. But that said, who do you think was the bigger a-hole in this situation?

I will hang up and listen to your answers.
Both of you.

1. Them for playing practice putting while your group is waiting.
2. You for blaming them on your bad shank shot.
While they were being douches fvcking around while they should have known you were waiting on them. I find it comical that you shanked your next shot and blamed it on them.
I’ve never understood why golfers can’t take a little heat and why you always have to be hush hush. Also it appears they were waiting for you so you could play through.
So I’ll say you and the group in front of you were douchers but I think you take the cake as the top douche.
While they were being douches fvcking around while they should have known you were waiting on them. I find it comical that you shanked your next shot and blamed it on them.
I’ve never understood why golfers can’t take a little heat and why you always have to be hush hush. Also it appears they were waiting for you so you could play through.
So I’ll say you and the group in front of you were douchers but I think you take the cake as the top douche.
He's the Caitlin Clark of golf.
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While they were being douches fvcking around while they should have known you were waiting on them. I find it comical that you shanked your next shot and blamed it on them.
I’ve never understood why golfers can’t take a little heat and why you always have to be hush hush. Also it appears they were waiting for you so you could play through.
So I’ll say you and the group in front of you were douchers but I think you take the cake as the top douche.
Probably a fair assesment.

That said, I still maintain the long delay and jackassery on the green directly impacted my shot. It screwed up my ability to focus and disrupted my rhythm. Now, it's fair to say that shouldn't negatively impact a good golfer, but I have admitted I am NOT a good golfer. I'm a streaky, inconsistent golfer - so when I'm going good and in a rhythm, any disruption will screw me up - which is what occurred here.

I am defintely guilty of overreaction though.
The name Sally seems to be used a lot on the golf course. Never heard Judy before.

I prefer the tried and true insult of "Does your husband play golf?" after one of your buddy's leaves an easy putt short.

Or when a buddy is pissing behind a tree you must yell "don't fall over, you aint holding onto much!"

Or "shaking hands with the unemployed again?"

**to answer OP, yeah it was kind of a dick move on your part. What I like to do in that situation is (assuming your group you are playing in is just out there to have fun) is putt & get done on the green as fast as you can and be liberal with the gimmies so then you can roll right up onto them on the next tee box while they are still there f*cking around and and give them the death stare to let you play through.
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Sunday afternoon golf at a course down by Monmouth, Illinois.

I am in a stellar mood and having my best front 9 of the season. On pace for about a 40-42 on front.

The foursome in front of us has been playing REALLY slowly, but not egregiously. Until hole 7.

We had to wait about 5 minutes on the tee box while these jackholes criss-crossed the fairway looking for balls an inordinate amount of time. OK, they aren't playing "ready golf" but it happens.

After we hit our drives (and mine is stellar, lands center fairway about 155 yards from green - they are STILL jackassing around in and around the green, inexplicably shanking and topping chips. We wait about 3 minutes for our second shots. Finally, they get ON the green. And now they are lining up putts, plumb-bobbing their putters and missing, badly. This goes on, I'm not shitting you, another FIVE MINUTES. It's obvious these guys are betting (which is fine by me) because they are lining up the shortest putts and taking time and not conceding ANY gimmes. Last guy on misses like a two footer and then - again, not shitting you - walks back to where he'd missed like a 9-footer and takes A PRACTiCE PUTT (while we are obviously standing 150ish yards out waiting) He of course misses that one, then proceeds TWICE to try and put short two-footers like the one he just missed. And he misses both of those. They finally trundle - painfully slowly - off the green, a full 8 or so minutes after we got to our drives and they were on the green.

Now I'm starting to get steamed (how steamed I was not initially aware of, but as you will see, a LOT!)

I go to hit a nice easy 155 yard 7 iron. And completely toe it, sending it at a 90 degree angle directly into the woods to my right, ruining my good front 9 score.

At this point, a hot red rage engulfs my body and I yell, extremely loudly and I should note in a sort of a canyon-like, reverberating area "THANKS A LOT F--KERS! I JUST SHANKED BY SHOT BECAUSE OF YOUR SLOW ASSES!"

I then drop a ball, take my penalty stroke, and attempt a second approach shot that hits the green, but rolls off the back.

As we roll up to the green, these guys are still off to the side. Clearly vexed. A fat, redneck-y looking one is all puffed up and as I'm looking for where my second ball landed, gets all aggressive "WHO YELLED? Which one of you assholes yelled?"

I ignore him, figuring they will eventually STFU and go away.

Now he starts geting even angrier and inexplicably says "What's your problem, Judy? Who yelled, ya ******?"

I look him in the eye and say "I did."

"What's your f----ing problem, Judy?" he says.

"You're slow-ass play, " I repsond.

Then he gets all pissed off yelling at me about how I need to "find a different game to play" and "What the hell are you in a hurry for" etc., etc., hurling insults, etc.

I actually keep my cool pretty well (for someone who often runs his mouth when provoked.)

Finally, he goes "Maybe you should play a different sport"

At which I can't resist saying "ME? I should play a different sport? You're the f---k face that missed three two-foot putts."

Then one of my partners gets between us so things don't escalate and we - believe it or not - actually did play through, lol. So in the end, my outburst worked I guess.

So here's the question - I know I violated golf etiquette by cursing and yelling on the course (and I suppose "directing" it at the group ahead). And I really didn't think it would reverberate and be quite as loud as it ended up, lol. But that said, who do you think was the bigger a-hole in this situation?

I will hang up and listen to your answers.
I’d say you’re extremely lucky you didn’t get your candy ass kicked until you were mumbling like biden!
Probably a fair assesment.

That said, I still maintain the long delay and jackassery on the green directly impacted my shot. It screwed up my ability to focus and disrupted my rhythm. Now, it's fair to say that shouldn't negatively impact a good golfer, but I have admitted I am NOT a good golfer. I'm a streaky, inconsistent golfer - so when I'm going good and in a rhythm, any disruption will screw me up - which is what occurred here.

I am defintely guilty of overreaction though.
I’m not a good golfer but I at least have fun while playing. It’s too bad it doesn’t seem like you enjoy it even if you are on a good streak because you seem to be worrying about anything disrupting your streak.
I’m sure you’d not be a fan of me golfing because I’d be holding you up. Granted when someone is on my ass I’m not messing around going back redoing every missed putt and will let them play through once I finish the whole. But I will say golfing isn’t as enjoyable for me either if someone is on my heels and I have to rush.
I would also like to add that I have no idea what AITH means. If you meant AM I The Asshole Here, you are not only a bad golfer, but a bad speller to boot.

Or maybe you meant this:


Aithe, meaning a sub femboy with a obsession towards his love interest.

In which case I have no idea WTF you're getting at. 🤷‍♂️
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I feel like that is @Whiskeydeltadeltatango behavior. Adjust accordingly.
My 7 iron is my 190 club bro, I'm looking at an easy 9 from 155 out.

They are being dumb and I agree with the guy in front me that said the best thing you can do is play quickly and get in their ass on the next tee box.

I'm also one to not shy away from playing into someone a little bit when needed.
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I would also like to add that I have no idea what AITH means. If you meant AM I The Asshole Here, you are not only a bad golfer, but a bad speller to boot.

Or maybe you meant this:


Aithe, meaning a sub femboy with a obsession towards his love interest.

In which case I have no idea WTF you're getting at. 🤷‍♂️
I effed up the acronym I guess. That's not spelling, though ;)
Sunday afternoon golf at a course down by Monmouth, Illinois.

I am in a stellar mood and having my best front 9 of the season. On pace for about a 40-42 on front.

The foursome in front of us has been playing REALLY slowly, but not egregiously. Until hole 7.

We had to wait about 5 minutes on the tee box while these jackholes criss-crossed the fairway looking for balls an inordinate amount of time. OK, they aren't playing "ready golf" but it happens.

After we hit our drives (and mine is stellar, lands center fairway about 155 yards from green - they are STILL jackassing around in and around the green, inexplicably shanking and topping chips. We wait about 3 minutes for our second shots. Finally, they get ON the green. And now they are lining up putts, plumb-bobbing their putters and missing, badly. This goes on, I'm not shitting you, another FIVE MINUTES. It's obvious these guys are betting (which is fine by me) because they are lining up the shortest putts and taking time and not conceding ANY gimmes. Last guy on misses like a two footer and then - again, not shitting you - walks back to where he'd missed like a 9-footer and takes A PRACTiCE PUTT (while we are obviously standing 150ish yards out waiting) He of course misses that one, then proceeds TWICE to try and put short two-footers like the one he just missed. And he misses both of those. They finally trundle - painfully slowly - off the green, a full 8 or so minutes after we got to our drives and they were on the green.

Now I'm starting to get steamed (how steamed I was not initially aware of, but as you will see, a LOT!)

I go to hit a nice easy 155 yard 7 iron. And completely toe it, sending it at a 90 degree angle directly into the woods to my right, ruining my good front 9 score.

At this point, a hot red rage engulfs my body and I yell, extremely loudly and I should note in a sort of a canyon-like, reverberating area "THANKS A LOT F--KERS! I JUST SHANKED BY SHOT BECAUSE OF YOUR SLOW ASSES!"

I then drop a ball, take my penalty stroke, and attempt a second approach shot that hits the green, but rolls off the back.

As we roll up to the green, these guys are still off to the side. Clearly vexed. A fat, redneck-y looking one is all puffed up and as I'm looking for where my second ball landed, gets all aggressive "WHO YELLED? Which one of you assholes yelled?"

I ignore him, figuring they will eventually STFU and go away.

Now he starts geting even angrier and inexplicably says "What's your problem, Judy? Who yelled, ya ******?"

I look him in the eye and say "I did."

"What's your f----ing problem, Judy?" he says.

"You're slow-ass play, " I repsond.

Then he gets all pissed off yelling at me about how I need to "find a different game to play" and "What the hell are you in a hurry for" etc., etc., hurling insults, etc.

I actually keep my cool pretty well (for someone who often runs his mouth when provoked.)

Finally, he goes "Maybe you should play a different sport"

At which I can't resist saying "ME? I should play a different sport? You're the f---k face that missed three two-foot putts."

Then one of my partners gets between us so things don't escalate and we - believe it or not - actually did play through, lol. So in the end, my outburst worked I guess.

So here's the question - I know I violated golf etiquette by cursing and yelling on the course (and I suppose "directing" it at the group ahead). And I really didn't think it would reverberate and be quite as loud as it ended up, lol. But that said, who do you think was the bigger a-hole in this situation?

I will hang up and listen to your answers.
I think you are in the right for being pissed. They should know not to take that long especially when someone is obviously waiting behind them.
OP isn't an asshole, but seems like a bit of a pussy. I have little tolerance for slow play, but none when it comes to jacking around on the green after you've finished. I would have approached them personally and not yelled at them, that's dumb and doesn't help anything.
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What’s the name of the Monmouth course, torbee? Played a lot of west central Illinois courses back in the day…..In Galesburg, Macomb, Blandingsberg and a few others…..old age prevents me from recalling the Monmouth courses name………..
What’s the name of the Monmouth course, torbee? Played a lot of west central Illinois courses back in the day…..In Galesburg, Macomb, Blandingsberg and a few others…..old age prevents me from recalling the Monmouth courses name………..
Gibson Woods.

Interesting little course. Pretty short, but loads of dog legs and pretty tight with mature trees.
Probably a fair assesment.

That said, I still maintain the long delay and jackassery on the green directly impacted my shot. It screwed up my ability to focus and disrupted my rhythm. Now, it's fair to say that shouldn't negatively impact a good golfer, but I have admitted I am NOT a good golfer. I'm a streaky, inconsistent golfer - so when I'm going good and in a rhythm, any disruption will screw me up - which is what occurred here.

I am defintely guilty of overreaction though.
Sure you got mad and let it rage a bit. Whatever. I hate slow play, too. And whenever I've been in a group that is not keeping pace, I really get on the others to play ready golf and get moving, probably to the point of being annoying. But the things these guys were doing are not cool for a beautiful weekend day with a full tee sheet. If it was a Wednesday afternoon and the place was dead? Go wild. Do your thing. But know your surroundings and be mindful of pace of play. You can have a money game and still not be a burden to the groups behind you.

CSB: When I played Hazeltine a few years ago, we got to the first tee and the starter said "We have one rule: Play this round in four hours." Our group was walking that day (two carrying, two push carts), and he said the guys with push carts should walk on the green with them if it will save time, which was insane to me, but I appreciated the emphasis placed on pace. Also: Larry Fitzgerald and Rich Gannon were in the group in front of us.
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Sure you got mad and let it rage a bit. Whatever. I hate slow play, too. And whenever I've been in a group that is not keeping pace, I really get on the others to play ready golf and get moving, probably to the point of being annoying. But the things these guys were doing are not cool for a beautiful weekend day with a full tee sheet. If it was a Wednesday afternoon and the place was dead? Go wild. Do your thing. But know your surroundings and be mindful of pace of play. You can have a money game and still not be a burden to the groups behind you.

CSB: When I played Hazeltine a few years ago, we got to the first tee and the starter said "We have one rule: Play this round in four hours." Our group was walking that day (two carrying, two push carts), and he said the guys with push carts should walk on the green with them if it will save time, which was insane to me, but I appreciated the emphasis placed on pace. Also: Larry Fitzgerald and Rich Gannon were in the group in front of us.
I'm really not trying to pigeon hole you into one character foe the rest of your existence but when I saw you had replied there was a small part of me hoping Torbee was going to get the Sprite treatment.
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