$1.3 billion dollar lotto winner in Oregon is a Laotian immigrant battling cancer.


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Cool to see someone in need win the thing. Hopefully it doesn’t lead to squabbling inside the family.
It will totally lead to squabbling.

It'd be nice if lottery winners could remain anonymous. I understand why the names are made public but it gets the vultures circling. I'd like to have that problem though :)
Several states allow to remain anonymous. It's one of the few things right with Kansas
Don't you have to have a "blind trust" to remain anonymous though? Or can you just opt to remain anonymous...if so, great.
Several states allow to remain anonymous. It's one of the few things right with Kansas
Illinois recently changed the law to this. There recently was a big winner in Illinois who chose to stay anonymous. You could just hear the pouting in the local reporting since they couldn't get their "Big Winner Money Shot". I certainly would stay anonymous, although there would be signs. I don't know that I would immediately quit my job because the health insurance is easier to deal with, but I certainly would have a different attitude at work. There is something freeing about not having to have any f**ks left to give, especially in a job where it is extremely difficult to replace you and you aren't shitty at it.
I wish the guy luck, but people with more money than him have died from cancer. It’s the ultimate equal opportunity disease.
Illinois recently changed the law to this. There recently was a big winner in Illinois who chose to stay anonymous. You could just hear the pouting in the local reporting since they couldn't get their "Big Winner Money Shot". I certainly would stay anonymous, although there would be signs. I don't know that I would immediately quit my job because the health insurance is easier to deal with, but I certainly would have a different attitude at work. There is something freeing about not having to have any f**ks left to give, especially in a job where it is extremely difficult to replace you and you aren't shitty at it.
Unless you have health issues that would cost millions year over year, no job is worth keeping over health insurance. Even invested at 5%, half a bil nets $25,000,000 in income annually. I think you can cover your medical expenses and go to the best doctors and hospitals in the world. But I guess if you live giving zero fvcks at your job, you do you. But I’m never working another effing day if I were to win.
Illinois recently changed the law to this. There recently was a big winner in Illinois who chose to stay anonymous. You could just hear the pouting in the local reporting since they couldn't get their "Big Winner Money Shot". I certainly would stay anonymous, although there would be signs. I don't know that I would immediately quit my job because the health insurance is easier to deal with, but I certainly would have a different attitude at work. There is something freeing about not having to have any f**ks left to give, especially in a job where it is extremely difficult to replace you and you aren't shitty at it.
Buying health insurance on the marketplace is very easy. No job is worth the insurance if you have that kind of money.
I don't know that I would immediately quit my job because the health insurance is easier to deal with, but I certainly would have a different attitude at work. There is something freeing about not having to have any f**ks left to give, especially in a job where it is extremely difficult to replace you and you aren't shitty at it.
You have hundreds of millions of dollars, why not ‘self insure’?
Several states allow to remain anonymous. It's one of the few things right with Kansas
As a Kansas resident............

Spot On GIF
Unless you have health issues that would cost millions year over year, no job is worth keeping over health insurance. Even invested at 5%, half a bil nets $25,000,000 in income annually. I think you can cover your medical expenses and go to the best doctors and hospitals in the world. But I guess if you live giving zero fvcks at your job, you do you. But I’m never working another effing day if I were to win.
^This. Just managing the level of assets thrust upon you would be a full time gig, you can do a lot of good in the world with that amount of wealth along with securing your family for generations to come.
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It will totally lead to squabbling.

It'd be nice if lottery winners could remain anonymous. I understand why the names are made public but it gets the vultures circling. I'd like to have that problem though :)
There are some states, Georgia included, that allow winners to be anonymous. Apparently, it's a state's decision to make on whether to allow winners to remain anonymous. We would claim the winnings under some LLC entity or whatever is most appropriate. There would be signs, however lol
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Unless you have health issues that would cost millions year over year, no job is worth keeping over health insurance. Even invested at 5%, half a bil nets $25,000,000 in income annually. I think you can cover your medical expenses and go to the best doctors and hospitals in the world. But I guess if you live giving zero fvcks at your job, you do you. But I’m never working another effing day if I were to win.
I actually love 80% of my job and given the scarcity of people who do my job anymore and the fact that I do my job well enough to stay off their radar I really don't get too much interference from my bosses. But I doubt I would do this for very long because if it were discovered I won the lottery I'm sure there are a million reasons people could make up to try and sue me for it. Again, I can't say I've really thought through the whole "what would I do if I won a billion dollars" scenario. At least not with any seriousness.
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You have hundreds of millions of dollars, why not ‘self insure’?
Honestly, the best answer is I don't think extorting people for money because they are sick is morally acceptable and would want to keep my money away from those people if I could (right now I don't really have a choice). With that kind of money, though, moving to a country with socialized health care might actually be a viable option. I'm betting I'd pay less in increased taxes than I would trying to be self insured. Especially if I actually got really sick. But there are things I would miss here. Maybe this is why super rich people have multiple residencies in different countries.
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Honestly, the best answer is I don't think extorting people for money because they are sick is morally acceptable and would want to keep my money away from those people if I could (right now I don't really have a choice). With that kind of money, though, moving to a country with socialized health care might actually be a viable option. I'm betting I'd pay less in increased taxes than I would trying to be self insured. Especially if I actually got really sick. But there are things I would miss here. Maybe this is why super rich people have multiple residencies in different countries.
I would have to quit.....if I adjusted anyone and they got sore....lawsuit.
I would have to quit.....if I adjusted anyone and they got sore....lawsuit.
I've heard some ridiculous stories about lottery lawsuits, however not sure how true they are. One I've read was a guy was being sued because the plaintiff's wife left him because she thought less of him because he didn't win the lottery.
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If I ever won a billion dollars I'd buy an old toys r us and make it a huge dispensery, and then host a squid games in it, and the winner (last person not dead) gets to live there forever.
Can you imagine Dim Kim's reaction if this individual was a resident of Mississippi North?
Honestly, the best answer is I don't think extorting people for money because they are sick is morally acceptable and would want to keep my money away from those people if I could (right now I don't really have a choice).

Wait, who is ‘extorting’ you for being sick?
The doctors and nurses and medical equipment producers that devote their time to your healthcare?
Is that your notion of extortion? People wanting to be paid for working for your benefit?

With that kind of money, though, moving to a country with socialized health care might actually be a viable option.

People with ‘that kind of money’ come here for the best care money can buy.

I'm betting I'd pay less in increased taxes than I would trying to be self insured.

Most people don’t come out ahead on insurance, and even if you were a chronically ill person who is subsidized by others, going to work for an insurance benefit that costs a few tens of thousands of dollars at most, when you have hundreds of millions available and could easily create millions in income, is… dumb.
Wait, who is ‘extorting’ you for being sick?
The doctors and nurses and medical equipment producers that devote their time to your healthcare?
Is that your notion of extortion? People wanting to be paid for working for your benefit?
No, don't be stupid. It's not doctors and nurses who are causing the United States healthcare system to cost 10 times more than any other system on the planet.
No, don't be stupid. It's not doctors and nurses who are causing the United States healthcare system to cost 10 times more than any other system on the planet.
Setting aside that it doesn’t cost 10 times more than any other system (and ignoring for now that the government directs over half that spending), with the tax free interest earnings from hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal bonds at your disposal you could hire a private medical team.

But you want to go to work so you can keep your crappy insurance?

Setting aside that it doesn’t cost 10 times more than any other system (and ignoring for now that the government directs over half that spending), with the tax free interest earnings from hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal bonds at your disposal you could hire a private medical team.

But you want to go to work so you can keep your crappy insurance?

Maybe not 10 times but it is a crapton more. And yeah, profiteering off sick people is immoral. People should be compensated for their time and training, but that doesn't excuse what administrations, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies have done to health care costs. Part of the reason many people think nationalized health care is too expensive is because of the way these entities have inserted themselves into the process to jack up prices. Especially health insurance companies.
And yeah, profiteering off sick people is immoral.
Profiteering implies illegal.

The baker doesn’t make your bread consequent to his own benevolence and charity.

People should be compensated for their time and training, but that doesn't excuse what administrations, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies have done to health care costs. Part of the reason many people think nationalized health care is too expensive is because of the way these entities have inserted themselves into the process to jack up prices. Especially health insurance companies.
Governments require health insurance companies to provide specific coverages, which jack up the prices.

Our mixed model, where government directs most of the resources, and places enormous restrictions on the private direction of the rest, suffers because it tries to keep the consumer out of the equation.

You would be much better off choosing your own treatment and spending your own money for it than relying on insurance companies to take your money up front, irrespective of your needs, and then tell you what treatments, and from what providers, and in what amounts, you’re allowed to consume healthcare goods and services.

But you’d keep working to keep paying insurance, why exactly?
Profiteering implies illegal.

The baker doesn’t make your bread consequent to his own benevolence and charity.

Governments require health insurance companies to provide specific coverages, which jack up the prices.

Our mixed model, where government directs most of the resources, and places enormous restrictions on the private direction of the rest, suffers because it tries to keep the consumer out of the equation.

You would be much better off choosing your own treatment and spending your own money for it than relying on insurance companies to take your money up front, irrespective of your needs, and then tell you what treatments, and from what providers, and in what amounts, you’re allowed to consume healthcare goods and services.

But you’d keep working to keep paying insurance, why exactly?
You know, it is possible to actually like your job.
It’s good to see that he will have the money to try and improve his health.
The parts I find interesting is that he and someone else were spending a few hundred dollars on lotto tickets. Not sure I’d be blowing that money if I was strapped for cash because of medical bills.
It’s also a bit annoying that he wore a sash saying he has roots with an ethnic group in south china. Is he going to be spending a bunch of his money in china with the other communist members from the United States?